Chapter 7 - Fear

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What was intended to be a pleasant journey quickly turned sour whenever Lolita and Roland's conversation began. More often than not, it resulted with an argument and then them refusing to speak to each other. It was childish.

Noelle sought out the older of the two: Roland. Maybe she could talk some sense into him?

"Roland, can we talk?" She whispered, and pulled him aside so they were out of view behind the rocks.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Can you maybe... God how to say this? Change your behaviour towards Lolita?" Noelle asked as nicely as she could. From Roland's reaction, she could tell it was not something he was keen to do.

"I would, if she stopped annoying me," he answered, folding his arms.

"But you're older than her, so you can be the bigger person!" Noelle reasoned, but to no avail.

"Look, I never say anything first. I join in when she starts," Roland said, and Noelle gave up trying to persuade him.

"Well that's a blatant lie," shot Noelle, before turning away. "Anyway, I'm going to go help Lolita pack up the camp, you should join too."

She did not check to see if Roland was following her. While he was a great friend, Noelle found that in the time she knew him he was stubborn as a mule. There was no convincing him of anything!

Noelle decided to try and reason with Lolita, and when she saw her returning from her daily mushroom picking, she decided that was the perfect opportunity.

"Good morning Noelle!" Lolita cheerily greeted, placing her basket on a makeshift rock table. "How are you?"

"Good, thank you. You?"

"I'm great, thanks for asking."

"There's something I want to briefly talk to you about," Noelle began, and she looked around to see if Roland was anywhere to be seen. "So this is between you and me, but what do you think of Roland?"

Lolita's face held a grimace when she heard the name.

"He's really annoying. Why is he here with you again?" She whispered, rolling her eyes.

"Well, he saved me from the castle," Noelle explained, surprised at her response.

"He keeps getting angry over every little thing! I don't know why he does not like me, but it's really clear! Did I do something, Noelle?" Lolita vented, growing in volume until Noelle had to motion for her to quieten down.

"He said he doesn't trust you," Noelle recalled her and Roland's past conversation. When she heard her words, Lolita's face quickly changed.

"He doesn't trust me? Why?! Do you trust me, Noelle?" She asked, her eyes pleading.

"Of course I trust you, but I don't know why Roland doesn't. You're going to have to ask him," Noelle replied, and Lolita groaned loudly.

"Oh but I don't want to talk to him!" Lolita complained, and Noelle rolled her eyes at her childishness. Really, was she the only mature one in the group?

She gave up on trying to persuade either of them. If Noelle wanted Lolita and Roland to get along, she would have to find another way.

. . .

"Noelle! Can you get me these shoes?" Valerie pleaded, nagging at Noelle's sleeve. "Please...?"

Noelle looked at the shoes that were on display at the shopping centre and almost laughed.

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