Chapter 5 - The Red House

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Noelle was hungry; her stomach ached and protested with every step she took.

Noelle was tired; her eyes drooped closed and she tripped over her own feet as soon as she lost focus.

Noelle was scared; she was paranoid that Adron's soldiers would ambush them out of nowhere and drag Roland and her back to the castle.

Noelle was dirty; walking through the contaminated sewage water had stained her clothes and the putrid smell clung to her skin.

She stopped counting how long they have been walking. At first, she had tried to keep a conversation going with Roland, but soon they both realised it was no use as they found themselves even more exhausted and with a stitch.

"Is... is that a house or am I hallucinating?" Roland wheezed.

Noelle looked up to where he was pointing and saw a big, red house with two floors. It was just sitting on the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere. Other than the road, it was the only man-made object for miles.

"Should we knock?" Noelle asked, as they tentatively stepped towards the house. Roland considered the question.

"They might give us food and a place to stay. I'm all for trying," he reasoned, and Noelle did not argue any longer. In reality, she wanted to rest just like he did, if not more. "Also, they must have a car if they live in such an empty place, how will they go shopping?"

Roland looked at her, perplexed. "A car?"

Noelle stared at him, unable to believe her ears. Did he not know what a car was? If Dacnella had modern buildings and bathrooms, how was it possible that they didn't have necessities like cars?

"Don't you know what that is?" Noelle asked. "Does Dacnella not have cars to travel?"

"To travel? No, we have horses or carriages and walking, but no cars. What are they?"

Dacnella was a strange world, on the brink of being medieval and modern. Noelle wondered where the line between that was but could not wrap her head around it. Was she in a completely different timeline where certain things weren't even invented yet? And who invented the things that were already present if no one from her world lived here? Noelle's head spun with questions and she felt dizzy from all of the revelations.

Noelle finally walked up to the red door and knocked. She noticed that the whole house was painted red, and even the curtains inside held a deep crimson colour. They waited patiently as they heard shuffling inside before the door cracked open to reveal a gleaming blue eye.

"Hello?" A female voice croaked from behind the door.

"Hello miss. We are travellers, and we need some rest and shelter. Will you help us?" Roland took charge and spoke to the woman, flashing his best smile. The woman critically observed them, dragging her eyes from their crown to their feet, and back up again. Then, she opened the door to let them inside and reveal herself.

She looked to be around 70, with long, silver hair that cascaded down her back and a short, hunched figure. Her wrinkly white face broke into a smile when she saw them.

"Children, hello! Welcome, welcome... My name is Willow. It has been so long since we've had visitors!"

Noelle and Roland quickly looked at each other, but they came into the house without question. Willow wrinkled her nose when they stepped in, waving at the air with two fingers over her nose.

"Phew! You children need a hot bath. What are your names?" Willow asked, shutting the door gently and ushering the pair upstairs.

"I am Noelle, and this is my friend Roland."

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