Chapter 1

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You consider yourself a a smart and kind person, both qualities very important for anyone to have. Especially in the work place, which you worked hard everyday to be, being kind and acting smart isn't easy when a lot of people are assholes

So it wasn't a surprise when you got accepted to work into the local prison of the town you recently moved into, a small and..
Strange place (it was mostly just the inhabitants). So of course it would only make sense for the prisoners to be even more strange and dangerous, but you don't mind.. You've only been here a month but your already getting used to it, you found your dream job at least. Sort of-

A doctor at the prison. Not the safest job but you don't care, you only live once!

So here you are, sitting in the front seat of your old black car and hyping yourself up. You were wearing the mandatory nurse uniform, it gave you a vintage vibe with the white apron dress connected with a blue and white striped shirt with your name on your tag. Was pretty cute and comfortable.

You pumped your fists in front of yourself as your favourite song played on the radio, you no doubt looked like an idiot to anyone else who would by chance see you in your car in the parking lot of the prison but luckily you checked and no one was around at the moment.

Doesn't matter what the job was you always felt so nervous, you weren't the best at talking to people; but when the situation came to it you always tried to your best to be polite. No need to be a asshole to others and start drama...

Okay. You think your good to go...

Yesterday wasn't a particularly good day.. while attending one of the female prisoners who was gotten shanked by some other inmate with a plastic knife, (how they managed to make her bleed was beyond you) the prisoner who shanked said woman (he god terribly bruised when the woman was able to pin him down) were waiting quietly on the chairs lined up against the wall snapped suddenly and threw their chair in your direction.

The damn thing hit your side before the guards came to your recuse and 'nicely' escorted him out, you were holding back tears when they asked if you were okay cause fuck that hurt. But they let you turn in early.

But your okay! It only hurts a little but you can walk..

You open the car door and grab your small black bag that had a few various pins on it, just to give it personality. Closing the door behind you you speed walk over to the large ominous building, looping the small bag over your shoulder and dusting yourself off before opening the glass push in doors.

In front of you was a receptionist desk with said receptionist sitting behind it while typing quietly on a black body computer with a bored expression, she had long brown hair in two space buns, a cream sweater with a dark brown vest. That was all you could see from this angle as she was behind the desk

"Morning Megan!"

You cheer whilst giving a small wave to the uninterested woman who only muttered a small 'morning' back, hey! This time she actually responded to you! Progress.

Your sure that by the end of the year you two are gonna fist bump eachother each morning.

Walking down the mostly empty halls past the check in room where they check the in coming prisoners for weapons, scanning their finger prints, and orange uniforms. That kind of stuff, leading up to the nurses office, further up was the cafeteria then not far was the 'playground'

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