Chapter 15

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Well, here you are again.

You stared intently at the prison before you, you'd think that by now you'd be used to coming here. Working here and all but...

You still felt uneasy stepping back in there, seeing him.

You swore you were over the whole... thing. But sitting here in your car and looking at the damn building made your chest ache with anxiety. What if he tries to grab you again?

You rubbed your temples as you leaned back in your seat, you'll be fine. This is fine, just go in there. Do your normal routine then pop into his cell... or room?

You need to stop thinking so much and just man up-

Knock knock

You startled yourself when you heard a knocking on your window, snapping your head over you were met with jade smiling at you smugly. Leaning down at your window before gesturing you to wind the window down

After you did he leaned his head in, glancing around your car like it was a house tour. If it was it'd be the most shortest tour ever, you don't have a lot of stuff in your car aside from the rubbish pooling at your feet and the key chain of a character your fond of from a random fandom.

"You know how fast you were going lil buddy?" He teased, tilting his head

You chuckled and pushed his face away to open the door, he stood up to his full high and crossed his arms over his uniform. The same girls one that made him different from other male staff, it was a miracle they didn't make fun of him for it. Probably because he's really buff or something it scared them off.

"Oh gee I don't know, 0 miles per hour?" You decided to humour him, rolling your eyes. You could use a distraction, The last thing you wanna think about is bob. This was a welcome distraction if anything.

"I can't remember saying you could exit the vehicle, I might have to arrest ya" he nudged you with his arm and walked down the parking lot, you followed after with your tote bag in hand

"I don't think that's how it works, I can see why your not a cop. You're shit at it." You softly punched his arm, walking past others parked cars and being sure not to bump into them as you both walked side by side.

After walking through the double glass doors and giving Megan a smile and a wave like you always do, she gives you a cheap glance but that was it. Huh, seems like you two were back to start. Maybe because you broke your streak of coming to work everyday.

You'll tease her later about missing you.

"So, you excited to see your zombie?" Jade rolled his eyes down to you, hands tucked into his pockets as the sound of your footsteps filled the as usual, empty hallway.

It took you a second to realise he was talking about bob, which soured your mood. But you didn't wanna show it.

"Haha, yeah uhm.. no."

Straight forward. You could at least try to sound cheerful today, but you're too tired to do so...

"Right... well, if you want I can head in to see him instead of you? I know he gave ya quite the scare, you even passed out. And not from lack of sleep this time! I'd be a complete asshole to just watch ya get sent back in there again don't you think?" He sighed, rubbing the back of his hair where his undercut was. Looking almost guilty, which is a surprise since most of the time he's either cocky or asleep at work.

You immediately felt the playful air shift away, making you almost want to just turn back and run to your car. But too late now, your already in the building. Still, you wish he'd just drop it. You're already embarrassed enough.

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