Chapter 12||His Nevermore, Seeing Her||

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I hummed stretching my arms as I leaned back in the chair; "It's kinda weird not having Ari with us," I spoke and Adrian chuckled; "Ye be right dearie, but hey it's nice to take a break she still has all that energy." I chuckled; "Your right on that one," He grinned and slipped over; "Would ye like to go out?" My orbs widened as I looked at the silver-haired man; "You actually want to go somewhere? Where's Adrian?" We snickered as he held out a hand and pulled me up, I could feel those butterflies appear; "We've been in the shop most of the past few months, other than letting Ari stay with her Uncles for the week, we've been home. So ye want to go out?" I smiled, gently gripping his hand as I felt my skin darken looking up at the man, "Alright," he grinned and twirled me causing laughter to food my lips; "Great, I'll get out of me morgue clothes." I chuckled at this, realizing he smelled like death; I smiled as I fixed some of his bangs, and my gaze softened; "Alright, though you look fine just as you are," He paused looking me over and smiled, he's always such a gentleman, putting my needs before his. I want to do the same for him. "Alright dearie," he spoke softly and gently pulled me out; I locked the shop and hooked my arm in his. Those past feelings I had for him had returned and I would even say they were stronger than before; it doesn't help that we've been in the same house for almost a year now. He's been an amazing father and respectful towards me, respecting my decisions and not pushing anything on me. When I first moved in he didn't wrap himself around me, it would only be the accidental brush when we made dinner or played with Ari. And since I broke down and cried as he held me, he's been allowed small hugs when Ari dragged us together and of course, that grew. I glanced at the man, my gaze soft and my cheeks dark for the first time he had his glasses on outside of the shop, his bangs brushed back and his hair trailed down his spine. He's always been a handsome man and age has done him well, "How about a picnic later?" He spoke meeting my gaze his cheeks tinged pink and I smiled, "I'd like that," he grinned as we walked about taking in the London streets; then we stopped and enter a sweets store; I grinned seeing him look around and I took in the sugary aroma of vanilla and honey. It was warm too; "A raspberry crepe please," The woman nodded and got one, I held it as he paid and took a bite then smirked, as I chuckled at the man; he took the sweet once we headed outside, "You should try some dearie," I smiled, "I'm not a fan of sweets," He hummed, his eyes giving a mischievous grin, though I knew he already knew I wasn't a fan of sugary foods, "Trust me," My gaze softened and I took a bite, bitter? My orbs widened as he chuckled; "See," he set his finger on the batter and smeared some on my cheek; "You weirdo," I fake yelled and we laughed, I took some poking his nose as he giggled and I licked my thumb. His skin tinged red as he smirked and rubbed my cheek with his thumb, my skin darkened when he licked his thumb then he wiped his nose eating the bittersweet treat. Weirdo, he took a bite then leaned it over as I took another bite. "Seems a curry competition will be happening in a few days." I hummed looking at the flyer plastered on the board; "Mhmm, wonder if Ari would like that?" He tilted his head; "Seems it's supposed to be for children, so we could bring her." He spoke grinning his gaze soft as I nodded and we both leaned down for a bite, bumping noses. We paused then blushed looking away, "Sorry dearie" "Sorry Undrea," We spoke in union then began to chuckle as we glanced at each other; "Here," I smiled taking a bite then he took one. "Come on Dearie;" I grinned as we finished up the treat throwing the wrapper in the trash and continuing with our afternoon.

