Chapter 2 ||His Highness, A Surprise||

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I smiled as Lizzy stared at herself, her orbs wide as she lifted the dress and spun, Her hair was down with beautiful curls flooding down her spine and she wore light makeup giving her a softer appearance. The maid entered and gasped, "My Lady you look absolutely exquisite!" I grinned agreeing with her, "This seems more like you Lizzy," She turned her head, "Thorn, what do you mean?" I smiled, tilting my head; "You seemed like you were holding back yourself, though I seem to be the only one who noticed. This seems more of who you are, you are both elegant and regal, innocent yet strong. You are a parallel between both yet you hold yourself back, I know it is not my place, but Lizzy this suits you much more than who you were pretending to be." She cupped her face as I smiled, then she hugged me; "Thank you" I grinned and soon I was being dolled up; "He wont be able to keep his eyes off you!" My orbs widened and my face flushed, "You mean Sebastian?" I spoke as she nodded, she had me in a medium length gown, it was a baby blue with white roses on the collar and a white ribbon around my waist; though this was something I usually don't wear it wasn't bad. The gown had panels with white lace details of roses with the underskirt being slightly bulky but now to much. It made the gown flow around my knees better and my shoes were white with blue roses detailed into the heel. The last thing she gave me were short white gloves, I guess she noticed I wore gloves at the party and gave me knew ones; "Yes! Wait you two are just friends?" I nodded as her orbs widened, we were entering the carriage; ah she had also done my long ivory hair into a elegant bun with braids allowing some bits to frame my face; it would be a bit to much white if she allowed it down, doesn't help that I'm albino. That was the main reason I didn't wear white, I lacked melanin in my body so I never tried to wear it. "Yes," Why am I embarrassed over this topic? "But your so pretty! Then Sebastian is just handsome, how come you two aren't together?!" She pouted, she means well but this is a bit much. "Because looks aren't everything, if I simply liked someone for a shallow reason such as that, then I would never be happy." She paused, her gaze softening; "Your right, I'm sorry if I went overboard." My gaze softened at the girl, "Your all right Lizzy, and Sebastian and I; we have know each other for a very long time and we are comfortable with each other; but love takes much more than that. It takes time, work and effort life is not easy and challenges is what makes us grow. And romance does not come from one person it comes from both ends, if it is one sided then it is simply not worth the time or tears. Love is a lot more complicated, its where you bring each other up, inspire yourself to push forward and become the better you, while accepting all that the other has to give. That goes for flaws, strengths and more, it goes to sharing not just a heart, but your soul." I stated as the girl stared at me; she pulled her hanker chief out and dapped away some tears; "Lizzy why are you crying?" I spoke softly and shifted to seat next to her; "I don't know." She sniffed as I folded my brows, this child much shoulder a lot; I wrapped my arms around her and began to sing softly, calming the girl and I pulled away; "Better?" She nodded as she dabbed the rest of her face. "Yes, oh were here." She spoke as I looked out the carriage seeing the manor; "Mhmm, you good to go?" she took another breath and nodded and the maid helped us out. "My Lady?" We had entered the estate and a woman with magenta pigtailed hair with large hooped glasses had stopped; "Mey-Rin!" She chirped then an evil grin crept up as I chuckled; "I suggest you run Madame;" I warned as she paused then the blonde leapt forward causing them to play cat and mouse, I held back my laughter as the Lady chased everyone down and hung the poor reaper up as a decoration.

