Chapter 10||His Highness, Adrian Crevan||

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-My Art

The lake froze over? I glanced over the ice seeing bounds of tents hung about the place; I need to give Adrian his glasses. It was barely morning, the sun was just rising as I saw the man I was looking for, wait Ari!? My brow twitched, and I appeared in front of his tented shop; "Arinina Lucien," I growled opening the tent and she turned her mouth stuffed with biscuits as I sighed rubbing my temples; "Young Lady how dare you to visit Adrian before me," I stated setting a hand to my chest as she puffed her cheeks and finished the food, munching like a chipmunk with stuffed cheeks and ran over; 'I'm sorrrry! I ran into him on my way to you!' She told me as I glanced at the man, he was swaying on his heeled boots as he grinned broadly; "What can't leave the lass out in this weather," He tried to defend as my brow twitched; "Your lucky I don't kick you through the tent." He gave a dry chuckle as I sighed pushing the cloak aside and he froze; I wore a high collar and long-sleeved red gown, it was something I received years ago for a birthday gift, yet no one told me from who; it just showed up one day. 'Momma,' I glanced at my sister and smiled; picking up the girl I sighed; "You know you can't wear clothing like this with humans around, I know your not cold darlin' but you'll just attract unwanted attention." She puffed her cheeks gripping the black cloak; 'I don't like winter clothes, they're hot' My gaze softened as I fixed her ivory hair over her tanned skin; "I know, hey once we get home you can wear summer clothes all ya want!" Her large amethyst orbs stared at me as white lashes batted against that caramel skin; 'Okay!' She beamed and I snapped my fingers having her appear in a dark black gown with purple accents making her eyes pop; her own cloak on her shoulders as her legs held dark brown leggings that looked thick but where thin and she wore heeled winter boots that were black. I compromised letting her keep her short sleeves as long as she kept the cloak on and gave her thin black gloves; she giggled kicking her legs as I pulled the casing from my pocket and walked to Adrian; "This is for you;" He folded his brows and took it, his smile softened; "Thank ya lass," he brushed his bangs back and put on his glasses, squinting a bit then adjusted; "Can you see me?" I smirked as Ari gave a silent snicker and Adrian chuckled; "Finally," my gaze softened and I set Ari down and she climbed over stealing more biscuits; "Don't overdo it, Ari, you know human food doesn't react well in your stomach;" I spoke setting a hand to my hip as she whined; 'but it's so good!' I and Adrian chuckled; "Now then dearie listen to your sister," She puffed her cheeks; 'Sister is more like my momma, I never even met Momma!' She stated making a chipmunk face again as I pulled the treats away and Adrian took them. My gaze softening at her statement and I kissed her forehead; "Why ye Mother was a pretty one; Thorn is almost the spitting image of her, but I'd say she's even prettier;" I paused, my orbs widened as I looked at him, yet his attention was on Ari as she listened to the reaper; 'Really?' he nodded; "Yep, Aphi was her name, she was a Human; though ye seem to be a full Demon, unlike your siblings. Ye Mother was strong-willed, brave, and very courageous." I smiled leaning against a coffin as she stared up with curious orbs; 'Momma died giving birth to me, but I know she's never sad! Because big sis always made sure I knew how much she wanted me, loved me, and that Momma loves all of us!' My brows folded as Adrian chuckled his eyes shifting to mine; "Ye be right little lass, Thorn is just like ye Mother, when ye were born she brought ye to the association and took care of ye even if she be exhausted she gave her all into raising ye." I smiled at the man as he looked down at her; 'And you were there!' Adrian grinned and nodded; "Yes I was, Thorn was a mess when she first brought ye in. You were an infant that seemed to cry every time she left; it made your sister so worried she was so young yet gave her all just to make sure you were alright. I also came in, taking care of ya when she had to reap souls, feeding you in the night when she was passed out; she may not given birth to ya little lass but Thorn raised you and loves you dearly as do I. And I am sorry for leaving you both the way I did and I should've never done that, because of that I missed so much. But I am so happy to see how well you're turning out, you're still a very young Demon and have a long way to go, but you are doing amazing." I cupped my face, smiling at the man who helped raise her; she sniffed then rubbed her face as he smiled wrapping his arms around her and I made my way over. From witnessing her first steps, and her first words, to be so exhausted to where we didn't care if we were in the same bed. As long as she was okay; I wrapped my arms around them and smiled; "Momma," She whined rubbing her nose into my chest and I smiled; lifting the girl as Adrian grinned at us. "Papa," She whimpered holding his hand as my gaze softened; she's never even met Corvus, how will they react to each other?

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