Chapter 19 - Love Blooms

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Noelle slowly blinked her eyes open, taking in the green scenery around her. Small houses dotted the street and people bustled about. With a smile on her face, she realised she was in the Lost Forest. She quickly spun around to see if Lolita was still with her - for she did not trust her alone - and she was getting up from being sprawled on the ground just like her.

"Oh my God, we made it!" Lolita sighed in relief, throwing herself on the grass and spreading her limbs out. Noelle slowly stood up, stretching her aching body. Without waiting another moment, Noelle grabbed her wrist.

"Come on! We don't have a moment to lose!"

The two girls ran as fast as they could in the direction of Delilah's castle, from which the tallest tower was peeking out over the top of the trees. They burst through the gates, ignoring the guards that shouted at them and bounded through the maze-like corridors to reach the Queen.

"Wait!" Lolita suddenly said, stopping Noelle in her tracks. "H-How do you think they feel about me?"

Noelle took a deep breath. "They are not happy... nicely said."

Lolita's shoulders sank. "I guess I'll have to work extra hard to make them like me again," she muttered, downcast.

"Tell them what you told me. About Adron's plan," said Noelle, placing a hand on her shoulder. Lolita nodded after an afterthought.

The doors swung open to reveal Queen Delilah sat delicately on her throne, her crown neatly placed atop her head and her staff in hand. As soon as Noelle and Lolita entered the room, her head turned to greet them, as did everyone else's in the room. Noelle noted that all of her friends were present, along with a few nobles.

"Noelle!" Roland exclaimed, his face cracking into a grin. "You're okay!" He ran towards her, giving her a heartfelt hug which she gladly returned. Zuzanna was next in line and threw herself at Noelle as soon as she had detached herself from Roland.

"I was so scared," Zuzanna whispered into her ear, her hands wrapped around Noelle's neck. She could feel her warm breath on her neck and the light wetness of her warm tears. "I-I wouldn't have forgiven myself if something happened to you!"

It happened so fast that Noelle did not even have time to speak. Within a moment, Zuzanna's lips were on hers, a quick flutter, only a gentle breeze across her lips, like the wings of a butterfly. It was short and sweet, but it unleashed a wild flurry of colours and emotions Noelle never even knew were present. Her own subverted Pandora's Box had been opened, letting out all of her feelings for the world to see.

She did not care that everyone was watching, that her friends cheered and the nobles gasped. Delilah's face held a small smile as the two broke away, and while it lasted barely a second it felt like aeons to both of them.

"Good to see you back, Noelle," Jawad joined in, offering a smile of his own. She and Zuzanna were still a red, awkward mess, but she grinned to show her enthusiasm either way.

"Good to be back," she said.

Karol, who always cared for her well-being, thoughtfully asked, "are you alright? Zuzanna said you were taken by Adron to save all of us!"

"That was a very brave and noble thing to do, Noelle. You sacrificed yourself to save the Lost Forest and the people of the rebellion... and for that, I am eternally grateful. Thank you," Queen Delilah said, rising from her throne. Noelle bowed on instinct.

"How do you make it out?" Jawad asked the question everyone wanted to hear, which brought Noelle to the uncomfortable and tense topic of Lolita. She angled her head towards the girl, who was standing by the door awkwardly shuffling her feet. Until that moment, Lolita had tried to stay out of sight but gave a timid wave when all eyes turned to her.

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