Chapter 13

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"Hey there big fat red guy!" One of the small boys waved to him as bob sat across from him, bob felt his smile tighten at the pumpkin dressed boys words. But besides a twitch of the brow he doesn't react violently, their just kids.

And what if word got out he hurt little kids for no reason? Sure, he's killed some kids here and there but they were annoying little shits who kept egging his house. So it was valid.

But this? Bob isn't a bomb about to blow a fuse.

Most of the time-

He doesn't answer and just grins at them creepily, at this angle the light only hit his back, shadowing his face and the boys sitting before him. But his wide smile was still easily visible.

God, he wishes they were normal kids and were scared of him, maybe then they would leave him alone. It was a mistake to go to their house, he wishes he didn't get distracted by that purple haired ladies candy and just stabbed her. But god he just had to be so cocky and confident

But then again, if he hadn't done that then he wouldn't of met you here now would he? He's thankful for that fact.

And Bob does love a good chase before the dessert.

Not that he'll ever admit that, don't want them to think he's their friend and thankful for them. Eugh...


Bob eyes glance between the two of them, both of the young kids talking rapidly with hand signals as the red phone was in between them so he could hear them both at once.

It might be too late for that, guessing by the way he forced to see these little rats once a month...

"So, how's prison? Made any friends? You haven't gotten in trouble again have you?" The skeleton one pipes in, talking to him like they were son and parent talking about school.

It's almost humiliating...

Scratch that, this is humiliating.

He sighed and rubbed his head, closing his eyes.

"S'fine..." he grumbled, looking away.

Should he tell them about you...?

He's been dying to talk to someone about you, aside from that cultist who gives him his little gifts.. but he has a bad feeling about them.. They seemed to listen, too intently...

Bob nodded to their question, "yeah... made a new... friend." He grunted out, though friend didn't do you any justice.

You two were obliviously more then that.


He watched as the two boys visibly lit up, looking way too invested in bob social life at the prison...

"Really!? That's great! When can we meet 'em?" Pumpkin (that's his name since bob couldn't be bothered to know it) leaned his hands onto the table and grinned up at bob, Bob was sure he could see stars in his eyes.

Bit of cyan in there too, hmm..

But the skeleton one wasn't any different either, rocking back and forth so hard in his seat bob couldn't help but think he's gonna bang his head on the glass. Heh... pretty funny way to break out of a prison, he wonders if you'd laugh at that story?

Oh, he's been zoning out again.

"No." Bob glared and sighed, he wishes his hands weren't cuffed to the underside of the table so he could rub his face tiredly.

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