Chapter 4 ||His Highness, Hell Hound||

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I was stopped by Undertaker, "Thorn," I hummed glancing to the man and thanked him for the rose. "You scolded the boy?" He snickered as I shook my head, smiling seeing how he de-thorned the beautiful flower. "Yes we both know scaring children is my specialty," MY gaze softened seeing him snicker at the old comment; "Yet your a father and a grandfather, I'm sure  you did amazing you are a good man." He paused and I could feel his eyes on me, "always so genuine, aren't ya lass?" I couldn't help the chuckle that left my lips; "You just realizing that Undrea?" His grin softened and he offered an arm, "Would you like to get some tea, there's a shop just around the corner?" I paused, glancing back seeing the boys enter the carriage and Sebastian's gaze went to mine. It won't hurt anything and it's just tea, I waved the raven off. What's with that look? I turned my gaze and hooked my arm in his. "Alright," He grinned, why'd he look so pissed? "It's been quite a bit since we caught up," I hummed nodding at him, "Yeah, you obviously established The Undertaker parlor, your very successful too." He chuckled grinning broadly, "Yep, but I have no need for the Queens coins!" He chirped causing me to laugh, "I can't blame you, laughter is so much better!" I giggled as we slipped through the streets; "I gotta agree with ya on that one!" He beamed as my gaze softened, "Ah and your kick sure hurt," He commented as I hummed; "Well I wasn't trying to hurt ya, though you did deserve it," He snickered, "I'm honestly surprised; after hearing about that war it baffles me that the two of you are not courtin?" He questioned as I raised a brow, "What do you mean by that? Your not the first who said it like that either, we simply treated each other as equals?" He hummed and we got a table away from prying ears. "Isn't standing in front of you a big no no in hell?" He questioned as I groaned leaning on my hand; "Yeah, but I never cared for the rule, Michaelis was the first to never care about it either and we respected each other for that and even then we both had a bunch of bitchy ass fights before we became friends, that man as no patience." I sighed at the last bit causing him to chuckle; "I see, how's yer family?" He slipped to a different subject with ease as I leaned back; "Raiden's been busy he was really stressed the last I saw him and Ari is bored, she may come and join me after a bit." He grinned; "If she does come my way," A smile slipped onto my lips as my gaze softened, "Ari would drag me, yer her favorite big brother after all, you should've seen Raiden's face he's still as dorky as ever too." Adrian chuckled as we just got coffees. "Anything new with you, other than the shop?" He hummed leaning back as he sipped the sweet liquid as I drank the bitter black coffee. "Well I retired from my other job to start the parlor, other than that its just been quiet." He spoke leaning on the table letting his finger trace the porcelain and my brows folded; he's lonely. "I'm sorry," he glanced up as I gave him a smile. His gaze softened as he leaned on his palm, "It's alright dearie, it's my own doing anyways." My orbs widened, it wasn't just he wasn't over her-but he pushed us all away. I folded my brows; "Your forgiven," his body froze as I glanced away finishing the mug and he smiled at me, giving a small nod, "Am I interrupting something?" Heh? We turned to Corvus, I raised a brow at the raven; "Why you here?" I asked and his brow twitched, what's with that reaction? "To come get you, you have a letter and we need to prepare for a departure tomorrow." I blinked as he grabbed my arm pulling me up; "Here's my side of the bill!" I tossed the money as Adrian caught it, now he's pissed off, great.

"Sebastian," I spoke, we were running through the woods, well him dragging me; my brow twitched and I pulled my arm making him stop; "What the hell is yer problem," I spoke as he turned to me, his brows folded as he looked down at me; "Who is he to you?" My orbs widened, then I sighed; "He's my first love Corvus, but were just friends, nothing ever happened between us because he was in love with someone else." He stiffened as I looked up, "You happy? Now I don't understand your attitude or tone but we were simply catching up; I didn't even know he was still in England. So Corvus what's your excuse? Why are you pissed off, angry dragging my ass across the whole of London and ignoring me?" I asked as he gripped his hands and I pursed my lips, was I to harsh? I took a breath and touched his hand, his muscles loosened as he sighed using his free hand to push his bangs back; "It pissed me off;" He stated and my orbs widened, wait was he jealous? I felt my skin darken as he leaned down; "I don't like seeing you around men, especially when I don't know them, but your right my attitude was both childish and stupid." I folded my brows and twined our hands together; "Not stupid, just a little childish." I smirked causing him to chuckle at the comment. 'I'm honestly surprised; after hearing about that war it baffles me that the two of you are not courtin?' why'd that enter my mind, my skin darkened, I and Corvus? I never even thought about that its always been so calming just talking to him, like I could tell him anything and it's just easy. We treat each other as equals, listening when needed, creating chaos and hell when one of us gets entangled in hell itself. We've stood at each others side for a long time and things were just natural for us, "What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours hmm?" My skin darkened as he chuckled, brushing a strand of ivory behind my ear. "Never seen you react that way Thorn," He gave a cheeky smirk as I puffed my cheeks an turned my head away, he laughed; "What are you talkin bout, I've done nothing." He laughed and nuzzled the top of my head, and a small whine left my lips. "Mhmm, come on let's go," His hands twined around mine as I stared at him, his sleek black hair framed his face perfectly, even in his demon form he looked the same. The long sharp nose, charming fanged smile and feline ruby eyes. He was a man from hell itself, yet I couldn't help but admit exactly how attractive he was, that and he was blunt, cheeky, sweet, caring, and even then he was still ruthless, cunning, clever, and cruel to those he hated. "Okay!" I grinned dashing off with him.

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