When Hormones Strike (Chapter 12)

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AN: Hi! This chapter contains some angst and some comfort. 

Credits to the artist. Also, the picture has nothing to do with the chapter (Like most times).

TW: Violence and yelling. 

---------------Izuku's POV------------------

It's been two weeks since I went on my last mission and Shota has been really busy with teaching and marking the class's work. Over this time my hormones have been all over the place and I've become really needy and clingy. I didn't want to bug him too much but right now I just couldn't not be around him. I was constantly hugging and clinging to him. 

All day he was sitting at his desk, working, and I was trying to get his attention. Soon enough he gave a sigh and stood up abruptly, frightening me a bit, due to his sudden movements. 

"Okay, I can NOT work with YOU constantly HANGING OFF OF ME!" He shouted angrily at me. 

I flinched and backed away from him, scared at the way he was acting.  


Soon I felt tears welling up in my eyes and sniffled a bit to try and make him see what he was doing. But he just kept yelling at me, so I ended up pushing him away from me, to try and get some space between us. He responded to that by slapping me across the face and continuing to scream at me. I pushed him back again, which earned and even harder slap, but this time, before he could get close to me again, I ran away from him and locked myself in the bathroom, went to the corner furthest away from the door, and curled up in a ball, protecting myself and the unborn child inside of me. 

I just sat there, tears running down my face, breathing fast as I trembled and tried to squeeze myself into the smallest corner in the room. 

After a while he stopped yelling, and I heard him mumble something about making dinner. 

I stayed in the bathroom for hours. When I felt that Shota had gone to bed, I quietly unlocked the door and peeked out to see him sleeping comfortably on the bed. I crept into the kitchen to see if there was any dinner in the fridge that he had made but to my sorrow there was none. He must have only cooked enough for himself. At the realisation that he probably didn't want anything to do with me for the next few days, I walked back into the bathroom and closed the door, leaving it unlocked as I didn't want to make him even more mad by him not being able to have a shower in the morning. I carefully climbed under the bench that was in the corner of the room, squishing myself under it hoping that if he did have a shower, he wouldn't see me and would hopefully just ignore me and go about his day. I didn't want to be slapped again, let alone the thought that he might do worse than that. Sure, I had been hit harder than that before, but it was because it was him that it hurt, emotionally and physically. 

Eventually I drifted off to sleep, under the bench, wishing that it was all just a bad dream. 


I awoke by the sound of someone entering the bathroom. Immediately, I knew it was Shota and quietly crawled as far back as I could go.

"Izuku! Are you in here? Please come out! I'm sorry, I was just frustrated and tired, please, I didn't mean to take it out on you!" I heard Shota call out for me. 

I didn't know what to do. I was conflicted because he hurt me, but he apologised and wants me to come out. I decided to stay where I was and if he found me than I would come out, if not I would stay here until he left for school.

I heard him let out a sigh as he continued to search the room, eventually making his way over to the bench that I was under and squatted down. 

"There you are. I was worried." He whispered with a sigh of relief. 

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