Chapter 3 - The Servant Boy

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Noelle suddenly was thrown awake from her nightmare by a rapt knocking on the door. Her blood ran cold, in fear it was Adron coming to "talk" to her again. She straightened herself up, smoothing out her dress, and the door opened to reveal not Adron, but instead a boy around her age. Her eyebrows raised in surprise.

From his attire, Noelle could tell he was a servant. While the clothes he wore were in good condition, they were certainly of a lower status than royalty. They held none of the deep, royal colours like Noelle's gown, but a washed-out brown colour. He wasn't tall, just about the same height as she was, and his hair was curly and dark brown. He was thin - too thin - and his pale skin held a sickly glow. In one hand, he held a tray, filled with luxurious foods that made Noelle's mouth water. In his green eyes, she could see the hunger as his eyes drifted to the meal.

He placed it on the table in front of her and stood back in front of the door.

"Is this for me...?" Noelle cautiously asked, and the boy nodded, but did not say a word or take his eyes off her.

"Thanks," she muttered and took the egg cup in her hand. Upon examination, she saw miniature paintings of people, yet they were hard to make out. Either this was a form of art, or the artist had been talentless.

She felt uncomfortable eating under the boy's steady gaze, but her protesting stomach forced her to eat the egg. She had not had any food since yesterday morning.

Not once did the boy say a word to her, despite how hard she tried to engage him in a conversation. He kept himself stoic and stony-faced.

"What's your name?" she tried to ask. "I am Noelle."

"Are you a servant?" she also said. "Can you help me?"

Eventually, it turned into a game. Noelle continued talking, trying to push the boy to at least give her a name.

"I grew up in the North but I moved to London when I was three," she began, fiddling with her spoon but casting an eye at the boy at the door while she spoke. "I never had many friends, because I value fewer friends that are loyal than a lot who are all fake, you know? My best friend is called Zuzanna, and she is the longest one I have had. There are others too, of course, like Ivan, Melanie and Rupert. There used to be Donna, but she left our group and only talks with the popular kids so-"

She was cut off by the boy stalking towards her and grabbing her empty tray. She tried to protest, but Noelle swore she saw the ghost of a smile on his face as he turned and walked away. She was left sitting alone at her table, spoon still in hand.

. . .

Those moments when Adron came in were arguably the worst moments of her entire life. The fear she felt in his presence was indescribable; she was always afraid he would hurt her in some way, be it mental or physical. The man opened the door and came towards her, dirtying her bed with his person and infecting his surroundings. He turned towards Noelle with a smug smile, like he was plotting something sinister.

"I would like to take you for a dress fitting. Please follow me, Noelle," said Adron, and his voice was uncomfortably soft. He placed a slimy arm around her shoulder, and she flinched at the sudden contact. Noelle was powerless as he led her out of her room. While she hated the place with all her might, now she would do anything to return to its safe confinement.

She entered a lady's boudoir, and Adron told her that it would soon be hers. Despite the dark connotations the room had surrounding it, Noelle had to admit to herself that it was beautiful. There was a large, oval wall-length mirror hanging on the wall, surrounded by a golden frame. It was carved out to resemble serpents, and Noelle backed away when she saw them. A crystal chandelier was fastened to the ceiling, holding real candles which brightly illuminated the room. Noelle wondered how it was possible for them to shine so brightly, and the idea of magic came to her. Who knew what was possible in this world?

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