Chapter 16

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You bobbed your head to the beats of a song you've been listening to a lot lately, currently outside of the prison behind one of the white painted brick walls that wasn't too far from the 'playground' where the inmates would get to be let out within the walls and metal fences.

The headphones stayed firm on your head even as you bobbed to the rhythm and ate a sandwich you had packed for yourself, relishing one of the rare moments you got to be alone these days. Your mind straying away from you before you realised it.

God... it seems ever since you moved to this wacko town you've been acting a bit cray-cray yourself, then again Lady Luck never seemed to follow you much unlike others. Taking over bob, possible stalkers, having to go to that god awful Halloween party with Jessica And meeting frank... your stress has been through the roof.

Even with all the money you've been gaining it almost felt like it wasn't worth it, but you can't say that. This job helps you a lot financially, more than others.

You have so much on your plate, the Halloween party is coming up and you just wanna back out and cancel on Jessica. But that'd be rude and you work with her, it'd just make things awkward...

You shook your head and turned the music up louder as if to chase away these unwanted thoughts, chewing angrily on the tasty sandwich as you glared down at the dirt under you. Why couldn't you become a baker? Maybe when your older and save enough money you can start one up, yeah...

That sounds nice.

With a weary sigh you leaned your head back and closed your eyes, basking in the shade that the building gave you. Honestly, you wouldn't be surprised you were a vampire with how much you never leave your house-


What was that?

Your eyes snapped open and you slipped off your headset to rest on your neck and shoulders as you looked ahead of you, around the back of the prison where you were at was a large forest. Somewhere out there being another metal fence incase an inmate tried to run through it, but that didn't mean someone couldn't come here.

And it sure as fuck didn't ease your worries.

Your eyes scanned the trees, your ears straining as you paused the song without taking your eyes away from the forest. You swear to god you heard something, maybe it was the song playing? No.. you've heard it enough it didn't have the sound of footsteps in it. Also that would be a weird thing to add into the songs background.

The footsteps were getting closer... did an inmate escape!?

That just made it worse.

You could feel your heart all but pounding like a fist on a door in your ears, yet the sound of heavy footsteps making their way to you was the only other thing you could hear.

Holy shit, holy shit.

Your eyes darted away from the tree line and you inched to the door that would lead you back inside, chest heaving as your hand blindly grasped the doorknob, refusing to look away from the trees.


The doors locked


You rattled the metal knob desperately in your hand as if you had the strength to force it open, but alas, you never went to the gym and it was biting you in the ass for it.

The bushes ruffled, something was in them. And just as you saw a foot stick out you did the only thing you could think of.

You threw your phone at the bush..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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