Chapter 9

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(Hey guys! Sorry I've been away for a bit I've had a bit of writers block and I've been trying to draw up a new cover since I felt shitty using other peoples art so I made my own! I'm not sure how to feel about it (I suck at drawing I'm sry-) but I included, y/n, jade, Jessica, bob (obviously) frank (since he'll be in further chapters!) and a cultist!

So take this as a apology!)

You were... anxious to say the least.

Scratch that. You're fucking terrified!

You were currently trapped between a mentally unstable man twice your size with no way of calling for help without getting your neck snapped, killing you before anyone can even hear you.

You thought things were going smoothly, but when you wen't and reached for his jacket he snapped. And now your face was smushed (comfortingly-) against the thick and a bit hairy chest of bob while his arms wrapped around your torso like a snake does it's prey. And that's exactly how you feel right now. Despite how hot he was compared to the rest of the room, it felt..nice. As much as you hated to admit it. But that didn't even do much to stop your internal panicking.

The very much insane man in question was currently nuzzling the back of your head and from what you could tell, planting kisses into your hair. And of course the occasional sniff. Cause he just can't stop himself from being a creep.

This was so wrong on so many levels.

"M' so glad we finally get some alone time angel.. heh, Waddya wanna do first~?" Just as he asks that his hand that was holding across your chest trailed downwards, leaving a trail of heat and the feeling of dirt in its wake.

You felt itchy and dirty wherever he touched, it felt unpleasant and uncomfortable. You hated it.

You were just about to open your mouth to tell him that no. You don't wanna do anything with him, you just wanna go home.

But his large hand softly squeezed your breast had you gasping slightly, not inspecting that at all. But you should've, wouldn't surprise you that he would take it all the way at this point. And god are you terrified he will..

"B-bob! Don't touch me there." You try to keep your voice even and struggle against his tight hold but it was obvious how scared you are. I mean, yeah he's a pretty fucking attractive person in your books but he's a pshyco path and that's not even the worst of it! You can't just let him touch you like this.

But what can you do? He's twice your height and body weight and he could probably crush your skull in his bear hand without having to blink. You've seen him crush a man's skull into the ground.

Your so fucked.


His hand moved away from your chest, instead it was placed against your cheek so softly you probably wouldn't of have felt it if you weren't so hyper focused on his every move right now, his thumb gliding across the skin as though you were made of glass and wiping the few stray tears that fell from your eyes. He wasn't nuzzling into your hair anymore but just laying his face in it, was he even breathing-!?

When did you start crying? You hadn't realised during your little meltdown.

He cups your chin and slowly turns your face from his chest to look at him, you glanced away a few times but ultimately ended up staring at him nervously...

"Shh...shh baby, don't worry. I won't touch you 'dere. We can do something else if ya like? 'Sides. We got all night to wait.." He suggested, keeping his voice soft and levelled as though to not scared you. Even though it's a little bit too late for that, and sitting up a bit more so he wasn't semi laying down against the head board.

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