Chapter 1 ||His Highness, Thorn||

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A sigh flooded my lips as I rolled around on Corvus bed. Man it's no fun with him gone, I grumbled pushing my face into the sheets. If he were here he'd come in and say 'Thorn must you do this every time' or 'come on let's go raise some hell' he'd always be one for puns. Though I can't blame him, starving is not fun. I rolled again sprawling my wings over the black sheets allowing my ivory feathers to flood the room my tail twisting and swaying. "I've been bored for the past five years, damn sitting here ain't no fun." Then I pushed myself up, "wait human realm, hell yeah let's cause some chaos!" I cheered with a giggle, hoping up and jogging out of Corvus territory. Heh, like anyone would touch the place. I flew over the kingdom, hell and earth were pretty similar, other than the random lava pits and it's fucken hot not to bad. There were different biomes, the surface ground for those who can't fly, then the winged class for us with wings and lastly the crown. The crown was the royals place, or those who would challenge others for the title of King of Hell. My brother was in the process of taking over the crown, Father's a dick anyways. The messenger bowed as I landed; "Highness," I returned the gesture slightly bowing my head with a grin causing him to smile; "Off to the human realm?" I nodded as he had me walk further than him, this was normal. Any Demon not a royal would always walk slightly behind the royals, I honestly never understood why, yes it's out of respect but I am an equal to those around me. I am not better than any, Corvus was the first Demon I ever met who discarded that rule and from there we became friends. "Ah hello, your off to deliver a message correct?" The messenger bowed, "Yes that is correct," She typed down the information and asked who; "General Corvus." I glanced to him as she typed it down and glanced to me, "Your Highness are you off for a soul?" I grinned and shook my head; "No I'm off to see Corvus," she chuckled softly; "Of course Ms. Lucilfer." I grinned and the messenger spoke; "Ma'am you're going to see the General correct, would you like to give him the letter?" A hum flooded my lips as I took the letter, "Of course, now I'll be off." I slipped off looking at the paper, brother's seal

I hummed, my gaze shifted over the flamboyant party as Corvus food seemed to be crossdressing. Poor boy, I crossed my legs seeing the blonde kiss the childs hand and the boy rubbed the gloved appendage on the back of the gown. I snapped my fingers appearing in a deep red gown with black lace details, then shifted into the party. I brushed an ivory bang from my face as I glanced over the party, a woman dyed in crimson was laughing loudly as men fawned over her, is that a reaper? I continued walking bumping into a blonde lass; "Ah I apologize Madame," She let out a small 'huh' and glanced up, "No I apologize I was distracted," I chuckled and smiled at her, "It seems we both were, how about we call this pardoned?" She grinned and nodded then gasped; "My your dress if beautiful! I have never seen a gown so elegant before!" My gaze softened at the child, "Thank you, your gown is adorable and suits you well." She beamed a grin, why is a lady of her standing not dressed more elegantly? Yes she is a child, but I doubt this childish gown is who she is? "Might I ask your name?" She spoke as I hummed, "My name is Thorn Lucilfer, what might be yours?" she clapped her hands together, "My name is Elizabeth Midford, but do call me Lizzy!" She spoke doing a small curtsy has I chuckled softly, so enthusiastic. "Alright Lizzy, say have you seen a tall man with short black hair and dark ruby eyes?" Her orbs widened; "Sebastian?" So that is the name he took, "Yes, he's an old friend of mine, I haven't seen him in five years since he took a new job." Her blonde lashes fluttered against her porcelain skin, "Oh my, how about I bring you tomorrow? You see the man he serves is my fiancé." My orbs widened, I wasn't expecting that, then my gaze softened; "Thank you, I'd greatly appreciate it," they've already left anyways; "Say Miss Lucilfer," I spoke; "Just Thorn, you allow me to call you Lizzy after all." She grinned and nodded, "Would you like to stay at my manor in the mean time? So then we can go when we wake?" I hummed, it would be easier on her, plus she seems interesting. "Then may I dress you in the morn?" She blinked as I chuckled, "I have an old gown from my sister, she's your age and doesn't wear it, I think it would look lovely on you." Her orbs widened as she stuttered a response but who I presume her maid cut in, "My Lady we need to le-oh my apologies!" I waved the dark haired woman off, "No problem Madame," Her gaze softened as Lizzy turned to me, "Thank you I appreciate it, but only if I can dress you!" I chuckled, "Of course." We grinned at each other as I introduced myself to her maid as we walked out of the elaborate estate. 

I wore a simple night gown, as a demon I don't sleep, so I sat here in bed. I had found out that she is a swordswoman which is amazing, she was rather hesitant to admit so but I let her know that I also am a swordswoman which she revealed she was. Hopefully she'll be comfortable in that gown, good thing Ari doesn't like cute things anymore. Though what I was going to give her was a short white gown with black lace ends that was less poufy and held a regal appearance yet kept the cutesy look with the off the shoulder sleeves that flowed out with small frills at the wrist and the color held black lace and a silky black belt. Though the gown was more cream than white with black being an accent. Along with that, I had some black heels with a bow around the ankle that I could just summon. I'll pretend I pulled it out of my luggage and if she asks I'll just state I was going to give them away anyways. A knock rasped against the window, I turned my head and stood; "Took you long enough, Sebastian." He chuckled and slipped in; "Thorn, it's been a long time." He spoke and wrapped his arms around me as I hummed resting my head and hands on his chest. "Yes it has Corvus," I looked up as he held my waist and brushed my hair out of my face; "did you come to raise hell?" He spoke with a smirk as I grinned, "It's boring without you," his chest shook as he let out a deep chuckle; "Your patience is something else, it took you five years to come get me," He held a playful gaze as I puffed my cheeks, "Don't say it like that, ya dork" another chuckle flooded as he shook his head with a large smile, "Here comes the name callings, did you even clean your feathers up before you leave?" I paused glancing away as his smile softened, "You never change," I crossed my arms as he held me, puckering my lips I gave a small 'humph' as his gaze softened. I missed this, "Aw come on, don't give me that," He spoke yet chuckled as I turned my head, "No, your being mean." He rolled his eyes, "Sure am," I glanced to him and ruffled the clean cut hair causing him to groan and sigh, "Your welcome, also" I slipped out of his grasp and picked up the letter, "This seems to be yours." He raised a brow and took his, his gaze becoming even more confused as he looked at the seal. "Do you know anything about this?" I shook my head, crossing my arms; "No, it could be because Raiden's taking the throne." His orbs widened as he used a sharpened nail to pop the seal and pulled out the paper. I sat on the bed as he read over it. "It seems he's asking for strategies and if I noticed any weak points from my last spar with the King." I hummed, ah that makes more sense. He sat besides me and began to write back as I laid back, "Would you send this directly to him?" He spoke as I leaned up, "Sure I'll use my seal." He nodded as I did so and used Hell Fire sending it to him. "I hope he wins," I nodded agreeing with the raven, "Me too Corvus-er Sebastian." He chuckled as I scratched the back of my head, "Your alright Thorn," a comfortable silence flooded as he leaned back and turned to me, "What do you have planned?" He asked as I grinned, "Somethin' fun, you'll find out tomorrow." He needs to be caught off guard, Lizzy told me she was gonna put a bonnet on him and I have to see that! He raised a brow, "Your plotting something," I gave a toothy grin as he sighed, "You and Lady Elizabeth, this is sure to be something." I gave an evil snicker as he shook his head, How have you been, it has been five years." He glanced over my face as a smile slipped onto his lips; "Get comfortable," I laughed as we spent the night chatting.

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