Chapter 14||His Nevermore, Raiden Lucilfer||

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'Big Brother!' Ari yelled and I turned to the lass seeing the man standing with his wolves, he hugged the teen; "Ari! Wow, you're hitting your teens already!" I grinned standing up as he looked at me; "Undertaker glad to see you again," He beamed as I shook his hands; "You as well Raiden, and congratulations." He grinned as we released hands and Ari began to spin around the shop giggling as she jumped on Liam. The male glanced at the girl and licked her cheek as Amelia sat watching the two with a wolfish grin. We smiled at the young demoness; "Ari should be getting her form soon, her birth father was a Spider Demon so she may get more arms;" I glanced to him and nodded, "Thank you for telling me Raiden, you mind if I asked when you got your form, I know Thorn got hers early." He hummed and nodded, "Yeah no problem, I was a late bloomer for my form but my powers came in like normal. I and my sister seem to be opposites with these things, she controls Hell Fire and I have ice, she was early and I was late." I grinned and nodded, "I see, is your eye doing alright? " He chuckled; "Ah yes, being half blind does have it's difficulties but I'm doing alright, it does bother me from time to time." I smiled at him and he grinned nudging me; "Soo when are you asking my sister to marry you?" My face flushed and my orbs widened as he snickered and Ari looked at us; 'Mamma and Papa are getting married?' We chuckled at the confused teen; "Not yet Ari," She puffed her cheeks at her brother, 'Awww,' She pouted then glanced to the door frame, "Raiden?" Thorn spoke and ran down hugging him, my orbs widened seeing the short black dress that hugged her figure; "Why do you smell like blood?" Raiden plastered a smile as she released him and the man looked at me as I glanced away; "Why didn't you explain things to me through letters?" She paused at his blunt statement, then her orbs widened; "Heh, I forgot." He sighed and Ari hugged the woman, "Also I approved of Undertaker, not Corvus." She blinked then paled; "Is that why there's blood? Know what don't answer that," She sighed setting her hands on her hips as Ari stood beside me; "Heh, anyways I'm stealing Snake." She stared at him as I snickered; "You hurt him I smack you to oblivion." He chuckled; "No worries sis, Ari you want to go around the town for a bit before I leave?" Raiden said smirking at me and my orbs widened, he isn't...The girl stuck her tongue at the male causing the king to pout, know what, I glanced to Thorn as she folded her brows; "Ari you should at least hang out with your brother, he'll be stuck in hell for who knows how long." I spoke as she looked at me and puffed her cheeks; 'Okaaayyy,' We grinned at the girl and Raiden snickered, it was his fault we got interrupted yesterday. "Come on sis, Liam, Amil follow." They barked as the group slipped out, Ari walking on the males blind side giving him peace. I walked to the door and flipped the sign to close, "Adrian, I thought you were opening today?" I snickered turning to her as I looked down at her. Smiling I kissed her; "Not yet Dearie," She blinked then her face flushed as I lifted her into my chest; "We did get interrupted also your tits are popping out of the dress," She blinked looking down and paled; "Oops, Ari called me down saying something important was going on and I threw on the first thing I found." I smiled and she wrapped her arms around me as I kicked the door open and closed it; she giggled as I set her on the bed and she gripped my collar pulling me into her. I smiled into the kiss running my hands up the gown and my skin darkened, no underwear? "Adrian," She spoke when we parted, I set our foreheads together as she smiled, "Do you want a babe?" My orbs widened as she cupped my face brushing my bangs aside, and my gaze softened as I captured those crimson stained lips; "Yes," She hummed and laid back as I climbed on top of her; "Then let's try," I smiled at the demoness and met her lips again, "Okay Thorn."

