UA (Chapter 2)

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AN: Credit to all the artist who made the art I put at the start of the chapters. And just letting you know; he is still referred to as Midoriya because he didn't change his name.  

---------- Izuku POV ---------

I arrive at the gates to UA, my childhood dream was to go here but now, I'm kind of nervous. I take a big breath as I take out my phone and dial the number, I was given to be let into the school grounds. 

 "Hello, who is this?" A voice ran over the phone. 

"This is Izuku Midoriya. I'm the new student..." I replied.

"Ah yes, I'll let you in, just give me a second. I'll come down to the gate and get you, we need to fill out some papers then you can go to class." 

I agreed and five minutes later a mouse, rat looking thing came down towards the gate. I assumed that this was Principle Nezu.

"Ah, yes Midoriya I've heard about you. Please come in. I'm Principle Nezu." He said as he opened the gate.

I gave him a slight nod and followed him into UA and past several doors before making it to his office. 

------Time Skip------An hour and several paperwork's later------

We left Nezu's office and walked up and down a load of stairs before reaching and massive door with 1A written on it. 

------Aizawa's POV-------

The day started off as usual, the problem children being noising and me having to silence them. 

"Shut up! Good, now today a new student is joining our class. And no, it is not too late in the year Iida." I said to the problem children. "He'll be here soon so sit down and we'll start the lesson."

------Izuku's POV------

As we arrived at the door to 1A I heard the teacher talking to the class about the homework that was due. Nezu knocked on the door and I heard a faint 'come in'. As Nezu and I walked inside the class was quiet and the teacher was looking at us. 

"You must be the new student?" The teacher asked. I gave a nod and he said, "I'm the teacher, Shota Aizawa, pro hero Erasure Head, but you can call me Mr Aizawa or Aizawa Sensei."

I nodded once more and Aizawa gestured for me to come to the front of the class. 

"Introduce yourself," Aizawa stated.

I turned towards the class before saying, "My name is Izuku Midoriya, I'm twenty years old and I'm quirkless."

The class all gasped when I said that I'm quirkless. They turned to each other and started to whisper and mutter. 

"SHUT UP!" Aizawa yelled over the chattering students. They all shut up very quickly as Aizawa turned back towards me. "So, what are you go at in terms of fighting skills?"

"Well, I'm good at hand-to-hand combat and weapons." I replied in answer to his question.

"Okay, well we are going out to train now so you can show what you've got." I nodded and followed the rest of the class to the changing room after being told that I could wear the PE uniform or my casual clothes to train but not the school uniform I was wearing. I had all my stuff with me because I hadn't gone to the dorms yet to put it all down, so I decided on wearing what I usually wore for training in the military.

As I entered the changing rooms, I noticed that all of the boys were still in here. I honestly thought that they would get changed quicker. I walked to the corner and started to change. As I removed my top one of the boys gasped and looked back over to his friends, starting to whisper about me. 

"He had a chest full of scars," I heard him say to a spikey blond-haired kid. 

"Shut up dunce face," the blond responded. 

As I continued to get changed, leaving a long sleeved under shirt on, most of the boys had glanced over at me, before quickly turning away and whispering to their friends. After a while I got really uncomfortable and sub-conscious of all my scars. I still didn't like being seen by others and also didn't like being touched (in any way, he doesn't even like hugs anymore) due to my torture and rape, so I quickly got changed and left to go to the field. 

When I got to the field, I saw some of the girls standing around and Mr Aizawa in a yellow sleeping bag that reminded me of a caterpillar

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When I got to the field, I saw some of the girls standing around and Mr Aizawa in a yellow sleeping bag that reminded me of a caterpillar. Soon Aizawa got out of the sleeping bag, seeing the rest of the boys walking onto the field, followed by the remainder of the girls.  

"Alright, now that everyone is here, we can begin training but today you will be sparing with each other without the use of your quirks." Aizawa told us.

"WHAT!?!?" The class burst out in chatter and questions.

"Enough!" Mr Aizawa spoke, and the class fell silent. "You need to learn to not rely on your quirks, therefore today we will be working on hand-to-hand combat. Now, get into pairs and when you have your partner, come over to me and I'll tell you what to do. You have five minutes."

After Mr Aizawa stopped speaking the rest of the class started to get into pairs and chat with their friends. I couldn't believe that Mr Aizawa was being so lenient with them. In the army we were told who we had to work with and if we complained we got in serious trouble. We also weren't allowed to speak unless spoken to or in my case, telling someone of lower rank what to do. 

The five minutes past and Izuku didn't have a partner, nor did he speak to anyone. 

"Alright come over here now!" Mr Aizawa yelled at us. 

I made my way over to him while the rest were dawdling. 

"Where's your partner Midoriya?"

"I don't have one sir. It's an uneven number of students sir."

"You don't have to call me 'sir' Midoriya. And that's fine, you can spar with me." Aizawa told me as the rest of the class arrived. I gave a nod and he started to give us instructions. We were to spar until we beat our partner, or they beat us, then keep sparing after that until Aizawa tells us to stop.

As the rest of the class spread out and started to spar, Aizawa and I stayed where we were and waited to the other students to start off and get going. 

Soon enough Aizawa decided that the other students didn't need to be watched the whole time.

"So, how do you want to start this?" I asked, giving him the opportunity to decide if he attacked first or not. 

"How about you attack me, and we'll go from there?" Mr Aizawa asked. 

"Okay." I replied.


AN: That's the end of this chapter I will try to upload a new chapter every day or two. 

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