Chapter 12

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Aaaahhhhhh man, you feel like shit.

Drinking so much last night was not a good idea, it must've gotten so bad you started to hallucinate? Something about the grim reaper... it was weird and you don't remember that much, part of you feels thankful. God knows what embarrassing shit you did, good thing you were home the entire time.

Atleast... you think you were..?

You shook your head and continued to drink your coffee, your sure nothing happened.

It took you a few minutes to even get out of bed with the raging hangover, too bad you forgot to but some aspirin.. you and your forgetful ass-

Placing the cup down on the bench you start to unbox the cameras you bought yesterday, you were going to actually set them up now. Not like you had anything else to do.

Moving away the protective foam you carefully take out the cameras, they were small and the colour white; so they'd be hidden well with your white walls.

Now... how do you set these up again? Your pretty sure you get an app and able to connect the cameras to it do you can see live or videoed footage from the cameras? Nice.

Man, you barely know how to work the internet let alone cameras. This'd be easier if you had someone to help you..

Oh well, this is why YouTube tutorials are a thing!


Ok! Aaannd done! That wasn't too hard..

You were currently dusting yourself off after you finished setting up the cameras, there was only four and you were able to put one of them in the corner of your roof in your room. It was actually pretty easy!

But... the mess of instructions, nails and other stuff your not sure got there where strewn across the floor tell another story..

But at least you got it done, now you can rest easy and maybe catch that possible stalker. Or ghost. Whatever it is..


Now what?

Guess you could watch some tik tok or something... man, it feels so long since you got to have time to yourself. Usually your at work or you have a nap as soon as you get home from all the stress recently.

So yeah, guess you'll do just that...


You flinch and almost jump back by the sudden sound of your phone ringing, now that's surprising. No one really calls you, did someone call the wrong number?


Is it your mom?

With a moment of hesitation you grab the phone and quickly answer before it could go to voicemail.

"Uhm- hello this is y/n?"


You heard a gruff sigh of relief, sounds familiar...

"Hey sweetheart, m'glad ta hear ya ain't dead. You said you had the grim reaper or somethin' over at your house... heh, I wanted ya check on ya"

You were surprised to hear Frank, didn't he just give you his number yesterday?



"O-oh my god I'm so so sorry if I bothered you I-" you were talking so fast you barely understood yourself - thankfully he cut you off before you talked yourself to oblivion.

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