Chapter 7

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Bob pov:

The day he frickin bit you:

From what Bob could tell it's been a day since he's last seen you, and every second has felt like against burning his bones to ash!

Ok.. so maybe he was being a tiny bit dramatic, but it wasn't his fault! He misses you so much!

When he woke up on the floor without a trace of you in the room he.. had a fit.

He slammed himself into the door with his shoulder so many times he's surprised he hadn't dislocated it, screaming did little to help but he knew that that guard..Lance? Yeah that, was outside and he could hear him. Smug bastard finds it funny he can't get out.

Heheh..if I was out there I would've ripped his eyes out and shove them so far up his ass-

But now...he's just laying in his bed grumpily, trying his best to fall asleep even though he had a 'long nights rest' the day before. He bets you probably weren't gonna come back since he scared you off and he feels so guilty.

It's an emotion bob isn't familiar with at all, though when it comes to you he can't help but wanna be gentle and careful. Your so fragile compared to him, he doesn't wanna hurt you..unless you asked.

It's ok though.. he just needs to be patient. And bob can be a very patient man.

He's got a cult member coming into the prison to keep tabs on you for him, telling him if your talking to anyone and if your ok. It wasn't cheap, but that's okay. Anything to know your alright.

Soon he'll be out of this cell and have you back in his arms, his little angel..

He'll get his friend to get rid of Lance, he doesn't like how the guy gets so close to you..keeping you away from him.

Sometimes he wonders if he could just fuck you in the cell with the guard outside, you'd try to keep quiet but a few delicious moans would slip out and that damn guard would be able to hear who you belong to..

And then he'd rip the guys ribs out by hand and make you watch, blood over you and him like a comforting blanket.. just to show you how much he cares! Then he could take you back to his old house in the woods where you two could finally be alone..

"Haah...fuck." Bob panted, shifting on the bed in frustrated. Even though he was tired from yelling and slamming himself into the door earlier it seemed he was still so restless, he craves your touch so bad. He's not sure he's gonna make it 'till next month to be let out..

Just as his mind begins to wander on what he's gonna do to you when he does get out did he hear the sound of footsteps on the tiles outside.

Didn't sound like miss Tess.. or anyone else he 'knew'

Could it be!?

Bob was bouncing in his seat on the bed when he finally heard your soft voice speaking to Lance outside, does this mean he gets to see you again!? It's not like your talking to him..just to talk. know who you belong to, if you don't..

He can always fix that..

Just as the door opened Bob panicked before hurriedly laying on the bed with his back facing you, face beat red and eyes closed tightly. Like a child would do when caught staying up at night..

He could hear your hurried steps rush in, you closed the door with a relived sigh..

Relieved to see him..

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