Chapter 8|| His Highness, Circus||

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"So you want me and Sebastian to go to the circus and get information?" He grinned leaning onto his hands, "Sebastian will come later, I want you to get in and get information will arrive later." I paled staring at the child, "I fucken hate clowns," I grumbled as he chuckled, Corvus gave me a smile. "Thorn Lucilfer I order you to infiltrate the circus and get on there good sides," I giggled stepping forward appearing in front of the child; "Only this once, boy." He grinned and I slipped to my raven and grabbed his tie pulling him down until our lips met, the boy gagged as Corvus chuckled and we parted. "Don't miss me too much," I cooed as he grinned, "Will see beautiful," I giggled and slipped out. Okay now to catch their attention.

I leaned back on the tree, it was late and I was right besides the circus, but far enough to where it wouldn't look weird. Almost like I stumbled here. My gaze shifted to the open lake and I closed my eyes. Someone's coming, taking a breath I began to sing;

"War is not freedom
Over my shoulder
I see a clearer view
All for my family
Reason I'm breathing
Everything to lose
Should I ask myself in the water
What a warrior would do?
Tell me, underneath my armor
Am I loyal, brave and true?
Am I loyal, brave and true?"

They stopped right behind a few trees, I could feel their gaze as I continued letting my long hair dip and twist into the breeze. 

"Losing is easy
Winning takes bravery
I am a tiger's fool
Out in the open
No one to save me
The kindest of whispers are cruel"

I drew out the note softly filling the void as I leaned forward on the branch.

"Should I ask myself in the water
What a warrior would do?
Tell me, underneath my armor
Am I loyal, brave and true?
Am I loyal, brave and true?"

Setting a hand to my chest I folded my brows giving a solemn smile.

"Cold is the morning
Warm is the dream
Chasing the answers
'Til I can't sleep
Will I be stronger
Or will I be weak
When you're not with me?"

I couldn't help how my mind shifted to my brother, my baby sister, Corvus, Mason, Alex, Edward and Adrian. They all mean so much to me.

"Who am I without my armor?
Standing in my father's shoes
All I know is that it's harder
To be loyal, brave and true"

I drew out, then sighed shaking my head as I ran my hands through my hair. "Shit, I miss em." I chuckled feeling the warmth Corvus held. I miss you too. Then clapping, shit forgot he was there. "My ye be talented there lass!" I tilted my head at a ginger haired man. "Ah thank ya?" I questioned as he grinned; "what might yer name be?" He asked as I jumped down, landing in front of him. "Thorn," he hummed and tilted his head. "Why ye out here?" I chuckled scratching the back of my head, I'll make a story that Corvus would tell. "I just left my masters estate, I was a maid and decided a change was best; just kinda wandered and wound up out here." He hummed tilting his head and his gaze softened. "We got beds and food, how about ye join us? We could always use a singer," I looked up acting surprised; "really? I'm also decent at acrobatics if that helps?" He chuckled and nodded motioning me to follow. "It does now come on let's get ye a tent, ah and I be Joker and from here on you'll be Red!" I smiled, because I wore a long red dress he calls me that, okay then. But why were you out here so late Joker? "Nice to meet you Joker!"

I sighed, what's taking them so long? I was about to head to the main tent to do some acrobatics; "Ms. Lucilfer," I turned my gaze to William, "Ah hello William," he fixed his frames and sighed, "It seems I owe you a favor, thank you for your assistance with her." My gaze softened, "No problem and don't worry bout it" he paused then hummed, "if something comes up that I can aid you on let me know, what you did really helped us. So let me do this," I paused then grinned; "only if something comes up," he grinned and gave a nod. We parted as I entered the main tent waving at Snake who nodded. He's an interesting fella, really sweet, Raiden would like him. Now then, I set my hands on my hips then ran forward grabbing the bar and swinging up using my legs to grip the metal as I swung back then forward. My orbs widened seeing Corvus with Ceil. Joker was spouting something as I smirked doing a flip grabbing a pole swinging around and flinging myself up and landing perfectly. I strutted over and stood in front of Corvus and ruffled Ciel's hair. "Long time no see," he chuckled as he wrapped and arm around my waist. "Didn't know you two were even joining?" I questioned as I wrapped my arms around the raven giggling as I let my arms rest on his chest. "You just left without saying anything," Ceil grumbled playing along as I smirked and leaned down; "aww did ya miss me!" He paled shifting back as I smirked and hugged him. "I didn't know you cared so much!" He glanced away as Corvus chuckled; "it's truly not the same without you," I grinned as Ceil squirmed in my iron grip. "Thorn let me go," he warned as I chuckled and released him ruffling his hair. "Your no fun Shorty!" He crossed his arms as Covid hid a chuckle. "It seems you three know each other?" Dagger spoke glancing between me and Corvus as Joker looked kinda pushed as he glared at my mate. "Yes we all were in the same household for my past master. We all worked together, though I didn't know you guys were joining the circus?" I questioned; "yes I joined yesterday after getting attacked," I raised a brow at Corvus. "What did you do?" I spoke as Ceil sighed face palming at the man's smile. "I'll explain later dear, though why are you in the circus?" I shrugged; "Joker found me when I was singing and I got invited to join," he hummed as Ceil shook his head. "Do that stuff privately you two," we glanced to the boy, "I don't want to hear that from you," he shrank back as I referred to when Lizzy came in and gave him public affection.  "I see so ye lot all worked together?" I glanced to the ginger and nodded; "yes?" I spoke as he hummed, and I shrugged only to be called over by Snake. "Excuse me," I spoke slipping away and to the male.

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