Chapter 5 ||His Highness, Something More||

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I yawned stretching over the bed hearing him chuckle; "Tired?" I hummed as the bed creaked under his weight and I opened my eyes seeing him above me. My skin darkened as he smirked; "We need to talk Thorn," My gaze softened; "Is that why you trapped me?" He hummed relaxing himself as I smiled; "I'm waiting," I spoke chuckling softly as he grinned; "I like you," I paused my orbs widening and my face flushed as he smiled; "And I only say this now, because I hoped you feel the same." I felt my breath hitch and my chest began to pound as he twined our hands together. It was true I have began to notice him more, even feeling the pangs when the angel got too close or wanting to be besides him. Even when I couldn't, I gripped his hand as he looked at me; "I feel the same," I noticed the small pink against his skin as he grinned broadly his grip on my hand tightening softly as I pulled my hand and cupped his face pulling him down as our lips met. We grinned and I could feel him chuckle as we parted then he leaned down again, our lips met forming together as he released my hand and cupped my face and my arms wrapped around him, I giggled when we parted as he grinned and a yelp flooded as he pulled me into his lap. "Weirdo;" I pouted as he gripped my hips, my hands resting on his chest as he chuckled; "Your one to talk kitten." My face darkened as he chuckled and kissed my forehead; "AAAAAAAAAAAAA" I jumped gripping his shoulders as we fell back and he pulled me closer; "The hell was that?" He grumbled as I groaned laying my head on his chest, "Why'd that scare me," I grumbled as he glanced down and grinned.

Sebastian POV
She's finally mine, I smiled at the woman on me, does she not realize how revealing her nightgown is? Her breast were pressed against me, her cleavage on show and her long ivory hair was sprawled around us, making her even more breathtaking. I leaned up as she rested between my legs; then her lips formed an almost evil smirk as her hands moved to my legs and she pushed herself up, kissing me. I chuckled and deepened the gesture and felt her hands wrap into my hair as I cupped her face ad moved my hand to grip her waist. She smiled as our lips collided and pulled together and I trailed my tongue over her lips, she denied me and I bit causing her to gasp and my tongue entered her; she moaned softly as I pulled her closer. Then a quiet scream, the hell? We parted as she gasped and our gazes shifted to the door; Mey-Rin, I glared as Thorn sighed; she kissed me softly then slipped up and creaked open the door; "Really, spying?" She spoke leaning against the frame as I rubbed my temples and stood, grabbing my coat I walked over wrapping it around her as she leaned onto my chest; "S-Sorry! I didn't mean too, no I didn't!" She yelled stepping back as I glared at the woman, Thorn sighed rubbing her temples; "Mey go to bed and stop eavesdropping on others, its rude." She shrank further back, "Y-Yes ma'am." She stuttered and Thorn shut the door and locked it, I glanced at her and smiled kissing her neck. "Corvus," She whispered and I grinned, "Come on beautiful we have all night," She turned her head, her cheeks flushed and she lightly smacked my chest; "Not yet," I laughed, "I know that," Her face only darkened as I laughed at how cute she was being. She gripped my hand and pulled me onto the bed and straddled my lap; "Don't laugh at me," I smirked seeing her eyes glow as I held her hips; her fingers traced my jaw as my grin broadened. "Remember the last time you did this?" She paused, tilting her head; "Back during the war, when we first met." Her orbs widened as I chuckled;

Why the hell is the Princess coming, I don't want to babysit, I'm here to win this damned thing. My claws ripped into my table as I growled, "She better not be some stuck up bitch," I leaned up running my hands through my hair, "Commander, sir" I turned my gaze using my powers to peel the tent open reveling a young demon, "Speak," He bowed and spoke; "She's here sir, she'll be coming to you immediately." I nodded; damn thought I had more time, "Good, leave." He said nothing else, I closed the tent glancing over the plans, these angels need to be overthrown but we don't have enough men or woman. I set the pages down and sighed; "Commander Corvus?" I froze, turning my gaze to a short demoness, I couldn't stop my eyes from widening or how she took my breath away. Her long snow stained hair raked down her spine, making that tight crimson gown stand against her pale grey skin, she had a figure that but any succumbs to shame. Her hands and arms were similar to mine they held sharp black claws and a black stained her hands raising up to her arms, and her face. It would put anyone to shame, with her sheer beauty made her almost angelic, large pucker lips that were stained black, a cute upturned nose and large feline eyes, they reminded me of a cat as those brilliant crimson orbs gazed over me, studying me as the red eyeshadow made those white lashes even more apparent. She wore her rose gold crown with crimson gems and her tall ivory horns stood proud from her skull, if she tilted her head you see two more sets continuing down her skull protruding from the wild locks of ivory and her wings; mine were bigger than hers but hers were still impressive. I cleared my throat pulling my gaze from her; "Yes I'm Corvus," She hummed and I watched as she circled me, why do I feel intimidated? She looked me up and down, her hips swayed as her breast bounced with each step. "I expected more, but I am impressed, your a raven correct?" My brow twitched as I stood in front of her, she hummed; "Yes I am a raven, but I don't see why that matters." She grinned, chuckling softly, "Glad to know you have a backbone, are these the plans?" My brow twitched as she picked up the papers I tossed, her gaze shifted to the clawed table but she said nothing. This damn-"Why not ask for the reapers? I can get you connected to the person in charge and that allows more play-" I cut her off; "Why would we involve yourself with such a nuisance, the reapers don't make me laugh!" I looked up and froze, her orbs glowed that fuchsia as her ivory feathers began to pool around raking over me; "Watch your tongue boy, I will not allow y-" I laughed; "Don't get on your high horse, you may be a princess but I am in charge!" I gasped landing on the ground as she straddled my lap, where'd that tail come from!? The tip was on my throat as she growled baring her fangs: "Who the hell do you think assigned you this position!" She growled and my orbs widened, what? "I respect those who would call me out, but if you keep speaking poorly on people I know who will openly aid us and change the very fate of this war then maybe I should've kept my mouth shut." I was leaned back , gulping harshly at the beauty on me; my face darkened as I felt my chest leap out, what the fuck is going on with me? Why did she give me this position? "Why me?" Her tail lowered and she chuckled; "For someone so exceptionally talented, I'm surprised on how stupid your being. Remember when you were in front of my father and that girl with the swords?" My orbs widened and my mouth opened as she sighed; "That was you..." She sighed setting a hand to her face; "No shit-"We were cut off by the tent opening reveling the second command, Claude; "Comman-"He froze looking at the two of us; "Leave," He shrunk back, "Y-Yes Ma'am." I hid a chuckle seeing the spider dash away. I've never seen him run like that.

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