Making Changes (Chapter 10)

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AN: Couldn't find a picture of a pregnant Izuku with Aizawa so just a cute Aizawa picture today! Credit to the artist. 

What gender do you think the baby should be? 

-------------------Izuku's POV-------------------------

It's been four months since I found out I was pregnant. I've now stopped training and I am doing my schoolwork from inside my dorm, which is now also Shota's dorm since he moved in and the wall in between the dorms, on the inside was taken out so that we have more room. Of course, none of the students know about any of it but all of the teachers have asked to feel my stomach and I didn't want to be rude, so I let them, much to Shota's jealousy. I was now lying in bed, early in the morning, stroking my fingers through Shota's hair as he gently rests his head on my stomach, listening to my slow breathing. 

"I can't wait until you start to show more. I want to see your belly all swelled up, holding our perfect sunshine." Shota said lovingly, rubbing his hand across the side of my hip. 

I smiled and brought my hand down, placing it on top of his, "I can't wait either."

The peaceful silence continued, the only sounds being the slow breathing coming from me and Shota. 

The silence was soon interrupted by a loud bang on the door, followed by multiple voices from the class. Shota groaned and slipped his hand under my back and around my waist, hugging me tighter but not enough to hurt me or the baby. 

Iida's voice then ran through the room, "Midoriya, we want to know why you haven't been attending school or training! Nezu has told us that for a little while you will be doing the work online, but the class wants to know why!"

He continued to ask questions until Shota begrudgingly stood up, placed a soft kiss on my forehead and walked under the arch way (How the wall is so on Aizawa's side if anyone looks in, they can't see that it is attached to the other room. Also, since they are now joined, I don't know if I specified, but they have a bathroom and small kitchen in the room. As well as a washing machine and dryer.) and opened the door on what used to be his room, walked out and yelled at the rest of the class for being noisy and told them to get to class.

He then walked back in and sighed. "I've got to go teach now, okay? I'll come see you during lunch baby." 

I nodded and he walked out through his door as to not cause any suspicions in case there was still students in the dorms. 

After Shota left, I climbed out of bed and walked over to my desk, sitting down and started to do the schoolwork that was left for me to do for the day. 


It was now the end of the day and Shota walked into the room and flopping down on the bed next to me.

"Hey baby, sorry I couldn't stay for long during lunch," Shota apologized.

"It's okay, Sho." I replied, starting to run my fingers through his hair. "How about we go have a shower and then we can cuddle in bed after dinner?"

Shota agreed and we got up off the bed, walking into the bathroom and starting the water so it warms up while we undress. 

As I took my shirt off, I looked in the mirror and turned to the side, placing a hand on my stomach and gasped. 

"Shota!" I called. 

"What wrong!?" He answered, running into the bathroom from the bedroom, where he had gone to get some clothes for us.

"Nothing's wrong, but come here," I told him as he slowly walked up to me. I then grabbed his hand and manoeuvred his body behind mine, placing his hand onto my stomach and moving it up and down, over the small bump. 

He gasped and looked in the direction of the mirror. He then wrapped both arms around me and nuzzled his face into my neck. I let out a small chuckle and brought one hand up to his hair. 

After what felt like an hour, he let me go and we continued to get undressed before getting into the shower. We stepped into the shower and Shota began to gently scrub my body and wash my hair. When he was finished, I started to do the same to him. After we had washed each other, we climbed into the bath and relaxed in each other's arms. I had my back up against his chest and my head rested softly on his shoulder. Shota started to rub over my stomach softly, occasionally going further down and gently rubbing around my crotch, causing a small, quiet moan to slip from my lips, his actions relaxing my body and getting rid of tense muscles. 

After what felt like hours, I had half fallen asleep, so Shota picked me up and carefully dried my body off and putting me in one of his shirts and a pair of my boxers before carrying me and gently placing me down under the covers, getting in beside me and deciding to skip dinner and go straight to bed. 

I woke up and looked around, seeing that our legs were entwined, and I was snuggled into his chest. I suddenly felt nauseous and carefully slid out of Shota's grip, speed walking into the bathroom and bending over the toilet before throwing up the remains of my lunch from yesterday (since they didn't have dinner). After a few seconds of throwing up, I felt a gently hand start to slowly rub and down my back, occasionally brushing my hair out of my face. 

"You okay baby?" I heard Shota's hoarse morning voice whisper from beside me.

All I could do was slowly nod before throwing up again. A few minutes past and I stopped and leant back against Shota's chest, as he grabbed the plastic cup from the sink that I kept there and turned the tap on, filling it with water and brining it down to my lips, allowing me to sip it slowly. When I finished, Shota picked me up gently and walked out of the bathroom, placing me back into bed and kissing my forehead. 


AN: This is the end. Remember to comment what gender the baby should be!

And also chose if you want the pregnancy to be mainly peaceful with only normal things happening or do you want a few problems to come up? Maybe something to do with Izuku's military commander? Basically, do you want more fluff or some angst?

Have a good day/night!

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