Chapter 13 - The Lost Forest

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Noelle's nerves were high as Jawad rode Midnight into the village. Her first impressions were that of a jungle town, with small, fairy-like homes and tree houses made out of wood. In fact, it seemed like everything in the village was made out of wood.

It was littered with beautiful plants, small and large, each with an illuminating golden aura. It looked like a fairy's garden in real life. As they arrived, all of the villagers stopped their daily routine to stare at them, and immediately a distinct chatter started among them.

"It's her!"

"I knew the prophecy was true, Queen Delilah is never wrong!"

"How did they find the Forest?"

"They must be fake, she doesn't look like a saviour."

"That's the Bride of Adron?"

"Do they... know you?" Lolita whispered, looking tentatively at the villagers, observing them like they were some animals at a circus. "What do they mean, prophecy?"

"I-I don't know. They know who I am..." Noelle muttered, trying to understand what was going on. How did the Lost Forest People know about her? If they were supposed to be a lost civilization, then how did they know what went on in the rest of Dacnella if they supposedly lost contact with the outside world? What else were they hiding?

"Stop right there! Why are you here?" A man stood in front of their carriage, a royal guard. His helmet held a long plume and he was dressed in silver armour, the royal crest engraved into it. However, Noelle noticed it was much different from the one that belonged to Adron, it was smaller, and less extravagant. In fact, it was quite simple, featuring only a horse and a sword.

Was Adron not king here...?

"I'm taking Noelle Park to Queen Delilah," Jawad stated, and Noelle froze. How did he know her full name, if she never revealed it? Unless someone told him... but who? She never told anyone except King Adron himself. She was growing increasingly suspicious.

"Noelle Park? Follow me," the guard said, and began walking through the crowd of people that had already gathered. "Make way for the Bride of Adron!"

"What's going on?" Lolita murmured, looking at the faces all looking at them in awe, nameless.

"I-I don't know," Noelle admitted quietly. "Jawad! What's going on?!"

"Queen Delilah made a prophecy, that's all," Jawad replied, but would not elaborate no matter how much Noelle pushed him to.

"What prophecy? Why is Noelle in it?" Roland asked.

"It's nothing important, just that Noelle is the saviour of Dacnella and has to make it to the Lost Forest. Why do you think I agreed to take you?" Jawad said, and Noelle looked at him, baffled.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Noelle raised her voice at him, yet quiet enough not to be overheard by the curious crowd.

"Because you would have bailed."

"No I wouldn't have!"

"Guys... look," Lolita said, pointing at what was before her. Noelle turned to face it, a castle, elegant and grand, standing in the very centre of the village. It was also made entirely out of sleek, dark wood, with the towers built into the canopy trees. It hosted many great windows, which reflected the mysterious glow of the plants. There were several flags attached, and Noelle recognised none of them, except for one which held the same coat of arms that the goats wore on his armour.

"Welcome to the castle of Queen Delilah of the Lost Forest!" The royal guard announced, and suddenly a small parade of men left the castle to greet them. Some played the trumpet, and some the drum, others sang the Forest Anthem and some simply walked. The group looked at each other in confusion, except for Jawad, who looked perfectly at ease. Like he was enjoying the moment.

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