Chapter 3

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One of things you hate most about work was having to talk to other people, even though you did heal and treat people all day for a living it can still get tiring even for you.

So right now as your talking to one of your newer employees you couldn't for the life of ya remember their name, was discussing to you about the stupidest of topics. Something to do with how they should just put down prisoners like their some sort of animals, it only made you angrier and angrier as you tightly bandage one of the prisoners who were sweating at your darkening expression as you glared at their wound on their arm.

Now, your not usually an angry person. Always trying your best to keep things civil with other people, so usually when someone sees you angry they don't know how to react like your some sort of monster.

It's almost funny.

If you weren't being nagged so badly that your contemplating grabbing that needle on the counter and stabbing her in the eye.

"I mean like, they act like savages. So why not treat them like one, right?"

She states like it's a fact while tapping obnoxiously on her bright pink phone, her long pedicured nails clacking making a grating noise that does nothing to help your ever rising storm brewing.

For the mean time your gonna call her a white trash name like Jessica or something, she was supposed to be helping you in passing you what you need as the prisoners wounds were very severe. So you needed help from another person, so who else but the rookie and show them the ropes right?


You don't want to sound like a dick but the second she came into the work place this morning she's been nothing but a pest, your sure jade and Amy agree but they haven't said anything yet. Though you wish they would so you wouldn't have to.

Doesn't help that the crushing guilt from yesterday won't go away, you couldn't help but feel you stabbed Bob in the back when you left him in that room by himself after he got shot by a dart all because you couldn't keep your cool.


"Y/n? Y/n are you even listening to me?" A hand makes its way to your face and snaps repeatedly until you push it away, Jessica looking at you in offence as you weren't paying attention to her shit conversation.

You turn on the stool you were sitting on next to the bed where the patient was sitting while watching you both anxiously, Jessica was sitting on the bench were all the tools are where she was supposed to give to you. But instead of acting out you just give her a apologetic smile and scratch your hair nervously.

"Sorry, I'm just really trying to focus on patching this guy up and your kinda not helping." You say passive aggressively.

Ah, being passive aggressive is a tool you use to your full advantage. Your still nice while giving them the not so subtle hint and it makes your life easier.

And it seems it have worked, as she scoffs and puts away her phone and flipping her brown ponytail. Finally.

After fixing up the bandages on the poor bloke since you weren't really focusing you sent him on his way to lunch, jade was on break at the moment and Amy had to have the day off to take her kid shopping for a Halloween costume.

You look down to your phone to check the time, it was only 1:50, but soon was your break you so desperately need.

Today is Saturday and your were supposed to have your day off as it was the weekend but the office was short on staff so now your here while dealing with this brat.

If only the mayor cared more for the town, the police force only have two officers and now the prison only has five nurses. Your surprised the town hasn't gotten down in shambles yet.

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