Chapter 4

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Despite you already being in this town for a month you barely explored anything, you only been to the store a few times to buy necessities. It was a large store called 'gensomooru, the land of everything', it had stalls and shelves that did actually have everything you needed. Kinda like some sort of market place, it was nice.

But as of right now it's anything but, Jessica caught up to you when you were finishing your shift and suddenly said on how we should go now.

So here you are, staring at the long shelves of costumes of all kinds with a bored expression. The ones here weren't anything special and you're starting to wonder if you can just make your own or something like you used to do when you were younger, though Jessica seemed adamant on buying you something; more specifically the more revealing ones.

"Oh! Maybe you can be this cute nurse outfit since you are a nurse!" Wow. SO creative.

It was a red and white short dress and top with a low waist line that would show off your chest, various red plus's signs and white heels and leggings.

Not really your style..

"I don't know..I'm already a nurse enough." You push the bagged up costume away and thankfully she puts in back in the shelf, continuing looking for more skimpy costumes.

"Say..why do I have to wear one of these types of costumes?" You ask when you pick up a nun costume, eugh..

You didn't miss the way she flinched and a tinge of red dusted her cheeks, she stood up from where she was crouching down on the floor while scoping for other costumes. "I just'd look cute in them, I can already tell that your single and I know a lot of great guys and gals who would love to see you in these costumes."

Ah, now you see. She wants to hook you up for someone cause she pities you, yeah. No thanks

"I'm not really looking to hook up with anyone at the moment, so how about this costume?" You show her a dinosaur costume, jokingly shaking it with a big smile. She rewards you with a dead plan and takes it from you to place in back on the shelf, "a dinosaur? What are you 12? Halloween is a very special time of year and for the last two years we need to make the most of it." She states seriously while crossing her arms sassily over her white tank top and black unzipped hoodie.

Sadly you were still in your uniform so you're unsure how she was able to change so fast, must've had a lot of practice.

"What do you mean? Why is it so special for the last two years?" You question, scanning over the more family friendly costumes.

"You didn't know? Before bob was arrested he killed and ate numerous people on Halloween night for the last few years, since he was arrested two years ago so now we can trick or treat without fear." She said in a relieved tone, lifting one of her hands to place on her cheek with a sigh.

Oh know you shouldn't be surprised but all these things Bob did keep shocking you, maybe he's really is dangerous..

Jessica rubs a hand on your back comfortingly with a hum, she places the costumes back and instead pulls you away to a different aisle. Your confused but don't question it, just thankful you don't have to keep fighting her on what costumes you don't want to wear.

"But that's why we're gonna have the best halloween ever!" She exclaims while handing you something from the shelf, you open up your hand to see a small piece of candy. Huh..


The feeling of something bumping into the back of your leg startled you slightly, you turn around and look down while Jessica leaned to side to look past you as well. A small boy in a skeleton costume rubbing his head with another boy with a pumpkin mask with a suit.

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