Chapter 5

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Bobs pov:
A day after he met you:

The sound of fabric straining and frustrated grunts were the only sound that echoed around bob, he had just been thrown back in the small room like cell, sitting on the bed with his back against the head board.

It felt so suffocating in here, the jacket and muzzle restricted more movement then he'd like. He hated the feeling of being so helpless and trapped when it's supposed to be the other way around.

He'd much rather be spending his time with you.

He couldn't stop thinking about you, since he met you his thoughts all returned back to what you were doing, are you ok? Are you eating well? Were you talking to anyone?

It's starting to make him even more crazy if that were possible, but he doesn't mind. It's better then just sitting here with just the ever growing hunger burning up in him.

Though, he just wished he could get his hands out-

Thinking about you is making him light headed and frustrated, the thought of you touching him with those delicate hands like you did yesterday to that disgusting corpse had him just yearning for you.

That piece of rotting flesh doesn't deserve you, he should be the only one touching you.

But FUCK is it getting harder and harder to keep himself from spiralling deeper into the dark desires of all the things he could, will do to you.

If it weren't for the obnoxious ticking of that guards watch outside he wouldn't be able to have any track of how long he's been in here, it felt like years since he last saw you...silence is getting to him. So is the boner.

The sound of heals tapping and the familiar grating voice of that top nurse snaps him out of his inner turmoil, just the sound of that bitches croaky voice made his high go away. But it's probably for the best she didn't see him with a hard on, sure he's crazy but like he's mentioned he has standards.

"Lance meet y/n, y/n meet lance. Now that we got pleasantries over with how about you meet your newest patient y/n?"


Before he could make a move to stand up and probably ram himself into the door slammed open and you were pushed in, you wobbled to stand up before hesitantly turning around to see him sitting on his bed staring at you.

Almost instantly he zeroed in everything about you, you looked tired. Were you not getting enough sleep? He could smell food on you, must mean your eating right?

He watched you look around his room curiously, he wished he could decorate or be able to clean up to impress you but again, no arms. And there's barely anything in the room for him to clean up anyway.

He moved from his spot against the head board to sit on the side of the bed with his feet planted heavily on the tiled floor, he didn't miss the way you snapped your attention back to him at the sound of the bed creaking under his weight.

"Hello there' angel..." his voice was a bit hoarse from the lack of use, but he doesn't really like talking to anyone else. Besides disturbing facts to watch the fear and confusion on their faces. He could feel his grin spread across his face, he's trying so hard not to pounce you like he did the other day, the look of fear on your face had him growing hot under the collar, he missed you. Fuck, he missed you so much.

He can hardly believe he gets to see you again..

You squeeze the black bag that was hanging off the crook of your arm tightly and tried to take a step back but were met with the door behind you, heh. You looked like a cute lil' scared.

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