The Fight (Chapter 3)

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AN: There will be a panic attack in this chapter and also a description of injures from torture. There will also be mentions of rape. 

------------Izuku POV-------------

I got into a fighting position and waited until Aizawa looked like he was ready. I then jumped forward and threw a punch, aimed at his stomach. He then responded by throwing a kick at my ribcage. The fight continued, going back and forth trading hits. Soon enough I had the upper hand and pinned Aizawa to the floor, my legs on either side of his back, my hands holding him down. Even though I had him pinned he kept struggling against me, trying to fight back. The more he struggled, the harder it got for me to keep him down. Usually, he wouldn't be able to struggle but due to injuries from my time held captive I was weakened and still healing. I had only been rescued five days ago meaning, my newest injuries were still fresh. Aizawa kept struggling, trying to get out of my grip, the class now gathered around watching. The more he struggled, the more my healing injuries hurt. I decided to just knock him out and so I held my hands up to strike him. Just as my hands were coming to hit him, he sent a piece of his scarf at me, and it wrapped around my arms. The force and speed of the weapon pulled me backwards, off him and I hit my head on the floor, knocking me out. 

When I awoke, I saw the class standing over me, but as I tried to pull my arms down to hold my pounding head, I realised that my arms were tied, and I couldn't get them undone. I started to panic as flashbacks from my time held captive ran through my mind. Soon all I could see was the dark shelter where I was tortured and the rapists standing over me. My breathing picking up and my heartbeat increased as I struggled to get out of my binds. I started to beg and plead for it to stop as liquid run from my thigh. 

"No! Please, stop, no!" I pleaded and begged as tears ran down my cheeks. 

I then felt a hand resting on my cheek and my name being called. 

"Izuku!" The voice called as my vision blurred.

I felt someone taking the binds off my wrists, as my arms fell loose onto the ground. Soon my vision focused, and I saw a very worried Aizawa crouching close to me. 

"Are you okay!?!" He said worriedly as he looked at my head making sure I didn't hit it too hard. 

I gave a slight nod as pulled me arms to my chest, holding them close. As I did that, my sleeves came down and revealed bad bruising and rope burns on my wrists. As Aizawa saw them, he immediately pulled me to sit up and started examining my arms.

"What happened?!? Did my weapon do that?! Are you okay?!"

"No, your weapon didn't do it. I'm fine and it happened around 5-6 days ago." I responded. 

I winced as I brung one hand down and placed it on the top of my thigh. As I took my hand away, I noticed blood all over my hand and Aizawa noticed it too. 

"What happened?!" Aizawa asked as he looked from my thigh to my hand and back again. 

"I'll explain later. for now, give me some of your scarf."

He nodded and handing me a piece of his scarf. I then used it to tie around my leg to stop the blood flow to the wound. I grunted as I tightened the scarf and touched the area of the wound.

"Here I'll take you up to the infirmary," Aizawa told me as he picked me up bridal style. "The rest of you, go back to class and wait there for us."




Were the various responses given. 

(This was like the only image I could find)

When we reached the infirmary, Aizawa knocked on the door with his foot and soon an old lady opened the door and came out into the hall

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When we reached the infirmary, Aizawa knocked on the door with his foot and soon an old lady opened the door and came out into the hall. 

"Hey Recovery Girl," Aizawa said, nodding his head towards her. 

"What seems to be the problem?" She asked. 

"Well, Izuku here, has an injury and I'm not sure how long he's had it." He replied. 

"Alright, well, you can come and lay him on this bed here," Recovery Girl said as she gestured towards the closest bed. Thankfully, no-one else was here.

"I told you, I'm fine." I told them, trying to convince them to let me go. 

"No, you're not, now shut up and let Recovery Girl do her job." Aizawa grumbled, trying not to sound worried and failing. 

It was then I gave up and just let them do whatever they wanted. Before RG could even touch me, I winced at the pain and tried to sit up.

"What's wrong?" RG asked. 

"It's just uncomfortable lying on my back." I responded.

"Okay, well I'll sit you up but then you have to tell me why it's uncomfortable," she told me, and I nodded. 

She then told Aizawa to sit me up and he nodded before placing one hand on my neck and sitting me up. 

"So, are you going to tell us?" Aizawa asked.

"It's better if I just show you," I said, before moving my hand and lifting off my jacket, shirt and undershirt. 

Both RG and Aizawa gasped as they looked at my back in terror. 

"OMG! Are you okay!?!?" Recovery Girl asked as she took a closer look. 

I gave her a small shrug and went to put my clothes back on, only to be stopped by Aizawa.

"You need to have that treated." Aizawa told me. 

"How'd you even get such injuries?" RG asked, looking closely at the lashes and whip cuts. 

"Well, do you want the whole truth?" 

"Yes!" They both exclaimed together.

"Okay, so...."


AN: This is the end of the chapter. I hope you all have a great day!

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