The second day (Chapter 5)

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AN: I hope you enjoy!


I let out a small moan as I awoke to see Aizawa's arm draped over my waist. I smiled as I turned my head and placed a soft kiss on his temple. Soon Aizawa started to stir and his grip on my waist tightened. 

"Morning baby," Aizawa said, his gruff morning voice sending chills down my spine as he placed a soft kiss on my shoulder. 

I rolled over and nuzzled into his chest, as he softly stroked his fingers through my hair. 


I awoke with a start as I sat up off my bed. 'What was that dream?' I thought as I touched the place on my shoulder where the dream Aizawa has kissed me. 

I was confused as I had never really thought about having relationships, but I can't deny that I have feelings for Aizawa. Ever since I was held hostage and raped, I hadn't seen sexual gestures as showing someone love so I guess that my mind thought of something else to give me love and if I'm being honest, I didn't mind what was in that dream. I sighed as I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom that was connected to my room. I turned the water on and splashed my face, the cold water flowing over my face, completely waking me up. 

'What was that dream? What's this feeling in my chest? I've only known Aizawa for like a day? Why am I like this? Why do I like him? Is it that concerning look he gives me? The gentle touch? When he does something wrong, is it the way he automatically stops it? The worried look in his eyes?' Thoughts kept running through my head as I continued to splash water on my face. 

I walked back into my room, drying my face, before putting on my training clothes and picking up my duffle bag with my guns, knife, throwing knifes, and other weapons. I then shut my door behind me and went to go train but as I walked out, I remembered that Aizawa's room was right here next to mine. I felt the urge to knock on the door but decided not to as to not wake him up. 

As I kept walking, I made it to the training building that has been made in request for me to have somewhere to train with my weapons. After I had asked Principle Nezu he had agreed, seeing as I was quirkless and needed a place to train with the weapons I wasn't allowed to use during normal training. I walked into the small building located a few metres away from the dorms. As I looked around, I saw gym equipment, a small but useable shooting range, combat dummies, and other training equipment for my use. I decided to start with a basic warmup, composed of stretching, push ups, sit ups and a run around the school. After I had completed the warmup, I got started on fighting the combat dummies with my knives and hand-to-hand combat. I spent around an hour on that before moving onto the shooting range and practising with my different guns. As I was on my second last gun to practise with, I was interrupted by the entrance to the building open and someone walked in. I ignored it a first but then I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind me and I put my gun down and turned around. My eyes widened as I saw Aizawa standing behind me.

"What are you doing here Aizawa sensei?" I asked trying to ignore the flashes of the dream that entered my mind.

"This is where Nezu said I'd find you." He answered, looking away from me. 

"Well, what did you need?" I asked, trying not to sound impatient. 

"I just wanted to see what type of training you do when you're not in class." Aizawa responded, looking up at me.

"Well, I've already done most of it. But I can tell you what I do." I told him and he nodded. "Okay, so I start by stretching and doing around 100 push ups, followed by 100 sit ups and then I take a run around the school, two laps at least, then I practise my hand-to-hand combat and knife combat. And then I end it with my shotting practise. And I do that two times a day, in the morning and in the afternoon." 

Aizawa just stared at me like I had just killed someone. "You do all that twice a day!?"

I nodded and he continued to stare at me like I was crazy. 

"Well, class is going to start soon so I better go back to the dorms and get ready for the day." I said before packing my knives and guns away and walking towards the door. 

I opened the door and allowed Aizawa to leave before I shut and locked the door. 

"If you don't mind, could I bring the rest of the class here and have you teach them a bit of hand-to-hand while I look on?" Aizawa asked. 

"Sure, but only myself and Nezu has keys for it, so I'll have to be there when you want to come in." I replied. 

"When do you usually finish your afternoon training?" He asked. 

"Around 4 o'clock, so if you want to bring the class around then, then that's fine." I responded. 

Aizawa nodded and I headed back to the dorms, Aizawa going towards the main building. As I got inside the building, I saw the rest of the class in the common room either having breakfast or chatting to each other. As I got further inside, one of the boys from the class noticed me and called out. 

"Hey dude, where have you been?" He called. I think his name was Kirishima, but I wasn't sure. 

"I was just out doing my morning training." I replied and continued to walk towards my dorm. 

"Okay, well, we're leaving to go to class soon, wanna come with us?" 

"Uh, sure," I said before leaving for my dorm and going inside. 

'This is going to be a long day...' I thought. 


AN: The is the end of this chapter. Sorry it took so long to come out. In all honesty I kept forgetting about it and I was having some emotional days too, so I apologise for that and I hope to upload in around 2 days.

[1075 words] 

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