The second day PT.2 (Chapter 6)

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AN: Just letting you know that in this chapter Deku wears a hoodie and it looks like the one in the photo above but with a hood. 

------------------Izuku's POV------------------

As I set my bag of weapons down onto the floor under my desk, I let out a sigh as my mind races back to the dream from earlier. I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts and start to get changed into my school uniform. After I'm dressed, I put what I need for the day into my small backpack that, I usually use for small missions, (from the military) and walk out of my room, making sure to lock the door behind me. As I depart my room, I see most the class leaving and follow behind. As they stop to chat in the halls before the bell rings I go straight ahead into the classroom and sit down. 

'This is going to be a long day.' I thought as I placed my head down onto my arms and rested on the desk.

Just minutes later the bell went, and I was woken up be the massive wave of loud chatter that began to filter into the room. 

"Shut up!" Aizawa yelled, getting out from underneath his desk and climbing out of his yellow, caterpillar like sleeping bag. 

The room went silent as Aizawa started to teach the days lesson. Halfway through the lesson, I started to drift to sleep, Aizawa's calming voice as he told the class to do whatever, sounding in my head and lulling me to sleep. 

I awoke to find that I was in a large king-sized bed that didn't belong to me. At first, I panicked but soon calmed down as I flet a soft hand tighten on my stomach. I moved my head to see Aizawa staring down at me with a loving look on his face, as the hand that was previously on my stomach moved and started to caress my cheek. I closed my eyes and nuzzled into the warm, soft palm. He lent down and placed a light kiss to my lips, my eyes opening slightly, seeing the loving look he was giving me

I awoke with a start as I heard Aizawa yell that class was over. (No, they didn't have training today)

"Midoriya, stay behind please."

I looked up and saw Aizawa standing at his desk, waiting for me to get up. As I stood and walked over to him, I started to get nervous. 'Did he know about the dreams I was having? Did he know that I had feelings for him? Could he feel like that too? What? No way.' My thoughts continued as walked over to Aizawa.


"Midoriya, why were you sleeping in class?" He asked, staring at me with tired eyes. 

"I-I was tired and didn't get enough sleep last night so I decided to sleep in class." I half lied. 

"Okay, but don't do it again. And if you're not getting enough sleep then you should go to bed earlier or you could not get up so early to train or do whatever you do (He was up when he heard Izuku leave and opened his door just in time to see him leave the building)." Aizawa told me, with half worried eyes. 

I nodded before saying, "Sorry, it's a force of habit." 

Aizawa gave me a questioning look before shaking his head and saying that I could leave. A soon as I left, I headed towards the dorms and got changed into my training outfit. I then went to the training building that I had and started my routine. After I finished, I headed back to the dorms and noticed that most of the class was in the common room and Aizawa was in the kitchen making what looked like coffee. 

"Hey Midobro, come hang out with us!" Kirishima yelled accompanied by a loud 'Yeah!' from Kaminari. 

"Uhh, sure, just let me get changed and I'll be out." I said as they gave a nod and I headed to my dorm.  

Once I was inside my dorm, I set my equipment down and had a quick shower. As I dried my hair, I got out some of my only casual clothes and put them on. 

(He's wearing this, but it has a hood and no shirt underneath

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(He's wearing this, but it has a hood and no shirt underneath. Also, the accessories aren't there, and the pants are more lose and go down to his ancles.)

After I was dressed, I walked out of my dorm and closed the door behind me. I got to the common room and stood there awkwardly having never hung out with people (like this) my age (or any age) before. 

Soon enough I sat down and started listening to the other's conversations. It soon got dark, and I decided to go to bed earlier than I usually do in an effort to take Aizawa's advice. As I walked back to my dorm, I realised that Aizawa had been in the kitchen the whole time and only just left for his dorm. I entered my dorm and closed the door, locking it behind me. I quickly got into my pyjama's and climbed into bed. As I was lying in bed, I thought the two dreams I had had that day. Aizawa's deep caring voice rang through my mind as I drifted off to sleep. 

(TW: Mentions of rape and torture)

I looked up to see a dark room and reached my arms down to rub my eyes. As I tried to pull my arms down, I realised that they were tied to a post with some sort of rope. My eyes widened as I started to recognise the room, I was in. I started to struggle more against the rope. I heard a door open, and a tall man walked into the room. My breathing increased as the man walked closer and closer, soon he was above me and started to hit me with a metal pole that was in his hand. After about ten minutes of constant abuse, he called in two other men, and I immediately knew what was going to happen. Tears ran down my face as I saw two awfully familiar faces. 

(I'm not going to write it but basically Izuku got raped by both men. TW over)

I awoke with a start as I felt someone shaking me. I sat up fast, tears streaming down my face, my breathing heavy and frantic. 

"Hey, hey, hey! Shhhh. It's okay. It was just a dream." A soothing voice whispered as strong arms pulled me into a tight hug. 

As my vision cleared, I saw that it was Aizawa that was in the room, Aizawa that was holding me close and tight, Aizawa's soothing voice whispering the sweet reassurances. Soon enough my breathing slowed to match Aizawa's, and I pulled away from him. 

"Are you okay now?" Aizawa asked and I gave a slight nod in response. 

"H-How did you get in here?" I questioned. 

"I have a key for all the dorm rooms in case something happens. While I was in my room next door, I heard whimpering and you screaming to stop, so I got worried and came to see what happened." he answered. 

As Aizawa got up to leave, my hand reached out and gently grabbed the side of his outfit. He turned and looked at me expectantly. 

"S-Stay..." I said in a quiet voice. 

Aizawa just nodded and sat down next to me on the bed. I laid back down as he started to run his fingers gently through my hair. I gently gripped onto his outfit and pulled him down under the covers. He just blinked and sighed. Soon he calmly wrapped his arm around my waist and started to spoon me with his legs. I started to drift off to sleep and soon after Aizawa did too. 


An: This is the end of the chapter and I'll see you later.

[1344 words]

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