Chapter 15 - The Depression

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As Noelle departed from the stage, her friends rushed to congratulate her.

"You were amazing!" Roland complimented, and Noelle flushed under his praise.

"Your speech was really impactful," Lolita added. "It's up to you to save Dacnella! Loved that part."

Even Jawad offered his compliments, something which took Noelle by surprise. Noelle wondered what would happen to him once the rebellion was over. She knew that none of the Lost Forest People would take kindly to a traitor.

She was congratulated by several others, faces that she both recognised and did not. One man, short and fat, approached her, grinning brightly.

"Wonderful speech, Noelle. Wonderful! You're a natural," he said, and Noelle recognised him from somewhere. She swore that she had seen him on her travels, and her eyes widened in shock when she realised who he was.

"Milton? From the Hunters?" She asked, bewildered. If Milton was here, then so would the other Hunters... and Karol.

"Ah, you recognised me!" Milton laughed heartily. He clapped Noelle on the back, and she almost fell back from the force.

"Hey Milton," Jawad greeted the elder. "Is Karol here?" Noelle listened intently for his answer, and her face burst into a smile when the man confirmed.

The group followed Milton to the very back of the town's square, the point furthest from the stage. No wonder she had not seen them before. Noelle was congratulated by several more supportive people, and she accepted their words graciously.

Finally, Noelle saw the familiar figures of the Hunters, and on the side was the one who she was looking for. Karol sat cross-legged on the floor, leaning against Harrison. He looked up and instantly cheered up when he saw them, getting up quickly to join them.

"Hey Karol," Jawad greeted, and the two shook hands. Karol greeted all of the others in turn, eventually getting to Noelle.

"Hey," he breathed. "Good to see you."

"Hi Karol," she beamed. "I don't believe you've met Zuzanna? She's my best friend from London."

"Why hello, Zuzanna," Karol said, flashing the girl a charming smile. Noelle felt a pang of jealousy which she quickly pushed down. Karol was just like this with everyone.

"So, how have you guys been?" Roland asked. "Is your village okay?"

"Erm, sort of? There was no permanent damage, but some houses were destroyed."

"I'm so sorry," Noelle muttered, feeling it with every inch of her body, though the fact there were no deaths reassured her.

"No need to be. It wasn't your fault," Lolita said, an unspoken emotion hidden in her voice. Behind them, Jawad grunted uncomfortably.

"Are the Hunters joining the rebellion then?" Roland asked, quickly changing the subject. Noelle appreciated it, as it gave her a moment to breathe away from her shame.

"Of course! We all wanna see Adron go down," Karol said excitedly. "I can't wait for a new Dacnella... so obviously we're gonna help. You can count on us!"

. . .

Valerie grabbed onto the sleeve of Noelle's shirt, dragging her roughly upstairs and into her room.

"Woah, what are you doing Val?" Noelle asked once inside. "Is something wrong?"

"You're my big sis, so I need your help!" Valerie stated, before blushing profoundly. Noelle raised an eyebrow at her strange behaviour.

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