Chapter 9 - Lolita's Birthday

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Noelle groggily blinked her eyes open as she stifled a yawn. She slowly sat up on the bed, stretching her arms, as she looked across the room where Lolita was still asleep.

They had booked the night in a small inn near the hospital, and Dyson had to pull some strings for them to be able to sleep alone without a guardian.

She tiptoed out of bed, taking care not to make too much noise as she crept along the hard wooden floor. As Noelle reached Lolita's bed, she poked the sleeping girl gently to stir her awake.

"What?" Lolita muttered, not even bothering to open her eyes.

"It's your birthday..." Noelle sang, a wide smile on her face. Lolita reacted quickly, jumping up with a beam plastered on her face.

"I'm fifteen!" Lolita happily shouted, pumping her fist in the air.

"Happy birthday! Quick, let's get dressed and go to Roland," Noelle said, and the girls put on their dresses and coats and left the inn, thanking the innkeeper on the way.

They walked the short journey to the hospital, knocking twice before entering. Dyson did not come to the door, so Noelle and Lolita made their way to Roland's room.

"What if he's asleep?" Lolita asked, as they walked up the stairs.

"Then I suppose we'll just wake him up. This is an important day, after all," Noelle replied.

Luckily for them, Roland was already awake. He was propped up on some pillows, and in his hand was an open book he was reading. He looked up, and when he saw his friends he smiled.

"Hey Lolita, hi Noelle," he greeted them. Noelle suspected that while she was gone yesterday and Lolita had stayed with Roland, something had happened. The way they were behaving was so strange and different to see. Maybe a near death experience happened to solve things, Noelle thought in amusement.

"How are you feeling?" Lolita asked tenderly before Noelle even had a chance to open her mouth.

"Much better. My leg only has this dull ache, so it's not that bad," Roland said. "Dr Dyson told me that I'll be up on my feet in the next few days!"

"That's awesome to hear! Thank God the injury wasn't that bad," Noelle said, relieved. "Anyway, did you know we have a birthday?"

"Lolita's? I know, she said," Roland smiled. "Happy birthday!"

Lolita blushed bright pink as the two sang her an over exaggerated version of happy birthday. She tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear and laughed as Roland sang a really deep melody, while Noelle put on an animated voice.

"Thanks," she giggled. "You guys are awesome."

Noelle told Roland the plan of sneaking him out of the hospital to visit the village and do something fun for Lolita's birthday, and he enthusiastically agreed. Lolita stood outside the door while Noelle helped Roland stand up, tightening the bandages on his leg to ensure he was safe.

"It's clear," Lolita called, and the three snuck out of the hospital through the back door and into the alleyway behind. They were slow, mainly because only Noelle was supporting Roland, but Lolita took his other arm to help so they were able to move faster.

They entered the bushy street, which was filled with people doing their morning shopping. The group had to take great care not to be stood on or knocked over by a passerby.

And with her friends, Noelle was happy to spend the day.

. . .

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