Chapter 6 - Lunatic Mushrooms

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In contrast to what Noelle previously thought, Roland was not happy that a decision was made without him.

"You allowed her to do what?" He whisper-shouted at her, careful not to be overheard by Willow or Lolita. "Do you realise how terrible of an idea that is? Why didn't you tell me!"

"Oh my God Roland," Noelle sighed, dragging her hands over her face. "I didn't think I would have to! Don't you like Lolita?!"

"There's something off about her, I can't explain it," Roland sighed. "Whatever."

Noelle exhaled, glaring daggers into Roland's back as he began walking away. Whatever he thought about Lolita, she disagreed. He didn't get to know her the previous night as she did. She took the bag that she packed, storing spare clothes and some food to last them a few days. With one last look around Lolita's room, she left, shutting the door quietly behind her.

Lolita was already downstairs, kissing her grandmother goodbye, while Roland grumpily stood at the door ready to leave.

"Good to go?" he asked.

"Just a minute," Lolita promised, before turning back to Willow. "I love you, grandma, take care!"

"I should be telling you that," Willow chuckled. "Now, don't get yourself into any trouble, young lady!"

"I won't grandma, thank you! I love you!" Lolita hugged Willow, and Noelle smiled at the heartwarming sight. When they were ready to go, they left the home and began walking once again down the sandy road while Willow waved to them from the window.

"Don't you think it is odd that Willow just let her go?" Roland whispered. Lolita was a few yards ahead of them, so she could not hear their conversation.

"Roland, drop it," Noelle warned, growing increasingly annoyed. "We can trust Lolita, she wants to help me get home."

"Help you get home? When was that decided?" Roland asked. "Did you just decide all of this with Lolita?"

"Yes," Noelle simply replied. "I need to get back to London, and she wants to help with that. Why, have you got something against me going home?"

"Of course not!" Roland defended himself. "I'll help you get home too, I just don't know why you shared all of this with Lolita when I helped..."

He cut himself off before he finished his sentence.

They had been walking down the road for hours, already stopping twice for a break. Noelle felt like she hadn't been able to fully recover her body from yesterday's strain and to be on her feet again so soon after took its toll on her body. Every time she requested a break, she could sense Lolita and Roland's annoyance, though they tried not to show it.

They reached a point where the road stopped, instead there was a sharp turn with a footpath, leading straight into a forest. Noelle wondered if it was the same one that surrounded the castle, as all this time they had been walking on the edge of the forest.

"You know this place. Where are we going?" Roland challenged Lolita, who was looking around her with a look of confusion plastered on her face.

"This looks... different," she said, turning around in circles as she stared at where they came from. "Did we go the wrong way?"

"Are you serious?" Roland exclaimed, slapping his forehead. "You are supposed to be leading us, Lolita!"

"Guys stop, I'm sure we can work something out, right?" Noelle interfered, stepping between the two. "How about we follow the footpath? It must lead somewhere."

"Sure," Lolita agreed, glaring at Roland, who returned the look with just as much passion.

Inwardly, Noelle prepared herself for a straining day with her two new friends who seemingly hated each other.

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