Chapter 11||His Nevermore, Family Life||

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-Sorry for how many switching POVs

I fixed the last of the room, I was surprised seeing how the shop had a whole upper floor with two rooms and two baths. I set my hands to my hips, giving myself a nod, and slipped out of my new room. Adrian gave me his room, stating he slept in coffins anyways, this man, I shook my head peaking into Ari's room. I couldn't help my smile seeing Adrian had his hair pulled back in a ponytail as Ari and he ran about, giggling as they were setting up her room. A grin crept onto my lips as I leaned on the frame; she was saying how she wanted to hang a picture, he offered but the stubborn girl refused. So she was on his shoulders pinning up the frame and had her tongue stuck out making me giggle as Adrian told her when it was straight. "Having fun you two?" I spoke as they got done and the two glanced at me; Ari laughed as Adrian let her down and she ran over; 'Momma!' I picked her up catching her as she leaned back smirking evilly; "Aw hi baby," I cooed leaning her up as she giggled. Adrian walked over as she pointed at the picture; "Oh I remember that," I spoke seeing one of when Ari was a babe and I held her, the next was all three of us when she was swaddled and another of Adrian holding the child as the two slept. "I didn't even know you took that one," I snickered, "You were so difficult to get a picture of, and it was the first time you held her I just had to." Ari smiled as he grinned; "I was so scared I drop ye." She giggled as he poked her cheek with his nails. 'Papa,' we laughed at the girl who crossed her arms and pouted.

Sebastian's POV
I stared in the mirror, staring at my bare shoulder, it was really gone. I gripped the sink cracking it, my eyes glowing as I folded my brows. All they did was pour salt into my wound, it's been three weeks, yet I still remember that brat damned laughing at me when he ordered me to tell him why she left. Mey-Rin, Finny, Bard, and even Snake asked what happened to her but Snake was persistent, and because of her order I couldn't do a damn thing. It creaked under my grasp as my grip tightened; "I had her, she was mine and because of my damned jealousy I lost her!" It shattered, and my orbs widened as I cursed, times like this I wish I could just snap my fingers and fix it. Slipping out of the bathroom I paused; "Handsome what took you so long," She would coo rolling on my bed; "Let's go fly!" She would run up setting her hands on my chest, her eyes almost sparkling as she looked at me. "Come on let's play cards ya dork!" She would chirp grinning evilly as she held the deck, sometimes I wonder if she rigged it. I felt my knees buckle as I slid down the door, I could still remember that look, I gripped my knees as that look of her long wild locks in that red gown that smelled of him came to mind. Her brows folded, a frown on her lips, and her eyes. They glowed in rage, yet held disappointment, a forming hatred, sorrow, and heartbreak. What was wrong with me? Why did I slap her? Why did I lay my hands on her, why did I hurt her, how could I hurt her? Tears pricked and fell onto the floor as I leaned back staring blankly at the ceiling; "I fucked up."

"Wait, where's Thorn and Ari?" I flinched hearing their names as Ceil answered Elizabeth; "She resigned." Her orbs widened; "What, why!?" She yelled as Ceil frowned, "It's not my place Lizzy," he spoke and her brows folded then she turned her head to me; "Ari isn't your daughter is she?" I felt my brow twitch as she frowned; "What did you do Sebastian?" She spoke with a sigh as I glanced away; "My Lady I apologize for my frankness but my love life is none of your concern." She huffed crossing her arms; "I understand that, but Thorn is my friend, and if she went as far as to resign in getting away from you." That hit a nerve. "Then it is my business, Ceil do you know where she is?" She turned to her fiance as I waited for those dreaded words; "She's with Ari's father, The Undertaker," Elizabeth's orbs widened; and I bit the inside of my cheek, "Now I didn't expect that," She hummed and smiled; "Thank you Ceil, now then, I'd like to celebrate your birthday." His orbs widened as she pulled out a gift, wrapped in royal blue paper. He paused, taking the gift; "Lizzy," She smiled, setting her hands on the desk; "Open it," He sighed and did so, opening the book and finding it to be an album. His orbs widened as he looked over old photos and new ones, and seemed to read things. Did she make this? I glanced at her hands seeing bandaids and some stains of ink. Ceil stood then hugged her, "Thank you, Lizzy." She smiled; "I'm so happy that you like it Ceil." My brow twitched as a bitter feeling sank into my gut, keep you cool Corvus. Can I even make it up to her?

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