Chapter 6

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All too soon the weekend had to end and you were forced to drag yourself from the comforts of your soft and warm bed into the cold and frigid air of the outside world

You glare over to the window that was opened, now you know your memory isn't the best but it's really getting annoying. You only have so many blankets to keep you warm from the autumn cold, maybe you should try putting up sticky notes everywhere to remind you to do those things..

With a groan you slip into your uniform with drooping eyes, straining yourself not to fall asleep on the spot (again) and hurry to work. In your opinion you've been taking too many sick days.

At least you were able to finish your costume, man you are stoked to finally go trick or treating! Getting that free candy boiiii!

Rushing down stairs past your connected kitchen and living room into your car and you sped off, you're already a few minutes late since not only have you been sleeping in the cold lately, you've barely been sleeping since two days ago on Saturday.

No matter what you did you always felt tense and like your being watched, you did try to close the window and curtains but the morning you woke up the window was yet again open. Maybe...maybe your sleepwalking? Man, you should really get those cameras installed soon..

Not long later you parked in the drive way and sped inside with a quick good morning to Megan and some other coworkers who half heartedly greeted you back but you didn't mind, you had some work to catch up on from your days off.

"Oh hey y/n! Been wondering where ya been" you look push the doors open to see jade sitting against the bench while on his phone, he looked happy to see you at work.

"Yeah sorry about that, even I need a few days off every once in a while." You joke while placing your bag under the desk like you do every other time you come here, you sigh and sit down next to jade on a black chair and drop your face into your folded arms on the desk. Too tired to move at the moment

He chuckles while rubbing your head before going back to his phone, it was like that for a few minutes until the sound of the doors open behind you startles you. When had you fallen asleep?

Amy chuckles behind you while getting herself ready, she seems chipper today.

"Morning dearies! Guess what I brought!" You peek from the safety of your arms and see Amy walk in with a plastic box, smells like doughnuts!

Instantly you spring up from your place on the seat and rush over to her, looming over the box with a watering mouth, oh man your so hungry!

You've forgotten to eat breakfast this morning since you were in such a rush, you can only assume that she brought those doughnuts for you all to share otherwise that's just cruel!

"Oh my! Someone's hungry" she rolls her eyes and walks past you to carefully place the box on the counter where you were once sleeping and takes the lid off to reveal doughnuts of all colours, without taking his eyes off of his phone snatches a doughnut and stuffs it into his mouth with a smile.

"Yu dif it agaimf Amy" it was hard to understand what he was saying with him still eating but you could vaguely make out 'you did it again amy', she lightly smacks the back of his head and scolds him for eating with his mouth full. You giggle at their antics while reaching for one yourself, taking the bite of the pink doughnut your sure that there were stars in your eyes.

"Wow Amy thif is goodf!" You muffle while pointing to what was left of the doughnut in your hand while shoving the rest in, not the healthiest breakfast but who's gonna stop you? Nobody that's who!

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