Chapter 8 - The Prophecies

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What should have been a two hour trip took the group until the morning. Frequently, they had to stop to allow Roland some rest, before returning to their mission. Their water and food supply was running short, and emotions were high and tense. Nobody dared to speak.

Noelle and Lolita took turns carrying the bags, switching every hour.

Though Noelle had to admit that out of the terrible predicament they were in, there was a single positive factor: Lolita and Roland had completely stopped arguing. Since last night, neither of them had said a rude word to one another, instead Lolita caring for Roland and him graciously accepting it. It was an odd revelation, and a great surprise to see her two friends acting civil towards one another. Zuzanna always said to look for the silver lining after all.

"How... How much longer, Lolita?" Noelle wheezed, holding her chest.

"Um, I'm going to assume another half an hour?" Lolita suggested, before looking up at the sky. "We've been walking long enough that it is getting light, so we must be close."

Noelle hoped she was right.

. . .

"Help! My friend is wounded!"

As soon as they arrived at the village, Noelle shouted to the first person she saw. It happened to be a well-dressed middle-aged woman, and she looked surprised when Noelle spoke to her. She pointed to Roland, who was being supported by Lolita.

"Do you know anywhere I can get a doctor?" Noelle urgently asked the woman, and she nodded in return.

"Yes, Dr Dyson's hospital is down the street. You won't miss it," the woman answered. Noelle thanked her repeatedly and ran down the street to find the man. Lolita and Roland walked slower in the back.

She rapidly knocked on the door before entering, and quickly called for the doctor. The hospital was small, with only about five rooms, which worried Noelle as she thought there might be queues. They did not have time for that!

"Dr Dyson?" Noelle called, and her call was answered by a short, elderly man with a bushy grey beard and a navy blue coat. On his wrinkled face sat a neatly trimmed moustache, and he sported a dark top hat on his bald head.

"Who's asking?" Dyson asked, peering at the young girl before him.

"My friend needs your help! We were attacked by wolves last night and he was almost killed by one of them," Noelle quickly explained, showing the doctor where she left Roland and Lolita as he followed.

"Is the wound deep?" He asked, twirling his proud moustache around his finger.

"I-I don't really know... it was bleeding a lot so we bandaged it up quickly," Noelle said, suddenly feeling really foolish that she barely knew anything about the injury. Everything had happened so fast, she had not even had time to comprehend everything. In her stress and panic, she had not spared a glance at the wound, instead covering it up as fast as she could.

Roland and Lolita were close to the hospital, so they met halfway. Dyson helped lift Roland and carry him faster, while the girls watched with tense faces.

Roland was taken to the third room, so Noelle and Lolita waited on the comfortable sofas as the doctor examined their friend. The waiting room they were in was pleasantly decorated, with cheerful posters on the walls and bright curtains. Noelle could tell that the eccentric doctor had been going for a carefree vibe, yet it did little to mask their fear.

"Do you think he's going to be okay?" Lolita whispered, and Noelle wrapped an arm around the younger girl in comfort.

"I'm sure he will, Roland is strong. He'll probably be back on his feet tomorrow and rolling his eyes," Noelle said, trying to lift their mood. Lolita chuckled at her words.

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