She laid against my chest snoring softly as I smiled, her nose wrinkled and I smiled kissing her temple and her white lashes flooded against her porcelain skin; "Mhmm, hello love," she cooed softly and I grinned as she smiled; "hello gorgeous," she giggled snuggling into my chest and we glanced at the clock, "We should get down to the shop," I hummed and nodded, "Yeah," I sighed as she chuckled pushing herself up he captured my lips, "I know love, but we need too." My gaze softened as we got up and got dressed, slipping down the stairs and opening the shop we began our usual day. "There awfully late," Thorn spoke as I glanced to her, "They'll be fine dearie, Raiden is more than capable and so is our daughter." Her gaze softened and I kissed her, causing her to chuckle softly; "Your right." We parted and she summoned a book beginning to read it as I glanced around the shop making sure things were in order, and the bell chimed; Ceil and his butler entered the area. "Ceil? We haven't gotten any bodies so why are ya hear?" Thorn asked shutting the book with a raised brow, the butler kept his gaze to the floor as Ceil sighed; "You brother interfered with our contract," She blinked, "Heh?" The boy sighed rubbing his temples as I walked over, "You did say Raiden smelt like blood," she hummed folding her brows and her orbs widened; "Sealed your powers and refused eye contact?" He nodded as she sighed, "I'm sorry, I understand the being demoted part but this is to far," She rubbed her temples as I paled, even I feel bad. "I sometimes forget how harsh your brother is compared to you," She chuckled then lit a flame, "Only he can undo it, I can't" The boy's brow twitched as the fire swarmed and soon her brother appeared in the flames; "But I'll just summon him and have him fix this; go sit on the coffins." Ceil sighed as she blew on the fire and soon him, Ari and the wolves appeared. "The hell?" Her brow twitched and he paled, crossing her legs Ari skipped to me and I grinned at her ruffling her hair; 'Momma is angry,' I chuckled, "That she is," The male was on his knees as she scolded him making the two stare baffled at the scene and we chuckled as the hounds also had there heads lowered. "Tea?" I held some as the Earl and butler took it and Ari had more biscuits; "Not to much," I warned as she nodded, "Okay papa," the Earl glanced to her then me; "Can I ask how long you known Thorn?" I glanced at the earl and hummed, glancing to the woman speaking in demon tongue I grinned; "Far before I became a reaper," His orbs widened, "You knew her when you were Human?" Sebastian looked at me as I chuckled; "Yes we met on accident you could say, she literally flew into me." I snickered remembering that day and Ari looked up; 'Momma was clumsy?' I grinned ruffling her hair, "Very, she still is just doesn't allow others to know." Her orbs widened as she folded her brows; 'Like yesterday, she had flour all over her face!' I nodded, "Yep, we were baking and she accidentally knocked over the flour with her wings." She giggled as I grinned, Ceil smiled sipping his tea and soon the Raiden was dropped in front of us. "Undo it and apologize this instant," He muttered something and she wacked him on the back of the head, Ari snickered causing the males brows to twitch; "Shut it," He groaned and I shook my head as he waved his hand, "Your staying demoted strictly because you do deserve some punishment for putting your hands on a royal," He grumbled as Thorn shook her head; "Don't you ever misuse your powers again or I'm kicking your ass," She growled causing him to pale and step away from his elder sister, "y-yes ma'am." She nodded and the raven flexed his hands and popped his neck; "I understand, that I do deserve." He stood along with Ceil; "Thank you, will take our leave now." He titled his hat and Raiden gave a nod as the two slipped out and she whacked him on the back of the head; he whined rubbing his skull as she sighed rubbing her temples; "I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" He claimed holding his hands up as she sighed; "Your a king now Raiden, don't act so rash! You overdid it," Ari handed me a biscuit as I took one munching on it as the siblings began an argument; 'Dad, moms scary when she's angry,' Ari stated as I chuckled; "That she is, but she has a good reason," Ari nodded, 'Can we go see Uncles when we get free time?' I grinned; "Of course." She giggled happily as I stood; "Okay you two, calm down." I spoke as they paused glancing at me and Thorn crossed her arms and Raiden sighed. "Thorn you know your brother meant the best for you and Raiden the whole reason your getting scolded is because she doesn't want you misusing your powers and being hated as the new King all your actions now have affects that affect everyone." They grumbled knowing I was right; "I'm sorry Raiden." She stated and I smiled; "No, I'm sorry sis." Ari jumped in and hugged the two and I grinned seeing the lot hug and suddenly I got dragged in. 

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