Chapter 7|| His Highness, What do You Like||

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My gaze softened, he waited, "Thorn your back, ah hello," he held out a hand to Mason who nodded shaking it. "You must be Thorn's significant other, I'm Mason." Corvus nodded and smiled at me, "Corvus," he spoke as they released hands, Liam appeared and Mason chuckled as I walked to Corvus. "Hey boy," Liam grunted allowing the pats as Corvus smiled, "you look beautiful," my gaze softened as he kissed my temple, "thank you," he grinned and glanced at the cross. "Been awhile since I've seen that," he stated as I chuckled; "Mason, Alex and Edward fixed it for me," his gaze softened, "it was nice meeting you Corvus, take care of her, she may be strong but she gets ahead of herself." I chuckled rolling my eyes and he opened his arms and I chuckled hugging him. Then Mason waved him off and left; "How was your da-" I folded my brows, "Corvus?" I stood in front of him and set a hand to his head. My orbs widened; "you need to lay down," I spoke as he rubbed his temples; "I'm alright," I cupped his face; "you've been using your powers all day, let go lay down," his gaze softened as he sighed leaning on my shoulder. "Alright," he's exhausted, he leaned on me as I quickly guided him to his room. Shutting the door I twisted the lock and set him on the bed, he groaned as I folded my brows. "Just relax," I sat besides him undoing his tie as he chuckled; "I'm sorry Thorn," I glanced to him as I helped him leaning up, "don't apologize, let's get you out of this then I want you to open your wings." I undid his coat buttons as he smiled; "Yes ma'am, but at least l-""no, I'm doing this your fine." I cut him off as he sighed, I pulled off his coat then shirt and he opened his wings groaning as he flexed the appendages. "You should know better than to keep them under a spell for so long." I scolded as he kicked off his shoes and I motioned for him to lay on his stomach. "Your right," he laid on his stomach and sat on top of his back kicking my heels off in the process; "damn straight," he chuckled as I ran began to message his back, running my hands up and down his spine under his wings. "Fuck," he grunted as I took out a knot, I worked my way up until I was in the middle between his wings. This was always a difficult spot to get by yourself. I ran my hands between and he shivered under my touch, he was already griping the pillow; I smiled leaning on him and run my hand up his arm and to his hand. "Relax handsome, it's just me," his chuckle was muffled slightly by the sheets. "I know, it's always been so easy with you Thorn. Your not just beautiful but your blunt, sassy, creative, caring, compassionate, empathetic and so much more. You always show me the different sides to things and push me to grow, I can't help but try my best to be the same for you. Because without you I wouldn't be who I am today," my orbs were wide as I stared, his smile was soft and genuine as his orbs held a look of compassion and love. My skin darkened and my gaze softened. "Corvus you push me to grow, to also see a different side. You make me laugh, see things differently through your eyes, surprise me, you showed me how much a man could care. Your respectful, compassionate, protective, sweet and gentle, yet at the same time your logical, brilliant extraordinary in everything you do. When I first met you, after my sword fight with my brother, you asked if I was okay yet I could tell you knew I was fine and seemed to be rubbing salt in my brothers wound. It made me laugh at how cheeky you were, yet you so openly cared for me. You make me want to grow and to stand at your side, because I truly care about you Corvus and I don't think I can imagine my life without you. Because you also made me who I am," it was his turn to stare as he studied me, "dammit I with I could kiss you," he grunted as I laughed and pulled myself off his back and he shifted kissing me as I grinned. Almost as if a fire had lit around us as passion sparked around. Our last kisses were sweet almost innocent compared to this one as our lips pushed against each other almost as if we were starved for one another and I couldn't get enough. We parted as he trailed down kissing and nipping at my neck and collar, but didn't go further. I smiled at him as he gripped my waist and I frowned seeing him wince. "Dammit," he cursed as I giggled and gave him a long chaste kiss. "Let's get your back feeling better." He pouted letting out a soft Aww as those fushua orbs stared up at me. "I know handsome, but your health comes first." He chuckled and laid on his stomach again and I climbed on his back begging to rub the knot between his wings as he moaned under me.

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