Chapter 14

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Okay. This is fine.

Right now you were squished between frank and Jessica at the bar counter as they talked about whatever, loud music playing from a juke box somewhere as people talked. There were other employees here too that sit with you guys but you didn't know them and you did not feel like making conversation

Why did you agree to come? It was stupid. Actually, it was really you who suggested it...

You looked down at your drink and swirled it around, it was just a apple juice. You didn't trust yourself or anyone to get drunk right now, not even frank.

You could feel yourself blush at the memory of you calling him the other night, your still not over that and you hope Frank didn't mind as much as he let on

"I'm so glad you decided to finally join us y/n!" An arm was wrapped around your shoulders and you were pulled to Jessica's side tightly, you frowned and had to lean your body away from franks so you wouldn't hurt your neck or back at the awkward angle..

You tried to ignore how Jessica was practically squishing the side of your face into her boobs-

"It's no problem- I needed to get out of the house anyway, I might shrivel up like a raisin or something..." you chuckled at your own joke, but it came out flat.

You'd rather be home right now on your phone or sleeping right now. Away from all the noise and awkwardness, or at least the awkward is on your end..? Everyone else seems to be having a great time.

Jessica only laughed at your (shitty) joke before taking another sip of her beverage, it seems she was already getting tipsy after her few drinks. Or was it many? Fuck if you know, you haven't been keeping tracks of everyone shots.

Should you be doing that? Or maybe be drinking as well? You don't wanna seem lame.

Especially in front of frank, I mean- he was cool! And your probably already ruining it just by bringing him here. Your sure he'd rather be home right now too, he probably just agreed to come to for the booze... not that you blame him, you'd take almost anything that's free

"Don't often come to bar's huh?" Frank chuckled and set his shot down, nudging you with a grin and shaking his head. You smiled but couldn't help but feel embarrassed, jeez how old are you and you haven't even been to a bar?

"Nah, I got all my wine at home thank you very much." You turned your head away and tried to proudly drink your juice, but ended drinking it wrong and ended up sputtering and coughing.

While hunched over and feeling like you were drowning on air Jessica patted your back, trying to help but you felt more embarrassed.

Wow, way to go y/n. Real smooth.

"Yeah I can tell, maybe you oughta' to join me here every once in a while. Get some vitamin C? Or was it D..." he scratched at his chin as he looked away

"It's vitamin D frank" you chuckled, shaking your head as you looked up at him

"I'd say we should all head to your place after this for a sleepover but I feel like there'd be more sleeping then having fun." Jessica grinned and chugged the rest of her drink, but you were caught up on what she said.

Your house? Her and frank.


"Really? I haven't even packed mah pyjamas, or sleeping bag." Frank chuckled, taking a swig of his drink.

You shook your head at those thoughts and sucked in a deep breath, maybe another time. Or never. Definitely never. You haven't even cleaned up the house! Your rooms a mess from you trying to craft up your angel costume..

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