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Noelle turned over in her bed, hearing the annoying alarm ring in her ear. She slammed her eyes shut, bundling herself up tighter in the layer of covers around her as she desperately tried to recall the vivid dream she had.

From what she could remember, she had been engaged to the evil king of another world and there had been a war... or two... and she had met a lot of people, whose names were a distorted mess in her head. She had been a saviour, and helped stop the evil king from continuing his reign.

She remembered his name... Aaron? Although suddenly, she wasn't too sure. All Noelle knew is that it was a weird dream. Then, she remembered the ending of the dream, and what happened with her and Zuzanna. Something that she would never have.

Sick of the alarm interrupting her train of thought, Noelle decided to leave the warm contents of her bed and get ready for the next day in school. She took out her uniform from the wardrobe, carefully putting it on and smoothing out the creases. Then, she left to eat breakfast downstairs with her family.

"How did you sleep, Noelle dear?" Aurora asked, eating her eggs. Noelle shovelled into her own.

"Good. You?"

"Also lovely. It was a refreshing night."

After the exchange, Noelle and Valerie returned upstairs to brush their teeth and hair. Noelle tied her hair into a braid, cascading nearly down her back. She also applied some foundation and mascara to her face as Valerie stared at her in wonder, her mouth agape.

When ready to go, the two girls left the house and were driven to school by Richard. He dropped them off at the gates, and Noelle kissed his cheek as a goodbye before heading inside to meet with her friends.

"Hey Ivan," she greeted, and the boy waved in return. She sat down at their claimed table, where Melanie and Rupert were also present. The only one missing was Zuzanna.

"Hi!" Melanie acknowledged her, before returning to her rapid conversation with Rupert. Noelle listened idly, her chin resting in her hand. In reality, she was thinking about something completely different.

The more she thought about it, the more of the dream returned to her. The King was not called Aaron, but instead was Adron, and she even recalled the name of the servant boy who saved her from the castle: Roland.

There was something strange about that dream that Noelle could not quite place her finger on. It was so odd, and so much more vivid than the others.

Suddenly, a new presence made herself known at the table, sitting down between Ivan and Noelle. Zuzanna looked at her excitedly, and took a deep breath.

"Noelle! You will never believe what a crazy dream I had!"

The End.

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