Chapter 13||His Nevermore, Curry||

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I smiled as I entered the house, slipped up the stairs, and paused. Where is the camera? I quietly grabbed the device and went around the couch taking a photo of Adrian and Ari; our daughter was asleep on his chest, Adrian leaned against her asleep as well the book he got her in his lap, opened. I grinned, and looked at the photo, chuckling as I set it on the table making my way over I kissed Ari's temples and then Adrian's lips; I smiled and went to start dinner. Tomorrow was the curry competition, and we would surprise Ari by going. I heard a soft groan and peeked around the corner seeing Adrian wake up. He popped his neck then looked down at her and smiled. My smile grew seeing him lift the girl and carry her to her room. I went back to cooking dinner; pasta it is. I waited for the water to boil and I gasped feeling arms around my waist. He chuckled into my neck as I smiled, leaning into him. "Welcome back dearie," I chuckled; "thank you," I smiled and turned as he kissed me. He joined in cooking, nothing too big considering I'm the main one who eats regular food, but both of them eat regular food from time to time and Ari just loves food in general. 'Momma...?' I smiled turning my head to the girl; "hey there Sweetie," she walked over and leaned her head on my leg. I unwounded my tail wrapping it around her and picking her up. She cuddled into my chest as I set my arm under her but held the child as I continued to stir. "Let me, dearie," I smiled, "alright love," his orbs widened and his face flushed as I smiled. 'Momma I want a sibling,' silence, as I turned my head to her and Adrian, dropped the spoon, the sleepy child was half awake; 'I want a little sister,' she slurred as her eyes closed. I smiled at her and sighed turning to the red reaper and giggling. Kissing his cheek I cracked her and he took my hand; "at one point, would you like another?" My orbs widened as my gaze softened and he set a lid on the pasta letting it boil as he turned to me and I smiled. "Yes I would like that," his gaze softened and his lips met mine; "okay dearie."

Ari was between us holding our hands, I smiled grinning at her as I and Adrian life's her causing her to giggle then she plopped on her feet. 'Going to a festival, going to a festival!' I smiled as we grinned at her. "Ah Thorn, hello again Ari." Ceil walked over as I tilted my head and Ari grinned at him. "Ceil why are you here? Don't you run a toy factory?" I asked glancing at Ari when she released my hand and jumped on Adrian who caught her. Then he walked to stand beside me twinning our hands together as Ari looked around. "Yes, I'm simply expanding business and moving some pieces into check." I smirked; "glad to know ya haven't changed kid;" he grinned and nodded at me; "Ceil!" The boy jumped back as I glanced at Ari who caught my attention; 'Momma this place is set up really pretty!' I chuckled fixing her long white hair behind her ears, "mhmm," she grinned and I glanced at Ceil; "will be going Ceil" I paled seeing the boy be smothered as he groaned but nodded waving us off. We walked around, I smiled seeing Ari so excited I can't remember the last time she went to a festival. "Looks like the Queen be coming," I raised a brow as we got situated to a more formal crowd; "I'm surprised she showed," I spoke as Adrian nodded and Ari tilted her head. I gently poked her nose with a smile; 'we're Demons Ari she doesn't concern us so just remain silent.' I said only letting her and Adrian here as she nodded. 'Okay, Momma!' Adrian untangled our hands and moved his hand to set at my waist and I smiled, leaning into his chest. Her carriage stopped and some began to sing while others didn't. A black veil covered her face and I narrowed my eyes at the Angel. Again? "Good evening everyone and thank you. I am so happy to see you, especially since my health has deteriorated since my late husband. Now then, let us continue with the Curry competition, May the best chef win." The Angel stated her words as I stood closer to my family. The competition started, I smiled seeing Ari watch the group cook. Her eyes seem to light up as she watched them and I leaned on Adrian who smiled.

