Chapter 17 - Noelle's Wedding

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She was in a place she hoped never to see again. A large dressing room, with a great mirror and wardrobe. A tall woman with platinum blonde hair stood next to her, holding a measuring tape. She wore a white wedding dress that was too loose on her.

"You've become thinner since you were last fitted," Emanda commented, tightening the dress around her waist. Noelle did not reply, just stared sullenly outside of the window.

As soon as they returned to the castle, Adron ordered Emanda to take her to the dressing room and put on the wedding dress. He wanted to get married immediately, so the wedding would commence within a few hours.

She sat motionlessly as Emanda glided the makeup brush over her face. She let her put on lipstick, eyeshadow, mascara, highlighter, eyeliner, lip liner, foundation, contour... when she was finished Noelle did not even recognise herself. A completely different girl stared at her in the mirror.

Behind her, the door creaked open. Noelle did not bother to look, since she recognised the voice.

"King Adron says he wants his bride ready for the wedding in ten minutes," Lolita said. Noelle's heart burned at the sound of her voice, a raw reminder of her betrayal.

"Okay dear, she is almost ready," Emanda replied kindly to her daughter, motioning for Noelle to stand up and turn around. "Does she not look wonderful?"

Lolita would not meet her eyes. "She does, mother," she whispered quietly. As soon as the words left her mouth Lolita excused herself, closing the door behind her as her decreasing footsteps echoed down the hallway.

"Let me look at you again," Emanda commanded, spinning the girl around as she observed her with a critical eye. "I think you are good to go. Follow me."

Noelle made it her best effort to make her footsteps as tedious and slow as she could, hoping she could prolong the wedding in some way.

"Hurry up, worthless girl!" Emanda snarled, grabbing Noelle's arm and dragging her along like a rag-doll. She tried not to stumble as she was tossed down the hallway and into a small, white room, where two great black doors stood in front of her.

The flashbacks to the Forest of Nightmares were unreal. Suddenly, Noelle was reliving her worst nightmares. Behind those doors, rested her fate... her future. There was no going back. She would never see Valerie, her parents, her friends or anyone she knew in London ever again. But to save Dacnella and Zuzanna, it was a sacrifice she was willing to make.

The gateway to Hell opened, and Noelle stepped into the blazing heat. A thousand demons were seated in the stands, their ugly eyes fixated on her. The red carpet below her feet burned with each step, and her eyes filled with tears as she looked at Satan himself, dressed in a dark, neat suit, beard well groomed and dark hair slicked back, a venomous smile on his face.

Noelle took her place beside him, staring up at the intricate ceiling. It was laced with carved patterns and paintings, almost beautiful in the depressing state she was in.

"King Adron of Dacnella... do you take Noelle Park as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked, his voice booming and loud. It was just like in her nightmare.

"I do," Adron announced, turning his sickening face towards her. Noelle wanted to scream.

"Noelle Park... do you take King Adron of Dacnella as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Her last chance of redemption shimmered away as she replied "I do". The guests cheered and Noelle slammed her eyes shut as she waited for the nightmare to end. She did not know how much more of this she could endure.

. . .

The wedding reception was held in a large ballroom, decorated with massive paintings plastered on the walls, paired with golden frames with serpents carved into them. Diamond chandeliers hung from the ceiling, their bright glow lighting up the room in a warm hue of yellow. An orchestra played on the side, consisting of violins, piano, saxophones and trumpets. They played a lovely tune, though Noelle was in no mood to enjoy it.

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