Realisation (Chapter 7)

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AN: I don't really have much to say but I would love for you to tell me how you're liking this book so far. If there is any TW, I will put a warning before it happens.

----------------Izuku POV------------------

I woke up to see the covers behind my flipped over as if someone got out of bed. I rolled over and saw the bathroom door closing, Aizawa walking out of it. 

'Is this a dream?' I thought to myself before realising that no, no it was not a dream. 

"Ah, you're up now." Aizawa said as he walked towards the bed, sitting near where he was lying previously. "You got a phone call while you were asleep. It was from a Commander Jake, whoever that was. I didn't answer it because I didn't think you would want me to but here's your phone."

I took my phone from Aizawa in a hurry and immediately called the number back. As it was ringing, I climbed out of my bed and walked into the bathroom, closing and locking the door.

"Hello, Midoriya." A voice rang through the phone.

"Good morning, Sir," I responded politely.

"Yes, well, I'm assuming you were returning my call and the answer to your question about why I am calling you is that a mission has come up and we need you to do it. And before you reply, no, no-one else can do it as you're the most skilled. I expect you to be outside UA in ten minutes ready to go for us to pick you up, give you the information and then you do it. Don't worry, you'll be back at UA by tomorrow, you won't be coming directly to the base at all. Goodbye."

I exhaled as the realisation hit me. "Shit."

I ran out of the bathroom to a confused Aizawa. "What's going on?" 

"I can't talk right now but I'll explain as soon as I get back." I hurriedly said as I quickly got changed into my usual military suit (completely not caring that Aizawa saw me change and not noticing his red blush either) and grabbed my equipment bag, rushing out of the room. 

                                                               (That's his outfit

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                                                               (That's his outfit. Credit to the artist.)

As I rushed out of the dorms the rest of the class looked confused, but I didn't have time for that, hurrying to the gates of UA.  Almost as soon as I stopped moving, a black car pulled up and I got in. 

"I thought you would've been quicker."

"Sorry Sir, I'm still healing from my injuries and I-"

"I don't want excuses I want you to be better. I think I need to give you a punishment when you're finished, to insure it doesn't happen again." He spat.

I trembled thinking about the punishment. Commander Jake is the only one I don't like being around. I'm not scared of him but if you do one little thing wrong, he'll punish you like his life depends on it. And he has a selfish and mean attitude, contributing to the harsh things he does. 

Within a few minutes we arrived at an old house, closest to where the mission will take place. When we got inside, Commander Jake informed me of the mission and told me to meet him back here when I was finished. 

(TW: Violence, killing)

As I left for the mission, I jumped from building to building, reaching my destination. I let out a small breath as I aimed my long-range rifle at the target and realised a bullet. It hit the target dead on, and he was killed in an instant. I saw some of his men walk up behind him and look around to see where the shot could have been fired from. I ducked as they looked in my direction and then turned around. 

I quickly jumped off the building and ran back to the old house. When I arrived, I saw Jake standing there waiting. I gulped as I stood Infront of him, my spine straight and shoulders back. 

"Ah, your back." He said, looking into my eyes with a hint of enjoyment. 

"Yes, Sir." I replied, not wanting to say anything else. 

He then told me to come closer and when I did, he gave me a harsh slap across the face. "That is for not picking up the phone the first time." He punched me in the gut, causing me to grunt in pain as I was still sore from the torture that I endured only last week. "And that was for taking so long on the mission and getting to the gate of UA. And this is for your lake of good things you've done." And with that he kicked me in the ribs, causing me to fall onto the ground, as he finished my slicing my cheek, causing blood to flow out, with a pocketknife. 

"Now hurry up and go back to UA. And I hope that next time I call you, you'll be there on time." he stated before departing. 

After he left, I climbed onto my feet and stumbled back to UA, Jake having not given me a lift. When I got to UA, I went straight to the dorms and entered, going into my room. Most of the class was in their separate rooms and Aizawa was no-where to be seen (that he knew off). 

I slowly walked into my room and dropped my stuff, stripping and changing into my set of comfy clothes, not noticing the other persons presence. 

"Why are you so bruised...?" 


AN: That's the ned of this chapter, sorry if it's shorter than the others but I've been really busy, so yeah. Also, this is what he changed into just then:

                                   (This sweater but with a hood and nothing else from this photo)

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                                   (This sweater but with a hood and nothing else from this photo)

                                   (This sweater but with a hood and nothing else from this photo)

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                                            (Just these shorts, nothing else from this picture)

And that's all he's wearing, short shorts and a hoodie. 

Hope you enjoyed!

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