Corvus won, "she went to raid the food didn't she?" He grinned; "she sure did dearie." We grinned, 'Momma! Papa!' We snapped our heads to Ari, why is their black smoke; and we ran over. I kicked a man away from Ari as Adrian grabbed her, I turned my head to see Adrian examine her, and sigh as I smiled. Walking over to them I cupped her face and Adrian forced his hand up punching someone causing me to chuckle. 'I wanna leave,' she spoke and I smiled at her with folded brows. "Okay Hunny," Adrian held her closer and we slipped out heading back into the shop.

He set her down taking a breath as I shut the door. "I'm gonna kill that damn Angel," I hissed as I turned seeing Adrien comforting the girl my brows folded as I walked over crouching and wrapped my arms around her. 'Momma I want to learn how to use my powers.' My orbs widened as she looked up at me; 'I couldn't do anything but yell to you and papa and I felt so defenseless...I don't want to feel that again.' I folded my brows cupping her face and smiled. "Alright Hunny," she nodded as Adrian smiled wiping her nose; "I can also teach you some basic hand-to-hand combat," she grinned broadly and nodded.

I took a breath, letting my wings stretch out of the tub, man it's been a month. Ari is just as exhausted; she passed out face down on the bed and she should be hitting puppetry soon and she'll be going through demon teens. The door opened and I turned my head to Adrian; "hello love;" I spoke and sighed sinking further into the water. He chuckled and began to strip; the water moved almost falling over the tub but neither of us cared. I shifted to where I lay on his stomach and he held me running his thumb between my wings causing me to sigh. "How are you doing Adrian," I spoke looking up and smiling as he grinned. "Honestly never been better; Ari is doing amazing and she's growing like a weed." I smiled running my hands over his scars; "yeah those demon teens are coming," he chuckled running his hand through his hair and I smiled. "Those are gonna be hell," I smiled; "we can do it, together," his gaze softened as he laced our hands together. "Together dearie." We smiled relaxing in the warm water and slipped out. I shivered feeling his hands run over my wings and I glanced back, he kissed the back of my neck making my face flush as he grinned against my skin. And his hands wrapped around my hips my face darkening as I felt him against me. I turned pressing my body against his and he looked over me smiling. "Will need to be quiet love," I warned causing him to chuckle and he lifted me.

Raiden's POV
I yawned as I slipped through Hell's domain appearing at the Phantomhive estate; I can finally see my sisters and formally meet this Corvus. Though it is weird that I haven't gotten any letters recently, then again Ari is a handful, wounder how Undertakers doing? I really like him, this Corvus guy better be good, I glanced around bored as my hounds walked beside me in their smaller forms. "Excuse me, are you Raiden asks Emily?" I glanced at a white-haired man, he's pretty cute. "Yes, you know my sister is she here?" He frowned folding his brows as the snake on him curled around as Liam growled at a small hound who came out of the forest. "Yes, I know her, and no, she left the Phantomhive estate over a year ago, says Wordsworth." My orbs widened, "Do you know where she is?" He solemnly shook his head and my gaze softened as I walked to the male and set my hand on his shoulder; "I can tell you care a lot about her, thank you, she deserves sweethearts like you," I smiled as his orbs widened and he glanced away saying a tiny thank you; "Liam, Amelia track." they barked already knowing her scent and dashed off. "Now then, may I meet Ceil's head butler I need to speak with him." The reptilian male paled; shifting slightly and I folded my brows. "Hey, you good?" He paused then nodded; "Sebastian doesn't like me very much says, Emily." I hummed, what the hell is going on? "Do you know why?" He shook his head no and then paled, turning his head to the man; "Your Highness?" I raised a brow; "You know there's a human here-" I spoke and he grinned; "Ah you already know, Thorn?" He nodded, must have been that short contract she did. "It was nice meeting you Snake, now then as for you I need answers, now," I growled out causing him to stiffen and look away, this man does not bear her mark. He gulped as we shifted to a different space; the world was cracked and swarmed with ice, yet blackness collared the whole. "Corvus Michaelis you have one chance to explain what the hell is going on and don't you dare lie to me," I growled standing in my true form, large thick black horns twirled behind my back of smaller horns always sprouted around in an array. My fangs bared and my tail twitched and twisted as my wings towered over him. And this was the first time I have ever seen the first Commander kneel for anyone.

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