Phone calls and Punishments (Chapter 13)

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AN: Hello! Please tell me how you're liking the story in the comments!

And any name suggestions for the baby/what gender you want it to be!

Not my art! Credit to the artist!


I awoke to the pleasant sight of my head snuggles into Shota's chest, my hand loosely gripping his shirt, his arm lightly draped over my body. The peaceful silence was rudely interrupted by the loud noise of my phone ringing. A sense of DeJa'Vu ran over me, reminding me of the terrible call I got from Commander Jake. I hurriedly leant over to grab my phone, sighing in relief when 'Commander Jake' wasn't on the phone screen. I looked a second time, before swearing under my breath and quickly answering the phone, 'General' written on the screen. 

"Hello?" I answered, calming my breathing and crawling back under Shota's arm.

"Hello Midoriya," The General's voice ran through the room. "I was just informed that you went on maternity leave, can you explain that?" 

"Well, sir, I got hit with a quirk that allows me to get pregnant and then stuff happened with my partner and now I'm pregnant." I replied, trying to sound confident, but also not wake Shota up.

"Well, how far along are you?" He asked. 

"I'm nearly five months into my pregnancy." I told him. 

"Then why did you only inform the commander about it now?" 

"I informed him weeks ago, sir, he even made me go on a mission, knowing that I was pregnant. he must have just told you now, sir." I answered. 

"I see. Well tell me about this mission he sent you on."

"Well, I got woken up one morning to my phone ringing and he told me that that was the last mission he could send me on until my leave was finished. When I told him that he couldn't do that, he threated to hurt me and my unborn child, so, I agreed and did the mission. Thankfully my stomach wasn't hurt, and I only had a few scratches and bruises because it wasn't a snipe it was hand-to-hand. And after the mission I got Recovery Girl (RG) to check if the baby was okay and she said that it was healthy and had no abnormalities." I explained. 

"Okay, well, I'll speak to him about it and give him a suitable punishment. I wish your child the best of luck in life. Goodbye." He spoke before hanging up the phone. 

I placed the phone down onto the bed-side table and sighed before nuzzling me head back into Shota's chest, gripping his shirt and sniffling as silent tears ran down my face. 

'What have I done? The punishments are cruel, and harsh. And they leave scars. Terrible scars.' I thought to myself as I silently prayed for the commander's safety. Even if he was mean and cruel to me, I would never wish the general's punishment on anyone. I myself has had to endure it and it was nearly as bad as the torture that I underwent when I was captured.

As my thoughts drifted back to the punishments, my hand reached around towards my back, tracing the scars the gashes left. The mix of marks from both torture and punishments, the whispers of whip lashes, from friend and foe alike. 

As my mind slowly sunk deeper into the past, a soft hand grazed mine, gripping it tightly, pulling me out of my mind. 

"Baby, what's wrong?" Shota's voice ran quietly through the room as I looked up to see a worried look on his face, etched deep into his eyes. 

I couldn't hold the emotions and I explained all that happened to me in full detail, not missing a bit. I told him about how I was trained and what happened when I failed. By the end I was sobbing into his chest as he held me tight and close, and he had tears in his eyes, comforting me and praying that I never experienced anything like that again.  

Soon after we decided to get up and have a shower together, rid our minds of the past and think about the present. 

When we got into the bathroom, Shota picked me up and placed me onto the bench, placing a soft kiss to my thigh. I gave a slight moan and placed a hand on top of my baby bump. He then lifted his hoodie that I was wearing and started to leave small kisses on my baby bump. 

After a few minutes, Shota stopped and lifted the hoodie all the way off of me. He then picked me up and took my boxers off before placing me down again and taking off his clothes. Once he was finished, he turned on the water for the shower and lifted me down off the bench so that I was standing next to him. We then got into the shower and Shota helped me to wash myself before he let me wash him. As we were standing under the water, Shota's arms wrapped gently around my stomach, my head leaning back on his chest, we heard a loud knock on the door to the dorm room. 

Shota sighed then said, " That was for 'this room' not 'mine'. "

I nodded my head, and we turned off the water, quickly getting dry and dressed. I wore one of Shota's hoodies again and some boxers, the hoodie going down to my knees. I then carefully walked out of the bathroom and into the main room, Shota staying in the bathroom. 

As I opened the door, I saw Denki standing there with a smile on his face. 

"Hey, Denki, what do you need?" I asked, a small smile on my face.

"Um, well, I was wondering, since you are doing the schoolwork from your dorm and not coming into the building, could you look after my pet for a few days so that I have time to do homework and other things?" Denki replied looking nervous.

"Okay, that's fine, I would love to look after your pet for a few days." I gave a smile. 

He then handed me a box and waved me goodbye. As I placed the box on the counter near the kitchen, I started to wonder what sort of pet it was, as Denki had never specified. I opened the box to see a massive tarantula sitting there, looking at me.



AN: Please comment ideas for names and the gender of the baby! Also, any ideas/thoughts/what you want to see for the story!

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