"Thorn, glad to see you again." We paused turning to see Corvus and Ceil; "Oh hello Ceil, how've you been?" He smiled at me and walked over; "I'm doing well; thank you for helping Lizzy." My gaze softened and I grinned; "Sure thing," he grinned only for the boy to pale. I glanced at Adrian who grinned; "Undertaker," he snickered as the boy turned his head to the side, man does he love terrorizing this boy, "Undrea," I warned as he pouted, "Aw come on Dearie!" He asked as I chuckled, shaking my head at him, I could feel Ceil silently thanking me as he smirked; "Fine then I'll just fit ye for one of me coffins," I chuckled at his statement and he shrugged; something cracked. I glanced at Corvus, he was glaring at us and Ceil sighed. "Where's your daughter?" Ceil asked, changing the subject as the demon glared at us, ignoring Corvus, I turned my gaze to Ceil. "At her Uncles for the week," I stated as the two were having a glaring match, well Corvus glaring at Adrian, who was smirking. Ceil paled, sighing at the raven and I glanced to Adrian who glanced at me and smiled; "Hey you four!" We turned our gazes to some Indian men, "Give us all your money!" I raised a brow and glanced at Adrian, I doubt they think he's human anymore since I know him. He glanced over them and then at me and I nodded. "Sebastian," Ceil ordered and he sighed fixing his glove. I was fixing to grab my daggers until another guy cut in. "Hey what's going on here?" It was another Indian with dark purple hair and a man with white hair was next to him. He glanced over us then folded his brows; "leave my countrymen alone, Agni defend." My brow twitched seeing Corvus step forward. Then grew shocked at how those two went hand to hand. "Dearie." I looked up, he motioned behind us and I glanced back; there were men creeping up on us. "Why are you attacking us when we've done nothing wrong!?" Ceil yelled seeing some men creep behind him and the purple guy paused. "Is that really what happened? Agni we're on the Englishmen's side now;" Agni stopped and soon knocked out the group. I sighed as Adrian smiled; "I apologize, now then Agni-" he snapped his fingers as the man bowed; "yes Prince Soma," he stated as he glanced me over and I crossed my arms. Adrian put an arm in front of me catching his attention. The man froze, the color draining from his skin as I giggled softly. I forgot how nasty his glares were; I smiled my gaze softened as Soma gulped and backed up and left. "Thank you," I smiled resting a hand on his arm and he smiled softly; "sure thing Dearie," I chuckled as he ruffled my hair. "Glad to see you, Happy Thorn, now then will be off," I smiled waving the boy off; then Corvus stopped and turned to us; "I'm sorry," Corvus spoke, his brows folded as he bowed. "Sebastian!" He raised his head and turned going to Ceil and I glanced at Adrian who met my gaze. "At least he apologized?" Adrian questioned as I smiled; "yeah, now come on!" He laughed as I took his hand dragging him to a bookstore.

We sat on a couch, I leaned against him glancing at what he read as I held my own book. He turned it so I could read better and I felt his arm slip around my waist. I glanced at him as he met my gaze and I smiled, I ignored my heart beating against its cage as he grinned. "Frankenstein; the version from 1818s," I hummed leaning into him; "I'm surprised there are still copies?" He nodded then marked the page; "I'll be buying this so we can read it later?" I smiled and nodded, "Alright," he grinned and showed me another book and I grinned, it was a book for young children; "She'd like this," he smiled as I found one of Grimms's Fairytale series. "It's that scary man Agni," We paused, looking at each other and then behind us; "Prince Soma," the man spoke and I raised a brow. His grip tightened around my waist and I sighed; "If you have something to say, then say it." I stated, letting my hand rest on his chest. "I'm sorry to disturb you two, but have you happened to see a young Indian woman?"Agni spoke approaching with a badly drawn picture; we glanced at each other than the drawing as Adrian fixed his glasses. "I'm sorry but we haven't," he spoke and Agni smiled at us; "Thank you, do you have an idea as to where to find any Indian women?" I paled at the poor use of words; "No," I said as he nodded; "Thank you;" the man bowed and left; now then that was strange.

I hummed softly swaying my hips to the beat; begging to sing softly then a hand took mine, spinning me I laughed as he grinned. We moved in sync dancing to the soft beat as he twirled me, making me giggle as he held my hips and twined our hands together and I let my hand rest on his chest. My face flushed as my heartbeat picked up and we danced side to side and spun softly, I smiled looking up at him and his gaze softening then he hummed with me and danced, singing softly;

"When I was younger
I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart
And I watched
As he tried to reassemble it" 

My gaze softened as I joined in; 

"And my momma swore
That she would never let herself forget
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love
If it does not exist, but darlin'
You are, the only exception"

We almost whispered out as he spun me and dipped me as I smiled and he pulled me into his chest; "You make me want to be a better man." he confessed making my eyes widen and then soften as my hand traveled up his chest and around his neck;  and I spoke without thinking, I don't know why but I know it felt right. "Adrian, I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out." His lips parted as my orbs widened and I covered my mouth my face darkening. He smiled, resting his head against mine and my body relaxed, "May I?" He asked cupping my face and my gaze softened, I studied that patient gaze of his, and all I could see was affection and a love that I craved yet asked for; and for some reason, it felt as if only he could give it to me, the one who left and came back, the one who raised our daughter, the one who respects and loves me for who I am, my eyes shifted to his lips then to his eyes; "Yes," his gaze softened as he leaned down capturing my lips in a soft, sweet kiss. It was gentle yet held a tenderness I haven't felt, my chest pounded as I gently gripped his hand as he pulled mine to his chest and I could feel his heart beating out of his chest. He depend the kiss smiling as we parted his head rested against mine and we smiled slowly spinning to the music as we held each other. "I love you too Thorn," my gaze softened at his settled whisper yet it held more words and meaning than any of us could hear. I set my hands on his chest as he held my waist, a smile filling our lips as he kissed my forehead. 

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