"Hold Still;" they whined as I undid the roped and set them down, "Thank you My Lady;" The long haired reaper spoke rubbing their neck, "No worries but are you alright?" I spoke leaning down and running my fingers over the rope burn, they pause as I hummed. "If only I knew were the medical kit was." I spoke tilting my head and the door opened and I glanced over seeing a boy in blue and Corvus. He froze his orbs widening as I stood and smiled; "Hello Sebastian," The boys orbs widened as the raven blinked then set a hand to his face, clearing his throat; "Thorn, it's been a while," I chuckled as the reaper stood and I made my way over; "What cat got your tongue Michalis?" He chuckled, as I gave a smirk; "Well to be frank I've never seen you in something like this." I laughed, "Touché." He shook his head as Lizzy got his attention; then a bonnet was strapped onto his head and I snickered, along with the other servants as I laughed when he glared; the others shut up but I sure as hell didn't. "Thorn..." He warned as I calmed my laughter, "Sebastian." He sighed as I snickered and the boy glanced between us, "and you must be Thorn Lucilfer as Elizabeth informed me." I smiled and nodded; "That is correct Ceil Phantomhive," He smirked as I curtsied; "I wasn't aware that you knew Sebastian?" He inquired as I nodded; "Yes, we've know each other for a long time and Sebastian doesn't like revealing personal information in his job," I spoke as the boy hummed, nodding as he understood what I meant; "I see, your not with Elizabeth are you?" He spoke as I shook my head; "No mere change I met her," He let out a sigh and the boy was tackled in a hug, his skin darkened at his fiancé and I smirked. "Ceil!!" She giggled as I shook my head, venturing to the raven in black who was being swarmed by the servants; "I did warn you lot to run," I spoke standing next to the demon. "You didn't warn us quick enough!" The chef complained; "Your just slow," He groaned smoking his bud, "Mey-Rin was the only one lucky enough to escape" Finny claimed as she sighed, "Thanks to Lady Thorn," I paled; "Just Thorn, Lizzy actually put me in this gown before I got here." She blinked realizing what I meant; "Still blunt as ever," I glanced at him giving a smirk, "You really think I'd change?" He grinned and chuckled shaking his head as the group stared, "Thorn!" I was jumped as the girl grabbed my arm, Sebastian was called away. "Yes Lizzy?" I spoke glancing at the child as she grinned; "We're gonna have a ball-you should dance-" I paled, then she glanced at Mey-Rin; "Run" She escaped and dashed only for the reaper to be caught in her place; "Rip," I chuckled as the boys turned to me, "Yer a weird one," I shrugged, "Thanks," He chuckled as the blonde boy tilted his head; "I've never seen Mr. Sebastian smile like that.." he muttered as I grinned; if they only knew.

I slipped out, the ball was still going on, but I need to find that ring. I glanced using my powers to find it with ease and mend the stone. That girl still as so much to learn, I sighed holding the blue gem. Then turned seeing a carriage pull up and Lizzy being carried out by Ceil, I smiled as he set her down and the carriage left; I made my way over waving the carriage off. "Do you care if I work here?" I spoke glancing to the boy, and held out his ring, his orbs widened as he took the gem. "What's the catch?" He spoke as I chuckled, "Nothing, I simply want to stay around Sebastian, I've been patient for five years boy, and I'm rather bored." His gaze narrowed as I grinned, "Sebastian." I chuckled as the raven stood behind him, "Yes My Lord?" The general spoke as I smiled; "Is there anything I should know about this arrangement, tell me this is an order." Smart choice, Corvus leaned up and spoke; "This would only benefit you, Thorn would do her best to help me which means she would also be included in finding who killed your parents along with any investigation and she seeks no souls, I don't see why you wouldn't accept this?" Yet he leaves out on small fact; the child glared at him and hummed; "What are you hiding?" He gave his signature closed eyed smile, the fake one he plastered on for others amusement. "You can't order her and I cannot do anything to stop her, and her orders will always stop yours." His orb widened and he glanced to me; "I'm a royal, so my orders are law." I spoke as he paled; "Do keep in mind Sebastian is my friend and I don't order my friends." I added as the males gaze softened agreeing with my statement. The boy sighed; "You will start tomorrow." I grinned as he turned stepping inside; "Sebastian show her to her quarters. "We glanced to each other, "Yes My Lord," he spoke and the child disappeared and Corvus wrapped his arms around me grinning broadly as I giggled, "Dork," he chuckled poking my nose, "You look beautiful." My orbs widened as my skin darkened and orbs widened, heh?

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