Chapter 9||His Highness, Contract Me||

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I smiled as I woke up to Corvus beside me. My head on his chest as he held me; he was smiling as he 'slept' I giggled as his grin twitched and he opened his crimson gaze to look at me. "Morning beautiful," he cooed kissing my nose as I chuckled. "Morning handsome," he grinned guiding his hand up my back as I ran my hands over his bare chest. "We should get up," I hummed softly, "yeah," we took a moment the slowly mozied out of the covers into some clothes and out of the tent. He twined our hands together and Snake approached waving at me. "Heya bud how's your Mornin been?" He nodded; "not bad, says Olivia." I grinned as he glanced at Corvus; "Black this is Snake he's really nice," Corvus hummed and smiled holding out a hand; "nice to meet you," Snake nodded shaking his hand; "you too, Red talks highly of you; says Weasley;" my skin darkened as Corvus chuckled. "Aw, how sweet of you dear," I puffed my cheeks as Snake grinned and nodded softly. "Hush you," he chuckled kissing my cheek as Snake spoke; "Warning Red, Joker is in a mood so best stay far from him today, says Olivia." I sighed, "thank you Snake I appreciate the warning," he nodded softly as Corvus tilted his head; "You came all this way to warn her?" Snake nodded, "Red is nice, I like her company she's like a sister and she looks out for us when we get out of our cages; says Olivia." I glanced at the raven with a grin as he smiled at him; "I appreciate you looking out for her when I'm not here, even though I know you can more than handle yourself," my grin grew making my cheeks hurt as the two got along well, Snake was respectful to him and Corvus treated him the same. I'm glad they get along, 'do you think he would help us with information?' I glanced at Corvus as we walked together. Snake was beside me breathing in the cool air and enjoying the silence. I paused, 'it depends on how you approach him. I honestly want him to come to the estate instead of the circus so Raiden has a chance to meet him. I believe the two will get along well. Also, I enjoy his company too, I can see him as a younger sibling too;' I heard his hun fill my head; 'do you want to try?' I glanced at him and smiled; 'yeah, I and him will be working here soon and you have your stuff,' William cut us off as he called for Corvus. "Black we're being called immediately;" I paled; these two do not get along. "Alright, see you later," he spoke kissing my temple; "see you," I spoke as he grinned heading over to the reaper. "I like him, says Weasley;" I chuckled at Snake, "I'm glad, now then do you want to practice, I'll sing and see how everyone reacts?" I allowed Olivia to slip onto my shoulders, and she stuck her tongue out as I smiled; "okay; said, Olivia." I chuckled as he paused; "he's in the main tent?" Snake nodded as I hummed; "will be fine and I trust ya Snake, I'll be all good!" He grinned and nodded softly as we entered the tent.

I can feel that damn gingers' gaze; I sighed as we finished up. Snake nodded as he walked over to me; "oh and can I talk to you? It's important," he nodded again, tilting his head and I smiled. "Don't worry it's nothing bad," his gaze softened; "alright, says Weasley;" I grinned as we began to make our way out a snake slipping into my shoulders hissing sharply and I gently scratched under Olivia's neck. Slipping out of the tent we both took in the cold air and we made our way to his tent. I smiled as he sat on his hammock snakes rung around the place. "Do you want to stay in the circus permanently or leave?" He looked up his orbs widening as I grinned; "I trust you Snake so I'll tell you the truth as to why I'm here," his mouth opened then closed; "and what you are, asks Wilde." My orbs widened then I chuckled my gaze glowing as I hummed; "that's a dangerous question Snake you sure you want that answer?" He paused and then nodded as I smirked, I knew I liked him. Ivory feathers fell as he jumped seeing a room of black surround us. "Don't worry this is just for privacy's sake;" I stated as he looked me over, his legs shook slightly but his eyes held this fire of determination and curiosity. "I am a demon, the second in line to the crown. My brother recently became King," he paled a gulp trailing down his throat as my gaze softened; "Snake I won't hurt you, I like your company which is why I'm telling you this." He paused and took a breath; I waited patiently as he calmed down and nodded; "alright," his voice croaked out and I grinned. "I ask this because I am here figuring out the case of the missing children. I don't plan on staying in the circus but to back the suspects that I have in mind or even to clear them, I need answers." I spoke; he folded his brows and I tilted my head. "Take your time," he nodded and opened his mouth then closed it; "I can summon Emily if that makes you more comfortable?" His gaze softened and he nodded, snapping my fingers at the coral snake wrapped around his shoulders. She hissed as Snake smiled; "I never thought of leaving the circus, and I don't know anything of the murders. I knew they were happening but that's all...says Emily," he added as his brows were knitted his lips pursed and his hands clenched. My gaze softened at him as I walked over opening my wings, my tail swaying and he looked up, my horns towering to the blood-stained heavens. His orbs widened as I stood in front of him, "would you be willing to help?" I asked as he paused then nodded, I smiled at him; "your safety will be guaranteed along with your friends;" I paused letting Emily wrap around my arm then continued. "I give you a temporary contract, I seek no soul nor demand one all I ask is your loyalty and trust in me. You may ask three things and even deny this contract if you wish." His orbs were wide as I shifted to my complete form, that of a falcon Hawke demon. My horns represented the bird's crown and my albino feathers bared the same shading. My red gown wrapped and hugged my figure some trailing behind acting as a bird's tail as my actual tail swayed underneath bearing a poisoned tip in a sharp arrow. The coral snake hissed and slithered back into Snake's shoulder as I kept my hand outstretched. "Why no soul?" His voice was barely a whisper as I chuckled, "Because I am a half-demon, and because of this I don't eat souls. The same goes for my brother but my baby sister is a full-blooded demon." His orbs shot open as I smiled; then he took my hand. "I ask your trust, help and to stay friends," my gaze softened as we shook hands. The contract caused no pain and no blood because it was temporary. Then we were back in his tent, I was in human form and he now had a seal on his chest. It was a rose in the center and the circle surrounding it looked like a heap of vines twined around itself in addition to the small demon language of my name surrounding the rose. I looked at my hand bearing the same seal but his real name was there instead of mine. Anthony Sawyer? "Snake suits you better," he blinked and chuckled as I pointed at the mark.

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