Chapter 3

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Making It Out Alive (Chapter 3)

When I woke up I found myself in an empty room that has rough edges in the walls. The walls look like the ones in a playground that kids climb. How did I get here? Excruciating pain suddenly hit my head. I felt like I was stabbed in the head. I clutched my head in my hands and closed my eyes. Everything was spinning. The room. My head. My hands. "Hey, are you okay?" a voice said. I opened my eyes and saw that it was the same elderly woman that I saw earlier. My eyes darted around the room and I realized that it wasn't empty. There were people in the room. 3 of them (including the woman). There was a burly, black man. A white woman dressed in very posh looking clothes. And of course, the strange elderly woman. I removed my hands from my head. "I'm fine," I firmly said while getting up. I couldn't concentrate on anything due to the extreme headache I have. "You don't look so fine, darling," the white woman said in an extraordinarily posh voice. She didn't even look at me, she was too busy inspecting her well manicured nails. "I otta agree with the she-devil. She right. You don't look so good," the black man said. "Excuse me, but I don't think of you as much of an angel, ogre," the white woman snapped. "I'm just asking the lad if e's alright. He as a bump on is ead the size of a baseball," the black man. I touched my head. No wonder I have a headache. "I said I'm fine," I snapped suddenly feeling defensive. "Now, let's not fight. We have no one but each other trapped in a room. We have to survive. Together," the elderly woman said. The white woman scoffed and the black man sighed. "Dat doesn't mean I ave to work with er, now does it?" the black man asked while looking meaningfully at the white woman. "What happened?" I asked. Everyone's attention suddenly looked at me. "Well, how do I explain it in the most delicate matter I can muster right now?" the white woman asked while tapping her chin. "Oh please, y'all just lie to the little boy," the black man said. The black man looked at me. "The guards grabbed all of us and put us all in dis room. I suppose it's for the challenge or some'ing," the black man said. A million questions entered my mind. How the hell do I get out of this place? What challenge does this guy mean? Are we going to die? Who is making us do this? I decided to file these questions away and search for the answers later. Right now I have to stay positive. I smiled a weak smile. "Well, since we're stuck together we might as well know each other's names. I'll go first. I'm Arthur Williams Dicksen," I said. "Name's Treyvon Clark, but you can call me T, T.C, or Trey," the black man said. "Of course you have a black name. You're black," the white woman said. Treyvon shot her a hot glare. The white woman gave me a smile that was way too bright. "My name is Lady Daphne Parks. I am the most famous drag queen of them all. Some say that I might be related to royalty." Lady Daphne smirked. So far I don't like her at all. "My name is Francine," the elderly woman said. "You don't have a surname?" I asked. Francine shook her head. "My family doesn't follow that custom," she explained. "Well, now that we know each other, what do we do-" Lady Daphne was cut off by a siren. It suddenly stopped. "The first challenge is to survive the rising water. If you drown or if your teammate kills you, you are immediately eliminated," the mysterious voice said. There's that voice again. It sounds like it belongs to an old male. Hang on, why is it so familiar? I feel like I've heard that voice before. I can't put my finger on it. Errugh! This is so irritating! Why is everything such a mystery?! Wait. The man said that we have to survive rising water. That means- "Get to the highest point of the room!" I yelled. I started to climb the wall and soon enough, water began to fill the room. "My dress is going to get soaked!" Lady Daphne screamed. "That's what yer worried about, you fool?! We ave to climb the wall or we'll all die!" Treyvon said. Treyvon grabbed Lady Daphne and started climbing the wall while she was on his shoulders. "Put me down, you ogre! You'll get my clothes dirty!" Lady Daphne shrieked. Me, Treyvon, and Lady Daphne made it to the top of the wall. I looked down and saw that Francine was the only person who was struggling to climb the wall. The water is rising quickly. It's only a matter of time before she drowns in the water. She doesn't seem like she knows how to swim. I pursed my lips. What should I do? Do I save her? I don't even know her. Besides, why would I care if she dies? She looks so helpless though. I kind of pity her. The water was rising and the only thing that could be seen of Francine was her head. But still, she kept on climbing. Holding onto her life for as long as possible. Suddenly she lost her grip and started to fall into the water. There was fear in her eyes. Fear that I recognized. I couldn't take it anymore. I jumped into the water. Lady Daphne and Treyvon looked at the water. Treyvon saluted. "Goodbye young Erthur. We'll always remember the few inutes you ad with us. You'll always be in our hearts," Treyvon said. "Oh stop it. You didn't care about that boy and neither did I. You're just pretending you do," Lady Daphne said. Suddenly her smirk went away and she bursted in tears. "Yet you miss im, don't ya?" Treyvon asked, clearly annoyed that she tried to lie. "There's nothing we can do but watch him die saving that old fart. We have to proceed even if we have to go without them," Lady Daphne sniffed, wiping away a tear. Lady Daphne pointed to a door labeled "exit" that was behind them. Treyvon sighed. "I guess yer right. I just can't believe the young lad would want to die saving someone he didn't know," Treyvon said. Lady Daphne and Treyvon started to walk towards the exit. "Aren't you going to wait for us?" a voice asked. They both turned around and saw a wet Arthur carrying an even wetter Francine. "Thought you could leave without us, did you?" I asked. Both Treyvon and Lady Daphne were shocked. "How did you-" "That doesn't matter, what matters is that we get out of here. Alive," I said. "Now come on. What are we waiting for? Let's go," I said as I walked towards the exit. They both looked at me with disbelief and their mouths gaping open. It was a good thing I got to Francine in time. I wouldn't have enough time if I waited any longer. I trained myself to help myself out of situations such as these, but I never trained myself how to help other people. I am glad it worked out though. Francine is alive because of me. Maybe we can exit this hell alive. But then again, the man said that only one can win. I have to try to keep everyone else alive. 

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