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For those who don't know, this was my project for NaNoWriMo 2022. It is also my very first completed novel, as previously I had made a lot of works but never managed to complete them. Which is why I'm so proud of this journey.

Thank you for joining Noelle on her adventure and reading until the very end, I appreciate you more than words can say. Every read and vote fueled my passion for this story. For anyone who decided to give this book a chance, thank you.

I won't sugarcoat it, but this was a hard journey. The month of November was exceptionally busy for me, with all of the exam coursework that was piled on top of writing. There were moments when I seriously contemplated giving up and moments when I was hundreds of words behind. Those were scary.

But I continued, and what you see now is the final product, and something I can proudly call one of my biggest achievements.

Expect other works from me in the near future. I love writing, so there will always be something new. I hope to further broaden my vocabulary and improve myself as a writer. But before that happens, this work will receive a full editing to fix mistakes or any things I want to tweak.

This may be the end of Noelle's story, but it is only the beginning of another.

Started: 1/11/2022
Finished: 11/12/2022

Total words: 58,776

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