Chapter 15||His Nevermore, Reliving Memories||

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I'm so nervous, I glanced around the reaper association, we won the war and now I keep my end of the deal. I really hate how they're glaring at me, I felt myself squirm under there gaze. No I need to stay strong, I took a breath holding my head up as my crimson gaze shifted over the white homes. "I need house 657..." I muttered and stopped at a tall thin home, it was white with black windows and roses traveled up the side of it, smoke coming out of the roofs chimney, must have a fireplace? Walking up the modern stairs I used my key; "But why are we being roomed with that devil!?" I froze, "Edward calm down," I heard a slam and softly shut the door, "No! She's a demon and the crowned princess at that! She'll try to seduce us and steal our souls!" I gripped the hem of my shirt, lowering my head as I felt tears prick my eyes; "That's enough!" My orbs widened, that voice..."Adrian-" Someone else spoke, they held a deeper tone, "No Mason I don't care, Edward I've met this woman when I was still alive and she doesn't even eat souls! Why are you judging someone you don't even know!" MY head shot up as I slipped around the corner, "Adrian?" Silence as he turned his head, those baby blues were gone and replaced with the striking green, his gaze softened; Hey Lucilfer," I grinned as a large bulky man stiffened and a lean red head was shaking his head at the dirty blonde and Mason waved at me; "Hello again," Mason spoke as I grinned and Adrian stood walking over I accepted his hug laughing softly, I'm glad there's a familiar face, I looked up and crossed my arms as he paled giving a dry chuckle as I raised a brow. "The stick in the mud is smiling, now that's new?" The red head spoke causing the silver haired man to frown, ""Hey Mason, glad to see ya made it." He gave a nod and I set my hands in front and gave a smile; "And hello I'm Thorn Lucilfer, also if it settles you I'm only half demon." Silence flooded the room as Adrian took his seat again. Edward, I guess, his orbs widened as the red head stared and Mason stiffened; "What?" The Chinese male questioned as I scratched the back of my head, "My mother is human, and my late father was a demon" This totally isn't awkward at all...

I landed face first into the bed, so far Edward still hates me and Alex, the red head, is more curious than scared. "Hey Thorn," Speaking of the red head, "Yeah?" I leaned up as he grinned, "We got a mission, you got your scythe right?" I pulled myself up letting my tail sway as I titled my head; "Yeah my old weapons got turned into my scythes." He grinned walking into my room and plopped besides me; "Alright, and sorry about Edward." He spoke rubbing the nape of his neck and I smiled, "You don't have to apologize for him Alex, I understand everyone has there reason for hating my kind. But it still doesn't hurt any less when being called a monster," I sighed and stood as his orbs widened; "But no matter what he says I can't hate him or even dislike the man. He's given me no reason to do such a thing all I can do is take what ever he throws and earn his respect and show that not all my kind are cruel." I gripped my fist and took a breath snapping my fingers I appeared in my human form, turning my head I saw the roman male staring at me with wide eyes. "Are you alright?" I asked and he blinked shaking his head and chuckled, "Yeah I am," He leaned on his legs, "You already earned my respect Thorn, now then common." My orbs widened as he grinned, and I laughed following him out. I jumped, a shiver racing down my spine and a buzzing feeling raked my body. Turning I saw Adrian raise his hands; "Really?" I questioned as he paled, "I didn't know you had scars?" He tried and I set a hand to my hip, "Only in my human form, and well I did get some a few years back-ah that's off topic," He grinned and we chuckled, "But still, don't touch it feels...weird?" I questioned the word, that's the best I can describe it. "I'm sorry lass, curiosity got the best of me." He plastered a grin as I gave a bored look and shook my head, "Not again, understood?" He gave a nod as Alex chuckled at us; "You two know each other really well?" He questioned as we glanced to him; "Yeah," We spoke in union causing the red head to laugh. "Come on we don't need to be late." Mason called and we walked in, "Nice kimono?" I questioned as he nodded; "Thank you, and yes that's correct." Wonder how long he's been here, never seen kimonos like that before. Edward glared at me and clicked his tongue, Mason frowned as I summoned the blades strapping them to my hips. "How many we got?" I asked as we slipped out; "Roughly 50, an illness being called the plague is taking place." I hummed summoning the book in front of me and using my magic to flip through pages, my brows folded, poor kids. "I think will be getting overworked," Alex groaned as Adrian shoved his frames on and he gave a calm aroura, I glanced to him seeing the cooler side of him. Huh, I've only seen him laughing or smiling this is new. "We probably will be," Edward spoke as Mason spoke to the receptionist; and we entered the human realm. I shut the book having it disappear. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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