Chapter 10

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Couldn't be me.)

You underestimated how hard to would be to shake off the events of yesterday.

You tried to watch your favourite shows and films but your mind would always drift back to the traumatising memories of yesterday's events, you tried to eat. That didn't help much at all.

You felt stuck. This has never happened to you before..

well...that's a lie.

But nothing this severe, you didn't wanna go back to that prison. Even to help bob, but that stupid urge was pulling you back and telling you to forgive him. Even though it was painfully obvious he's in the wrong.


You weren't doing your job right, you weren't checking up on bobs mental health or asking questions to keep you updated to help him. You don't know what your doing..

When you went to med school you should've known you'd be paired up with someone like...


A fucking love sick maniac.

Maybe your mom was right.. you weren't ready to leave the nest, you're too stupid and gullible and-


You need a drink..

Now you don't usually drink but on the odd occasion where nothing makes you feel better you have to resort to alcohol and wine, you don't usually prefer it but what can you do...

With a groan you left yourself off your messy bed, blankets strewn about from all the tossing and turning. You changed out of your uniform yesterday and went to bed in your pyjamas this time, you felt too paranoid lately. And what happened with bob yesterday just made things worse...

Padding down the stairs you walking into the kitchen and opening the top cabinets you were disappointed to find no wine, damn..

You swear you bought some the other day... where did it all go?

Maybe the stalker took it.

What!? No no..that's absurd..

But there's more important matters to think about, like how you need to go shopping again now.. Just what you need.

No biggie, should only take a bit. Your gonna make as little social interaction as possible!



What the fuck is a gentle folk rainbow juice?

Your in one of the isles of the store, music of a pop song playing in the background softly as you stare at the bottle in hand. It was a red Color with a beige wrapping and a rainbow on it, cute.

Huh, companies are getting more and more 'accepting' these days. Recently you heard they made 'ginger bread people'. Your pretty sure no one cares about what pronouns the gingerbread has but whatever, and besides. Your curious to try this.

So you put it in the basket you got from the front of the store, you got some other items since you couldn't help yourself. Nothing big, just some Oreos,a few bags of chips and some cake supplies. This should last you for the rest of the week if you don't eat it all down at once, and it's been a while since you unwinded and baked.

Oh! You also got some cheap cameras too, the kind you'd usually set up when you leave your pet alone at home so you can talk to them through it. Heh... your just picturing yelling things through the camera as the stalker freaks out the sudden noise..

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