The Truth (Chapter 8)

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AN: Hello! How are you doing today?

------------Aizawa POV----------------

Midoriya ran out of the room after changing, I think he forgot I was here. As he left, thought's ran through my head. 'Why did he have so many scars? How have I not noticed? Where was he going? Who did he call? Who called him? Why didn't he tell me anything? When will he be back? What's this feeling in my chest? Do I like him? No, I can't he's, my student. Even if he's 20 and I'm only 26 (AN: Yes, I know he's older than that but It's for the story), he's still my student. Nezu would never allow it. Wait why am I thinking of Nezu, Izuku probably doesn't like me anyway.' 

My thoughts continued as I stayed sat on Izuku's bed, staring at the place he was once sleeping in. 'Wait, why did I stay last night when he asked me too? Did he like it? Should I have held him close like I did? Would he have asked me to stay if he didn't like me?'

After about an hour of sitting there thinking I heard the door open and Izuku walked in. he dropped, what I think was, his weapons bag and started to take off his clothes. As he did that, I watched him, as he winced in pain. Then he took of his last layer on the top of his body, and I saw a huge, newly forming bruise on his ribcage. 

"Why are you so bruised?" I asked worry littered across my face as I stood up from the bed and stared at his ribs. 

------------Izuku's POV-------------

I gasped as I spun around, to be met with a worried looking Aizawa, the space on the bed he was just on dipped as he stood and stared at the quickly forming bruise left form Commander Jake. I thought that he would've left by now but obviously he wanted answers as to why I rushed out and who I spoke with on the phone. 

"Who did that?!" Aizawa asked as he walked closer to me, a frown etched upon his face as he examined my side. 

"I-It's fine, I-I just fell..." I lied. 

"No! You can't lie to me like that! Now tell me what happened!" I flinched as he yelled. 

"F-fine, just please, s-stop yelling at me..." I replied as Aizawa's eye's widened knowing that I was scared of him raising his voice. 

Aizawa nodded. "Well, you know how I told you about my past?" 


"Well, my Commander Jake, called and he wanted me to do a mission, so I had to go. And because I didn't pick up the phone the first time and was late to the gates of UA, he just gave me a punishment. So yeah, that's where the bruises come from." I explained.

"And he didn't even think to consider that you still have injures from like 7 days ago?!" Aizawa asked, enraged, I flinched, and he saw, calming down and pulling my cold body into his embrace. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell, or to scare you. I'm just angry that someone would be that heartless." He apologised. 

"It's okay, I understand. Your just worried about me. And I don't think that Commander Jake has ever actually been on a mission or in a war, he always just sends other people."

"Wow, what a great commander that is," Aizawa sarcastically rolled his eyes. 

I gave a small laugh and snuggled closer into his arms. He then pulled me down and onto the bed, climbing under the sheets and holding me close. 

"Sleep, it'll help you recover..." Aizawa murmured, bringing one hand up and running his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp. 

---------two-month time skip-----------

Aizawa and I had confessed to each other and started dating but decided to keep it a secret. As I was walking back to the dorms from the shops, a little girls ran into me and fell to the floor. 

"Are you okay?" I asked her, holding out my hand to help her up.

"Y-Yes, I'm okay. But I'm really sorry, I accidently used my quirk on you..."

"Oh, well that's fine, just tell me what it does and how long it'll last and then we can be on our way," I told her as she got off the floor and looked up at me.

"Well, basically me quirk can give anyone who doesn't already have them, female organ, meaning that they can have a child...I'm really sorry, so yeah, if do want to you can have a child now..." She explained as my eyes widened.

"W-Wait, so does it change the rest of my down there body or no?" I asked, looking at her with a worried expression.

"No, Mama said that it only changes some of the stuff inside!"

I let out a sigh, "Well, thank you for explaining but I have to get going now, so I'm going to assume that it lasts forever?"


I said goodbye to the small girl and started walking back to the dorms, thinking about what this meant now and how to tell Shota. 

As I arrived back at the dorms, I went straight into my dorm and saw Shota lying down on my bad, sleeping. I gave a soft smile and walked towards the bed, sitting next to the sleeping man. 

"Mmmnn," Shota groaned as he opened his eyes to see me staring down at him. 

"I'm back," I giggled as he sat up and tilted his head in question, to which I nodded, and he gently wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. 

We sat on the bed and chatted, before I told him about the quirk and what it did. At first, he was shocked but then he said that it was fine and that if we ever did anything like that, he would check to see if I felt like taking the risk or just using protection. I nodded and he gently squeezed me, placing a soft kiss on my cheek. I smiled and we snuggled into the bed, drifting off to sleep. 


AN: Sorry for taking so long I've had heaps of spare time but no motivation. I'll try to upload once every week probably on Friday's but sometimes it be more than once a week. For anyone that is reading this, please leave a comment, it will help with me wanting to upload more often. 

Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day or night!

[1080 words]

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