Chapter 6||His Highness, Reapers||

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Liam growled at the small male; defending Sebastian so he could play with a cat. I was leaned against him going through letters I missed while we were away. Then fire, "Liam," The hound growled as the pup lit the place; "Teach," He lunged throwing the pup and making him learn the hard way how to behave. Corvus kissed my temple releasing the feline and pulled me into his lap instead. The cat jumped back then meowed as she entered my lap and began to purr as Corvus chuckled holding me. Liam trotted over and plopped in front of us, soon the pup dragged himself from the forest whimpering then laid a bit away from the adult. "The reaper association?" I raised a brow popping the seal and paled; "Ah so the guy didn't get overtime, I should do this immediately." He hummed kissing my neck as I chuckled and kissed him, "Don't get into to much trouble," he grinned brushing some bangs from my face, "Will see about that," I giggled lifting the cat and setting the dark creature on Corvus. He smiled as I raked my hands through its fur then stood, making my way to Liam, running my hands over his muzzle I smiled; "Good boy, your in charge of the pup while I'm gone." He growled lowly as I chuckled; "I know, sorry bud." He huffed as I turned and left; appearing at the association gates in my demon form. I dusted the crimson gown as I held the seal up to the desk keeper. "I have business in the associate asked by Mason Eclipse." He nodded and typed it down, opening the gates for me I entered the place. Man this place is still a bleach white. I chuckled and titled my head, "Grell?" She turned and her orbs widened as she looked at my regular form. "Thorn..." she trailed, "you good?" I spoke as her gaze widened and the blonde whistled. "Ah yes, thank you." I smiled at her, "Alrighty," I was about to walk away until she called me; "do you need some help!" My gaze softened as I nodded and she ran to stand besides me. "I'm looking for Mason," her orbs widened and she nodded grinning broadly. "Alright just follow me!"

My heels clacked against the concrete as stared landed on us. "You got demoted?" I broke the awkward tension as she glanced to me and puffed her cheeks; "yeah! I got these crappy scissors now!" She whined as I grinned at her. "Seems Mason let ya off easy, he writes to me quite a bit. Usually he'd be a lot more harsh especially with what ya did." She paused and turned, her brows were knitted together as she comically clicked the scissor open and close. "Really? But-agh I just don't get why I'm being punished. I understand the killings-and that's why, but." She sighed and my gaze softened; "because you had a reason, and even being in his position he as to make an example so he still has respect. Your punishment was lenient because he understood there was more to the situation. Rather you tell him or not is up to you, Mason is much older than me and a very wise man, he sometimes gets to stern but that's just who he is. Grell I'm sorry your going through what your going through but will you sit there and let it consume you or grow and become a better you as you find a solution or solve the thing that hurts you the most?" Her orbs were wide as I smiled and she chuckled; "for a demon your awfully humane," I grinned; "good, we all need some humanity in our lives." I smiled as she grumbled and wiped her face and I set a hand to her shoulder. "Your a very strong woman Grell, you can get through this believe in yourself and lean on those you cherish." She sniffed her orbs glazing over; "he's mad at me," I folded my brows; "then talk to him, he can't read your mind Grell," she took a breath and nodded, "your right, Thorn thank you." I smiled at her, "of course," a comfortable silence filled as I saw my old friends; "Yo assholes!" They turned their heads, Alex falling on Edward. "Thorn, Grell." Mason spoke walking over, "bitch shrink," I stated crossing my arms at the tall lanky man, his dark hair was in the usual high ponytail that cascaded down his spine and he wore traditional dark kimonos? I think is what there called from his late era back when magic was a thing. "Mason, sir." Grell spoke as the dinosaur smiled fixing his dark blue frames. "I'd like to hold a meeting or conversation with you later, over what I've done." He hummed; "very well, you may stay or leave it is your choice Grell." Her gaze softened as she smiled, "I'll be leaving, Thorn it was nice talking with you!" I chuckled as she hugged me, "you too!" I giggled as she ran off, "thank you Thorn." I chuckled as he ruffled my bangs as the other two ran over. "Careful ya don't stab yerself!" He laughed as Edward picked me up and spun me and Alex toppled me in a hug, "Strawberry!" I laughed as we all chuckled, the red head was another higher up with freckles staining his Roman features while Edward was shorter and bulkier compared to the thin lanky males besides me. Paired with dirty blonde hair and a growing stubble he had the most American features out of all of us. "You didn't give William overtime?" I asked Mason as he shook his head; "nope, I knew when you didn't answer immediately you must be busy." I sighed, "good cause I would've given you overtime is ya did." He paled shrinking back as I walked with the trio. "How's England been?" Alex asked tilting his head, "not bad, I and Corvus are together now." Edward gasped; "fucken finally! The short stuff got a man!" I yeeted him across the yard causing William to stop seeing some newbies behind him I paled as Mason chuckled and Alex paled. "Dammit ya little devil!" My brow twitched; "bitch I'm older than you! It's not even my fault that I'm fucken short ya prick!" Mason broke out in laughter as Edward flipped me off; "bitch you wouldn't even know what fuck was without Alex!" The two turned bright red as I set a hand to my hip and William took that cue to leave. "Hey William," I called and he stopped, "yes ma'am?" I smiled, "speak to Grell, it's important." His orbs widened as I grinned. "Ya bi-" I dodged Edward and laughed as he face planted into the pavement; "Edward how are you a higher up?" Mason asked with a sigh, "we all know Thorn is highly skilled, and her reflexes are stupid fast." I snickered as the male jumped up, "so what! Her and Mr. Legendary are both freakishly skilled with reaping souls!" I paled, "why must you say souls," I made a disgusted face. "Why are you the only demon who doesn't eat souls?" Alex asked as I hummed; "secret!" I chirped as they sighed. "I swear that's gonna kill you one of these days," Mason spoke, yet his brows were folded and my gaze softened as we entered the main hall for glasses and sharpening scythes. "It won't, I have other ways to feed myself." He pursed his lips but nodded. "Alright, go get your scythes sharpened before you leave." I blinked; "oh yeah been meaning to do that!" I should get Adrian glasses, he can't read shit without them. "I know you keep writing me that then never come, see ya later Thorn don't cause to much trouble," I grinned as he ruffled my hair careful of my horns as he left. Alex hugged me and Edward gave me a side hug then ran over to the red head twining their hands together. My gaze softened, "just this once." He laughed as I turned and made my way to my favorite specs guy.

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