An Arising Threat (Chapter 11)

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AN: Hello! I hope that you enjoy this chapter. It is filled with angst and comfort. I haven't decided on the gender yet, but I would really appreciate it you could comment any name ideas! It would help a lot and also it would help me to choose the gender also! 

Credits to the artist. 

This is a one off (I uploaded it early because it's like my Christmas present to you guys and I mean no offence if you don't celebrate Christmas or don't like it and I hope you all have a wonderful day whether you are celebrating or not.) I will still upload on Friday!

---------------Izuku's POV----------------------

I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing, echoing through the room. I groaned and opened my eyes, carefully rolling out of Shota's grip and reaching over to the bedside table, picking up my phone and accepting the call, not even looking at who it was. 

"Hello?" I answered the phone, before letting out a small sigh. 

"Midoriya!" I heard Commander Jake's voice ring out across the room. "We need you for a mission."

"What? But I'm on maternity leave." 

"I. Don't. Care! Either you be ready and at the gates of UA this afternoon at three o'clock, or we come in there and drag you out. I don't care if you're on maternity leave or not, you don't have a choice!" He threated before hanging up the phone. 

I set the phone back down on the bedside table and snuggled back under Shota's arm, nuzzling my head into his chest, as I let silent tears stream down my face. I wasn't usually this emotional but since I was pregnant my emotions were all out of whack. 

------------Aizawa's POV---------------

I woke up, feeling my chest damp and hearing little quite sobs coming from beside me. I looked down to see Izuku crying into my chest, his hands gripping at my shirt. 

"Hey, baby, what's wrong?" I asked softly, bringing my hand that was wrapped around his waist, up to his face and gently caressing his cheek, eyes filled with worry. 

"M-my c-commander w-want me t-to go f-for a m-mission this afternoon," Izuku sobbed out while trying to catch his breath. 

"Shh, it'll be okay, I'm sure he wouldn't give you a mission in which your stomach or you could get hurt." I tried to reassure my trembling boyfriend. 

------------Izuku POV--------------

I calmed my breathing and snuggled my head deep into Shota's chest as he gently pulled my body closer to him, wary of my stomach, and softly ran his fingers through my hair, soothing my worries. 

We stayed in bed for around an hour before Shota got up and went to make us breakfast. After we had eaten, Shota suggested that we cuddle all day (it's a weekend) and then I go for the mission and when I get back, we can shower together and cuddle again. Of course, I agreed, and we climbed back into bed and just laid there in a comfortable silence. 

At two-thirty my alarm went off signalling that I had to get up and get ready for the mission. We both groaned and I climbed out of bed and off to get changed. 

                                                                        (This is what he is wearing)

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                                                                        (This is what he is wearing)

Shota then came over to me and gently placed his lips against mine, wrapping his arms around my waist. After a few seconds he let go and kissed my forehead before wishing me luck. I then started to walk down towards the gates of UA and waited for about five minutes before I saw the car that I dreaded seeing. I took a deep breath and walked towards the back seat section of the car (the front seat the backseat - the one with the middle seat- NOT the boot). 

"I see you're on time today. Good." Commander Jake spat. 

As we drove towards, what I assumed was the meeting place close to the target, I got more and more worried for the safety of not me but the child growing inside my stomach. Thankfully My stomach wasn't too big, so my military outfit still fit normally.

"You're lucky this is your last mission until you give birth." Commander Jake stated. "After this we aren't allowed to send you on missions or to any front lines. But do know that after you give birth, I expect you to start training again so that I can send you on missions and to the front lines. Even if you were sent to UA by the general, he doesn't need to know about this, got that!"

I gave a nod and debated, in my head, telling the general about what he has been doing as it is against the rules to send a pregnant soldier on a mission or to the front lines. 

We arrived at the place and the commander told me to get out. I got out of the car and listened to the commander as he informed me on what the mission was. It wasn't a simple shoot and kill like last time. This time I had to actually go and pretend to be someone to get the 'goods', that the target was offering, as proof and then detain him instead of killing him. 

As I walked through the alleyways, I saw the target. I walked up to him and asked him the questions I was told to ask. I then got the deal done and went to restrain him when he pulled out of knife. 

(AN: Times skip: I'm bad at fight scenes so I'm sorry but basically Izuku apprehended the person, got a few cuts not major, and got slapped by the commander for being useless then went back to UA. By then it is five o'clock and nearly dark.)

I walk back into the dorms, thankful that nothing had touched anywhere near my stomach. My only worry was that the amount of exercise I did might've impacted the child's health. As I walked back into the dorm I share with Shota, he turned around with worry in his eyes. He quickly ran over and checked me head to toe making sure that I was okay. Once he knew that, minus a few small scratches/cuts and a bruised cheek, I was okay he breathed a sigh of relief. Shota then helped me to patch my cuts and he gently rubbed some bruise cream on my face. After that he suggested that we have that shower in the morning and go to bed now, which is what we ended up doing. 

We snuggled close together all night, held in each other's embrace, devoured in each other's warmth.


AN: That's then end for today and I'll see you on Friday! Let me know if you have any suggestions for the child's name (boy or girl) and for the story.

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